Chereads / Limitless The Strongest Revenant / Limitless and Siren's Soulgear Cheat Sheet. (Spoilers)

Limitless and Siren's Soulgear Cheat Sheet. (Spoilers)


Limitless (John Smith) 

Soulgear: {Day by Day} (Sierra Richards)

Rank: Wraith

Appearance: Seven-pointed Star Necklace

Lvl 1: {Day by Day} - Grants ability to create six Soul Avatars.

Lvl 2: {Promotion} - Allows Soul Avatars to use {Programs}.

Lvl 3: {Hazard Pay} - Soul Avatars no longer regenerate but can be purchased with soul.


Freyja (Liv Ivaldi-Smith) 

Soulgear: {Adapt} (Tyrell Whitley)

Rank: Phantom

Appearance: Finned Headgear

Lvl 1: {Adapt} - Grants ability to rapidly heal damage at the cost of biological energy

Lvl 2: {Vital} - Disregards excess body parts and conserves biological energy (Loli mode)

Lvl 3: {Extremity} - Excess biological energy can be used to create additional limbs.

Lvl 4: {Titan} - Converts all available biological energy to transform into a 50-ft titan.

Lvl 5: {Fragment} - Passive ability to survive being fragmented.

Lvl 6: {Division} - Rapidly regrows fragmented parts into new organisms for 1,800 seconds. 


Ishtar (Lilly Browning-Smith) 

Soulgear: {Magnitude} (Benjamin McDonald)

Rank: Phantom

Appearance: Dog Chocker

Lvl 1: {Magnitude} - Grants ability to enlarge non biological objects, inherent properties are preserved.

Lvl 2: {Compact} - Grants ability to shrink non biological objects

Lvl 3: {Stack} - Fuses objects of the same type and increases their inherent properties.

Lvl 4: {Megalomania} - breaks the limit of {Magnitude} limit at the cost of soul and stamina.

Lvl 5: {Synthetic} - {Magnitude} now works on biological targets.

Lvl 6: {Microscopic} - Grants ability to shrink objects down to microscopic size.


Rhiannon (Robyn Lithgow-Smith) 

Soulgear: {Fade} (Elliot Poole)

Rank: Phantom

Appearance: Cat Ear Headband

Lvl 1: {Fade} - Temporarily enters energy realm.

Lvl 2: {Slipstream} - Allows movement in energy realm

Lvl 3: {Phase} - Melds targets into the energy realm

Lvl 4: {Shift} - Draws energy from the energy realm.

Lvl 5: {Abduct} - Sends targets to the energy realm.

Lvl 6: {Empower} - Removes limit on energy drawn from energy realm.


Vela (Josephine Benelli-Smith) 

Soulgear: {Huddle} (Reuben Alford)

Rank: Phantom

Appearance: Ribbon Hair Tie

Lvl 1: {Huddle} - Telepathy, allows user to hear thoughts those part of the "Team". 

Lvl 2: {Communication} - Telepathy, allows user to speak telepathically to the "Team". 

Lvl 3: {Share} - Allows anyone connected to the "Team" to recruit others to join.

Lvl 4: {Team Play} - Allows instinctive teamwork between members of the "Team".

Lvl 5: {Unity} - Can use anyone in the "Team" to speak using other teammates.

Lvl 6: {League} - Enforces loyalty to the "Team".


Minerva (Isabella Taurus-Smith) 

Soulgear: {Instigator} (Dominic Maegester)

Rank: Phantom

Appearance: Stylish Glasses

Lvl 1: {Instigator} - Grants corpse manipulation through touch, maximum of 5 targets. 

Lvl 2: {Marionette} - Allows corpse manipulation via will, maximum targets increased to 12.

Lvl 3: {Rebellion} - Massively increases number of corpse puppets to 200 separate targets. 

Lvl 4: {Uprising} - Further raises corpse puppets limit to 1,500 targets in exchange stamina. 

Lvl 5: {Without Strings} - Restores battle senses of puppets to 30% of their original combat ability.

Lvl 6: {Firebrand} - Releases limit on targets in exchange for a 10% performance penalty.


Satis (Jasmine Denel-Smith) 

Soulgear: {Variance} (Jayden Ryan)

Rank: Phantom

Appearance: Diamond Earring

Lvl 1: {Variance} - Allows foresight of top 50 possible outcomes to an action.

Lvl 2: {Grouping} - Breaks down 50 outcomes into groups of 12, leaving 4 possibilities per branch.

Lvl 3: {Fractal} - Tags a target to passively trigger {Variance} upon damage.

Lvl 4: {Probability} - Increases possible outcomes to 2,500 futures per decision. 

Lvl 5: {Oversight} - Specific futures can be flagged for prediction.

Lvl 6: {Ledger} - All flagged events detected beyond 1,800 seconds can be recorded.


Inari (Aki Miroku-Smith) 

Soulgear: {Blood Feast} (Robert Acwellan)

Rank: Phantom

Appearance: Kitsune Mask

Lvl 1 :{Blood Feast} - Grants blood manipulation.

Lvl 2: {Sanguine Armor} - Allows enhancement on weapons or armor with blood. Enhancement power dependent on amount of blood.

Lvl 3: {Carnival of the Damned} - Each strike with of a weapon covered in {Sanguine Armor} increases speed and power of skill.

Lvl 4: {Transfusion} - Allow healing from blood irrelevant to source.

Lvl 5: {Vendetta} - Counterattack based on blood lost. Power increases proportionally. 

Lvl 6: {Guillotine} - Uses gathered blood to empower attacks.