"Cynthia, we men don't have it much better, you know? If you are afraid of the Sirens, what about us? The Sirens all act like puppies in front of Limitless. At least you don't have to worry about him," Addison added bitterly.
"You're all exaggerating. Everything will be fine. Just prove your worth. Ms. Minerva said it before, right? What they despise are weaklings and parasites."
"Hmm. That's right. I should quickly tell the guild to forget about aiming for Limitless. It won't be good if they all suddenly die pathetic deaths."
"Still, don't you think the saints all look refreshed?"
"They do indeed. Ms. Vela's observations are beyond astute. I dare say we have found the third squad of the 2nd Amendment."
Chuckling at her comment, I watched the Siren version of a rabid orgy. Where normally all you heard were women moaning, here you heard only the pitiful whimpering of motherfucking grown ass man-children.