Rulers - Reapers who use {Fates} to break the laws of the universe.
Continent of Origin: North America
Famous Examples: Hermes, Gilgamesh, Loki
Applicable Siren: Lilly Browning (Distortion)
Domain schools of thought:
Distortion (Change) - Rulers who bends a law of the universe but still uses the law to enforce it.
Creation (Deny) - Rulers who denies the law of the universe and creates their own.
Summoners - Reapers who use {Fates} to create allies from soul called Champions.
Continent of Origin: South America
Famous Examples: Sun Wukong, Osiris, Genghis Khan
Applicable Siren: Isabella Taurus (TBA)
Domain schools of thought:
Legion (Champion) - Summoners who reinforces and empowers their champions.
Unity (Fusion) - Summoners who fuses with their champions to become powerful warriors
Linkers - Reapers who use {Fates} to channel fallen warriors from the past, future or other realities called Astrals.
Continent of Origin: Europe
Famous Examples: Gawain, Ragnar Lothbrok, Karna
Applicable Siren: Josephine Benelli (Accept)
Domain schools of thought:
Accept (Servants) - Linkers who are subservient to their Astrals.
Command (Masters) - Linkers who enslaved their Astrals.
Shifters - Reapers who use {Fates} to reshape their bodies into various forms for power.
Continent of Origin: Africa
Famous Examples: Zeus, Verethragna, Agni
Applicable Siren: Jasmine Denel (TBA)
Domain schools of thought:
Tyrant (Purity) - Shifters who evolve by pursuing purity of essence.
Hybrid (Function) - Shifters who evolve by combining forms
Enhancer - Reapers who use {Fates} to gain power by either boosting their abilities (Augmentors) or weakening their enemies (Attenuators).
Continent of Origin: Asia
Famous Examples: Hecate, Baldur, Kali
Applicable Siren: Aki Miroku (TBA)
Domain schools of thought:
Booster (Exponent) - Enhancers who focus on a single buff creating SSS Rank augmentations.
Synergist (Combination) - Enhancers who combine multiple buffs or debuffs to create synergistic effects.
Chaser - Reapers who suffer from Zenith constitutions and thus must choose either to strengthen their body, or their soul.
Continent of Origin: Australia
Famous Examples: Thoth, Merlin, Hercules
Applicable Siren: Robyn Lithgow (TBA)
Domain schools of thought:
Limit (Denial) - Chasers who while empowering themselves restrict their enemies
Infinity (Abundance) - Chasers who focuses on unleashing their entire might.
Keeper - Reapers who gain power in exchange for upholding/performing supernatural vows called Soul Oaths.
Continent of Origin: Antarctica (The North)
Famous Examples: Samson, Cú Chulainn, Siegfried
Applicable Siren: Liv Ivaldi (TBA)
Domain schools of thought:
Harmony (Payment) - Keepers who focus on strengthening the rewards from their Oaths.
Chaos (Price) - Keeper who focuses on removing/ reducing the price of their Oaths.