A small town near a palace, where not many people lived, because they believed that in the palace live a cursed princess.
It was said that she lived there since the 16th century and people fervently believed in staying miles away from the palace.
But things were about to change as a team of filmmaker’s decided to make a documentary on the cursed princess.
Ethan Rhodes, was one of the team members, he did not believe in such myths, “I don’t think the myth is true, there’s still time, we should make a documentary on something else!” He insisted.
“Oh! So, you don’t mind going in the palace and check whether the myth is true or not?” One of his colleague challenged.
“Why not! I will show you that something like that can never exist!” Ethan took up the challenge.
But what will happen when he unknowingly got the princess back to life who was cured to be dead ages ago.