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Tale of the Nine Tailed

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Lee Yeon was once the mountain guardian spirit (nine tailed fox ). During many centuries he lives his life in human form in search for the reincarnation of his lost first love and eradicates supernatural beings that threaten the mortal world. Meanwhile, Nam Ji-A works for TVC station as a PD of documentaries.

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 – The Incident that Occurred in Yeo Gogae

"When a fox turns 100, it can become a beautiful woman or a man with a single love interest. When a fox turns 1000, it becomes a celestial fox with powers to see what lays ahead".

1999…Yeou Gogae…A mother, father, and a young Jam Ji Ah drive home on a quiet road. The mother gives Ji Ah her birthday present early, a carousel music box. As the father drives the street lights go out, then the car flips over. Ji Ah unbuckles herself and crawls to the front seat. Her parents don't move. A man and who look like her parents appear. They take her home. She notices differences. They laugh at death on TV, her mother doesn't remember what she's allergic to, her music box is chipped from the accident, etc. Ji Ah takes action and stabs the mother. The father and mother pursue her upstairs where she barricades the door. They rip the door handle off and thrust their claws into the room. Ji Ah retreats the window wishing the nightmare would end. A man appears, he sends a mist to her. When she doesn't respond he sighs and says she's not A Eum.  He kneels in front of her and says he'll make it erase this, then whispers something else. Ji Ah finds herself at the accident site. Her parents are missing. She begs the police to find them and sobs. The man, Lee Yeon , watches from the roadside and hold a red umbrella.


2020…Lee Yeon wakes and ignores the healthy breakfast for ice cream. Before he leaves the apartment, he grabs his red umbrella. Others gasp at the sudden rain shower while Lee Yeon utilizes his umbrella. He arrives at a wedding hall where a bride takes pre wedding photos with her friends. Lee Yeon arrives in the room and tells everyone but the bride to leave. She begs him to understand. She's fallen in love. She won't attack humans anymore. Lee Yeon says she's a fox who has killed too many humans. Now she must die. She wheedles an agreement that she can have the wedding ceremony before he kills her.

Meanwhile Producer Director Nam Ji Ah adjust the script for her show. Pyo Jae Hwan warns her the writer will get upset but Ji Ah notes she improves the script. She tells Jae Hwan that she believes in monsters but isn't scared of them. Ji Ah and Jae Hwan arrive at the wedding. Lee Yeon walks by scouting the CCTV. The wedding guests proceed the reception.

In full view of the groom, Lee Yeon acts to against the bride. She demands to know by whose authority does he act. The bride snaps he's a demoted fox who fell in love. Lee Yeon agrees this job is his penance. They fight. The bride rushes to her husband. A fight ensues. Lee Yeon dispatches the bride using the sword in his umbrella. As she dies, she begs Lee Yeon to leave only good memories in her husband. She turns to ash. Lee Yeon kneels to the husband. His eyes glow.

Naturally a commotion occurs in the hallway. Ji Ah sees Lee Yeon walk down the hallway. She's knows him but doesn't know him.

Ji Ah investigates the scene inside the room. She spots a rip in the wedding dress and a drop on blood. She realizes the bride struggled. She takes pictures. Then she finds fur.

She takes the fur to Vet Gu Shin Joo who tells her foxes have come back from the brink of extinction. Ji Ah can't believe foxes are in the city.

Lee Yeon watches families enjoy themselves at a park. When a little girl loses her balloon, Lee Yeon is able to reverse its upward trajectory and returns the balloon to the astonished little girl. A young boy observes this and sits next to Lee Yeon on the bench. He wants to know if Lee Yeon is an alien. Lee Yeon says he's a 1000-year-old nine tailed fox who is waiting for his first and only love. Lee Yeon admits that the wait is tiresome. He rejects the little boys offer of friendship claiming humans die to quick. He advises the boy to live his best life and strides away.

Lee Yeon arrives at the Afterlife Immigration Office which dispatches spirits that refuse to leave the earth. He talks to Granny who assigns him his next case. Lee Yeon sighs. Granny snaps Lee Yeon's choices demoted him in exchange for the eventually resurrection of his first and only love. She shows him the contract he signed to gain A Eum's resurrection. She offers to destroy it. That's the last thing Lee Yeon wants. She smiles and files the contract. Hyun Ui Ong (Gatekeeper of the Samdo River) arrives. Lee Yeon ignores his greeting as he strides away.

Vet Gu Shin Joo calls Lee Yeon and reports Ji Ah's finding the fox fur at the wedding hall.

At the studio for Ji Ah's show called Unveiling Urban Legends, she researches foxes. The writer complains about the script adjustment. Jae Hwan arrives with CCTV of Lee Yeon walking away from the wedding hall red umbrella deployed. Ji Ah notes it wasn't raining after the wedding. Jae Hwan says there is no footage of the bride exiting the wedding hall. Ji Ah remembers seeing Ji Ah in the hallway.

Vet Gu Shin Joo worries about Ji Ah's interest in the fox fur. He spots the photo of Lee Yeon exiting the wedding hall red umbrella deployed. He's worried Lee Yeon will be discovered. Lee Yeon isn't concerned.

Ji Ah meets with a man that claims to have information about the man under the red umbrella. He claims to be a fan of Ji Ah. She notices discrepancies in his personal details and his clothing. The man tells her Yeou Gogae is where he saw that mystery man. That gets Ji Ah's attention. The man suggests she check it out for herself.

The man transforms to a stylish Lee Rang as he walks through the parking garage. His cohort Ki Yoo Ri (Kim Yong Ji) waits in the slick sports car. He admits Ji Ah picked up on the discrepancies. He liked that and he liked her. Yoo Ri suggests they eat Ji Ah. Lee Yeon says the feast is later.

Lee Yeon gets his usual scoop of mint chocolate ice cream. Lee Rang calls him and suggests they meet. Lee Yeon refuses. Lee Rang threatens him. Lee Yeon notes for a 600-year-old fox, he acts like a child. Lee Rang asks if Lee Yeon is still waiting for his only love to be resurrected. Lee Rang taunts him with information and suggests they meet. Lee Rang and Yoo Ri drive by the ice cream shop.

Ji Ah arrives at the bus stop alone per Lee Rang's direction. There a girl and an old man at the bus stop. As the bus arrives, the man staggers. Ji Ah tries to help the man and the bus leaves without her. As the bus pulls by she sees Lee Yeon sitting on the bus.

On the bus, the girl at the bus stop views the passengers who include Lee Yeon. As they go through a tunnel all the lights in the tunnel go off.

Ji Ah struggles to piggyback the man to his destination. At one point, she wonders if he's trying to strangle her.

On the darkened bus, Lee Yeon stands and faces the girl at the back of the bus. He approaches her.

The man gets off Ji Ah's back and says he's paid her back tonight. Ji Ah flags down a taxi. The man she helped disappears. Next to a totem pole is a bottle of soju and a cup. The face on the totem looks like the man.

The bus has an accident. Ji Ah arrives and sees the blood on the windows. The taxi driver calls in the accident. It's in the same area where the accident occurred so many years ago. She rushes into the bus. Everyone is dead but the girl from the bus stop.

A bloodied Lee Yeon walks away from the accident site in the rain.

Back at the accident site, Detective Baek spots Ji Ah taking notes. She shares she almost got on the bus, and would have died if she had. When they count the victims, Ji Ah declares they are missing a man with red hair. She saw him on the bus when it passed by her. Detective Baek says the man got off the bus. Ji Ah counters no one could exit in the tunnel.

Vet Gu Shin Joo reads about the bus accident while Lee Yeon changes. Lee Yeon doesn't want to talk about the accident. He says he'll finish the job later.

At the hospital, Ji Ah asks the survivor what happened. She says nothing. Ji Ah assumes she's scared and shares she also suffered an accident years ago.

Lee Yeon walks in the rain under the red umbrella.

Ji Ah gives the girl her business card. Ji Ah asks about the man on the bus with the red umbrella. The girl reacts. The girl says the man will come to kill her. Ji Ah calls Detective Baek to put some men in the hospital. Ji Ah learns the CCTV is blank. Lee Yeon stops by the nurses' station and asks about the girl from the accident. Ji Ah overhears. They lock eyes.

Outside, Ji Ah realizes the man's voice is similar from the man's voice in her past. Lee Yeon says he's not recruitable. Ji Ah says one man on the bus disappeared. She shows him the photo of his umbrella leaving the wedding hall. She cites the three times she's seen him – at the wedding hall, on the bus, and in the hospital. Lee Yeon declares he's not available. Ji Ah asks if he killed the people. She asks if he's there to kill the only survivor. Lee Yeon says he's just met the person he wants to kill. They stare.

Jae Hwan waits outside the hospital and wonders what is taking Lee Yeon so long.

Lee Yeon tells Ji Ah she has no proof. She apologizes for accusing him without proof. He stands to leave. She asks his name. He won't say. She throws her bag at him and tells him her business card is inside. He tosses it back and leaves. Ji Ah says she wants a fingerprint analyzed from her bag.

Lee Yeon tells Vet Gu Shin Joo to stop consulting for Ji Ah's TV show.

In the hospital, the girl hears footsteps. Someone pauses at her door. Someone enters the room. The person has high heels. The girl screams. Ji Ah arrives to learn Detective Baek stepped out for 5 minutes and the girl was attacked. The girl tells Ji Ah she wants to leave the hospital or she'll die.

At Ji Ah's house, the girl looks at Ji Ah's clippings of her parent's accident. Ji Ah brings clothes. Ji Ah says she lives alone. The girl smiles.

At the hospital, Lee Yeon learns the girl was discharged in Ji Ah's care. The nurse gives him a note from Ji Ah. Lee Yeon leaves the hospital in a hurry.

Ji Ah is startled to wake and find the girl right there. The girl claims she remembers what happened on the bus. She tells Ji Ah that once in the tunnel the lights went out in the bus. She smiles. Her eyes turn into fox eyes. She kills everyone (that part she doesn't tell Ji Ah). The girl claims the man with the red umbrella tried to kill her. We see that Lee Yeon did go after the girl and they fought. The girl drops a glass. As Ji Ah bends to the floor and cleans up the glass, she asks the girl why she got on that bus when her home is in the opposite direction. The girl mutters an excuse. Ji Ah points a large piece of glass at the girl and tells her not to lie. The girl smiles. She asks Ji Ah when she figured it out. Ji Ah says that human have a survival sense. But the girl had no defensive wounds, therefore she was the attacker not the attacked. Ji Ah ask who the girl is. Ji Ah transforms into Lee Rang! Ji Ah is shocked. She asks where the girl is. Lee Rang says he ate her. He stalks toward Ji Ah. She stabs him with the glass. He removes it and tosses it aside. Ji Ah tells him she's only bait.

Lee Yeon bursts into the apartment and tells Ji Ah he's not interested in working with her. He holds up her note which reads "what you are looking for will be at my house." Lee Rang attacks Lee Yeon. They fight. Lee Rang asks his brother if he missed him. Ji Ah is shocked. Lee Rang says they have an odd family tree. They fight more with superhuman speed. Ji Ah looks at the hidden cameras recording. Lee Yeon asks Lee Rang how many people he's killed. Lee Rang asks if Lee Yeon is concern, he'll be sucked into the underworld. Lee Yeon scoffs that he's embarrassed by Lee Rang who is a whiner. Lee Rang calls Lee Yeon's life pathetic. They go through the window and land on the ground.

Lee Rang suggests a bet between them. He tells Lee Yeon he has until the end of the month to find it…or Ji Ah dies. Lee Yeon is taken aback. Lee Rang smiles and declares he's serious. Ji Ah arrives. Lee Rang says he'll see him around. Yoo Ri drives up in the sports car. Lee Rang gets in and they leave.

Ji Ah rushes to Lee Yeon and asks what that was about. Lee Yeon looks at her with fox eyes. Ji Ah stares. He tells her to forget everything about him.

The next day, Ji Ah gets a call from Detective Baek. He says he's got the information about the fingerprint. Ji Ah clutches the flash drive with the video from her hidden cameras in her apartment.

Lee Yeon arrives home and wonders whose there. He sees the open door to the patio. He hears the recording then sees the recording of his fight with Lee Rang from the hidden cameras. He sees Ji Ah on the balcony. He steps onto the balcony. She asks if he liked the video. She tells him his identity is obviously fake. Ji Ah says hypnosis doesn't work on her. Lee Yeon asks what she wants. Ji Ah holds the flash drive with the original video. She tells him to come and get it. Lee Yeon steps to her. Ji Ah lifts herself on the ledge, stares into his eyes, and falls back.

Lee Yeon sighs and watches Ji Ah fall.

He catches her and lands with her in his arms.

Ji Ah says he's not human. Lee Yeon asks if that was a test.

1999…Lee Yeon tells a young Ji Ah to forget everything she's seen or he'll kill her.

2020…Ji Ah tells Lee Yeon she's been waiting for him. She stabs him with a syringe! Lee Yeon looks at her in surprise. Â