Chereads / Star Of Rex: A hero nobody likes / Chapter 26 - Chapter 26: A heros training

Chapter 26 - Chapter 26: A heros training

Arthur held the the sword and lift's it up in the air, it's power emanating like a wave, everybody could feel it, the ground shook, the air felt heavy, the clouds slowly darkened.

" I guess you can call this mercy, an honourable death at the hands of your chosen hero."

Arthur was more than ready to kill them all but was stuck on deciding to just blow up the entire school grounds leaving nothing but a large valley, or killing everyone here one by one. But just as he was about to act.Someone stopped him, appearing Infront of him was Emrys.

"You don't have to do this, this is not you."

Emrys had thought about it for a while, if Arthur went down this dark path he would never recover from it and loose the way of a hero.

"You don't need to kill them, they deserve it for the way they've treated you but killing them won't solve anything, they can change, you can change them."

This was a desperate plea from Emrys, he knew the rage and hatred Arthur had for this world and everyone he had encountered so far, but Arthur had a soft spot for him, judging by they're interactions and the time they spent together he knew Arthur considered him the only friend he had in this world."Give me a reason to spare they're lives, a really good reason otherwise there won't be a royal academy left in the next 5seconds!. "Have you thought about what would happen if your actions right now affects your bond with the sword, what your about to do is kill for revenge and selfishness, that's not something a hero would do, if you do this there's a chance your connection with the sword will be cut off, if that happens the sword will choose another holder and you'll be stuck here for the rest of your life."

Arthur froze for a second, Arthur never feared anything in his life but those word, "stuck here for the rest of your life", it sent a sudden shock all the way to his bones, he couldn't even imagine the horror of what would happen is he was stuck here. putting the sword down the power emanating from it stopped.

The students, instructor and head master all breath a sigh of relief as this stranger just saved them from imminent death. They all looked at this stranger, he seemed to be friends with Arthur, maybe he's the person teaching Arthur in secret they thought.

Before any of them could say a word, the stranger approached Arthur and they suddenly disappeared.

"They just left, just like that?"

"what do we do now," one of the instructors said looking at the head master.

"First gather all the mages we have, we have a lot of paper work to do."

It didn't take long for news of what Arthur did to spread, the news went out that Arthur, driven mad by the power of the sword turned against the school and killed several students and teachers, he was teleported away before he could do any more damage. He was now labelled the mad hero, a devil with the power of the gods and many other names, meanwhile the students in royal academy went on with they're lives, aldo many talked about the fight, it didn't really affect them that much, but the same couldn't be said for three students.

For violet, drax and Harvey they each took the incident differently, for Harvey he took it that nuisance was gone, a thorn at his side was gone and now nobody would doubt his skills. For drax he was angry, he wanted to be the one to defeat Arthur so everyone would know they didn't need this fake hero, all they needed was to depend on his noble family. Violet however was shaken by the pure talent Arthur had, she knew the sword gave heros special abilities but she had never heard of seen any ability that allowed a hero learn how to fight in the mist of battle, no hero had ever done that, At least not anyone she knew off, the taught that Arthur was more talented than her and was more better at fighting became a growing fear in her mind.

While all this was going Arthur just resumed training in the forest, he tied rocks to his back, arms and legs plus gravity magic all the while performing exercises, climbing up a mountain and running back down, he even tried swimming with it, pushing his body to the limit, the stronger he got the more power he got from the sword.

After a week of training he was back on the streets. Dressed in his red phantom hoody. Hunting and cutting down bandits.

In the dark hall of a mansion, a figure was sitting on a throne when he got a report from a subordinate.

"Dispatch the shadow soldier."

The shadow soldiers, an elite group of assassins who have been tested and proven to be the best of the best, in one night they had once cleared all the guards in the palace sending message against the royal family that they could never stop the crime lords in they're kingdom.

They had never failed a mission no matter who it was, they where truly the best of the best and to top it off, they all had true aura swords. One night news of the red phantom sighting, the next day the there was trouble again, a man rubbed a shoo and was running through the allies when he reached a dead end. A hooded man dressed in red appeared behind him.

"End of the line" Arthur said

"Yh for you" the masked man said as he revealed his through identity and suddenly sank into his shadow and disappeared. (Wait is that magic? Shadow magic) Arthur guessed, closing his eyes and focusing he senses some people coming from behind.

The sound of swords could be heard clashing against each other, Arthur jumped to the roof tops but chained from the ground came out and tied his legs together, he cut it but then senses another attack coming. (They move through shadows and they're quick too, almost like the wind ) he thought. One by one they came out, swords and chains, daggers and shurikken, two of them came with arrows, Arthur was surrounded but he had no fear in his eyes, "Finally i can practice the new skills I've learned" he said in excitement.

The next day Arthur returned to his hide out with a few captives.

"Uhh who are those? Emris asked

" These are my new sparing partners but if they try anything funny, my new punching bags" he said as he looked at then with an evil smirk.