Chereads / Shadows and Stardust: A Tale of Ambition & Quest for Recognition / Chapter 58 - Chapter 58 - Operation Grand Slam: Overlord Drop

Chapter 58 - Chapter 58 - Operation Grand Slam: Overlord Drop

In flying, the probability of survival is inversely proportional to the angle of arrival - Neil ArmstrongOperation Grand Slam (D+5.2 hours)The Mary Somerville climbed with the rising sun. The ship's bow pointed itself towards the direction of the Dutchman Mine. Whisper checked the compass and map. Then she checked the time on the ship's clock. "Better to use instruments than to rely on dead reckon to determine our position," Whisper said. After orienting the map and confirming the ship's position, she picked up the communication tube and spoke, "Five minutes till drop." In the adjoining room, Estelle adjusted the straps on her coat. The material was scratchy and irritated her skin, leaving it red where it touched. "Are these coats necessary?" Indigo asked as he kept pulling down the high collar. "I got wards and protections for days." "The Skyfall Defenders Great Coats are without question...necessary," Whisper said. "Especially since we are using the spyglass to drop in and say hello." "You can never have too much protection, I guess. But next time, we should wash these things, they smell like mold," Indigo complained. Triumph barked in agreement. "That mold," Whisper said using air quotes. "To what you are referring to is a perfumed aroma known as Army Mold Number-5, the finest fragrance the lowest bidder and storage units can manufacture. I dare you to find any other more intoxicating aroma. Now please line up children, it's PCI and PCC time." Tauru, Indigo, and Triumph groaned. Whisper checked Tauru, first inspecting his pockets, then checking for loose straps and finally making sure his boots were properly laced and tucked. She moved to Estelle next. Whisper stopped when she reached Estelle's shoulder epaulettes, they were twisted once and buttoned down. Whisper sighed. She suddenly paused again when she noticed Estelle's laces were rewoven and a braid dangled on the outside of her boots. Then a revelation flashed in her mind. "Shut the front door. Boss Kitty…why's your gear combat braided?" Whisper asked. "Must have seen it in a movie," Estele said stuck her nose in the air and shrugged. Whisper grunted a "mmmhuh" and checked Indigo. After tightening down the straps and adjusting his collar, she checked Triumph. "Remember, do not, I say again DO NOT hold on to the spyglass or you will take it with you. Just look through and relax." "Go with the Aunt Flo," muttered Tauro, which earned him a dirty look from both Estelle and Whisper. Estelle flicked off a piece of fuzz from her sleeve and began to inspect her jacket, searching for any stray piece of fuzz that she might have overlooked when Bee made a fake cough. "I hope you die," Bee said. "What will become of you?" Estelle thought. "What do you mean?" Bee asked. "If I die, all my items return to inventory, which means all the enchantments and curses will be removed. Will you be erased and go into the void? Maybe nothing will happen. Honestly, I have no idea," Estelle replied. A thought invaded Bee's thoughts. She tried to focus her thoughts on something else, but the idea tiptoed back. "I thought you were messing with me back at the fort, you mean there's a chance something might happen to me…if something happens to you?" Bee thought. Bee felt the icy grip of mortality seize her by the neck, squeezing tightly. Her mind raced as her voice deserted her. The void in her thoughts was quickly filled with panic. She imagined herself floating alone in a vast emptiness. As this notion took hold, panic compelled her voice to return. "NO, NO, NO!" she screamed. "You can't do this, there's got to be another way to get to the mine. You…just need to think about it. I know you'll find a way. You're smart." Estelle ran her finger along her bracelet and purred softly. The vibration from Estelle's hand silenced the panic. Bee felt like she was being hugged with a fluffy blanket. "You can't go through with this; I got a bad feeling. What if you die?" Bee pleaded, but she felt her conviction waning. "Relax, Bee," Estelle thought. "I will allow you to monitor my vitals. Is that sufficient?" Bee replied with a soft, "Mmmhuh." Estelle approached the window, peering out over the city. A digital clock, positioned near the spyglass, displayed the five-minute mark, steadily ticking down. She adjusted her internal monitoring system, enabling Bee not only to observe her vitals but also to experience them firsthand. Whisper leaned in, manipulating the spyglass's knobs making minor adjustments. The delicate heartbeat from Estelle filled Bee with a warm buttery embrace. The single rhythmic thumping gave her comfort. "While I live, so shall you," Estelle thought as she continued to stroke the top of her medical bracelet. "I was only kidding, little…err Boss Kitty. I'll do what I can to help, okay?" Bee replied. Whisper completed the final adjustments on the others and gave a slight nod of approval. She waved her finger above her in a circular motion, causing a red light to illuminate the cabin. "On green you go," Whisper said patting Estelle on the back. "I'll see you on the ground or in hell," Estelle replied. Whisper stood in silence,studying Boss Kitty intently. Despite her best efforts, Estelle's demeanor revealed no hints of her past military experience, much to Whisper's mix of admiration and annoyance. Neither her facial expressions nor her body language betrayed any inclination to divulge her past. "One of these days you will have to tell me who you jumped with," Whisper said as she clicked down the jump lens. Estelle peered through the glass, locating a clear path near the flag, and adjusted the fine focus. She sensed a familiar tug, reminiscent to the coin, though with a slight difference—almost as if she stood on a soft pillow. Closing one eye, she concentrated. The tug intensified into a stronger pull. Mentally rehearsing the plan—strike the ground to draw out the enemy so Whisper and the others could finish them off—Estelle prepared herself. Whisper's finger traced a motion through the air, and the light shifted to green as she shouted, "GO! GO! GO!" Estelle relaxed, feeling a sensation akin to falling as the spyglass drew her closer and closer. A gust of wind rocked the zeppelin, causing Tauru and Indigo to grasp the railing for stability. Whisper dashed towards the cabin as the engine emitted a hiss, accompanied by a blaring warning siren. Estelle hurtled through the air, the rushing wind drowning out all other sounds. The world around her became a blur. Bee's scream pierced through the chaos. With a resounding crack, Estelle burst through a window, tearing through drywall before abruptly colliding with a solid brick barrier. As she tumbled to the ground with a heavy thud, she lay motionless. After a few minutes Bee said, "Ha, ha, ha, I get it you're playing dead. Sure fooled me. Now you can get up now."  She didn't move, blood ran down her nose and out of the side of her mouth. "Rise and shine, time for Boss Kitties to get up and go win a battle. You win, I finally learned my lesson," Bee said. Estelle's breaths grew shallow, each one a struggle. Bee gulped as she checked Estelle's vitals, witnessing them plummeting dangerously. Panic surged within her. "No, no, no! Wake up!" Bee's voice rose, desperation lacing her words. "Just give me something, anything! If you can hear me, wiggle your finger!" Her voice echoed through the tense silence, pleading for any sign of life. Estelle lay sprawled on the floor, face down, in an unmoving silence. ***