THOUGHTS RAN frugally and alarms went off in Adda’s head as the woman competed against time to explain everything to her girlfriend. She had been so preoccupied by William discovering what she had done that she had completely forgotten that when Tania read about the missing gift, she would be angry, or sad, or possibly both at the same time. However, her girlfriend had already replied by the time she was finishing the brief explanation, and found herself having to double read the message to understand what she was seeing.
“Sunshine, I’m so sorry. It’s okay, we can always find another one, pookie. Or I can help u. I’m free to go to your flat rn. <3”
Adda took her eyes off the screen and took a deep breath to win time to think. Did she mean it? It had caught her off guard. Was Tania really that… good? The bracelet was supposed to symbolize their whole relationship and losing it the second day…
“Aren’t you mad at me?”