The final thing that the computer had failed to tell him was that his landing was going to be a crashlanding. That he was going to wake up with countless contusions and a dreadful concussion. His exosuit released a cocktail of drugs. He looked down at his hand and he only saw the glass had all been removed and there were small glass shards all over the floor. His exosuit had had enough time to extract all the glass.
"Hey gligan nshis hsuibf jail Captain righty oh!" The computer was a garble of information and accents. 'Well, I guess I not going to hear her call me Captain for the next week of my life that I am alive.' Dante almost felt a bit upset before he focused a bit more on his situation. He was a military academy student on an alien planet that was covered in horror-beasts that wanted nothing more than to allow him to walk into their stomachs. Dante pushed against the cryopod door and it was frozen shut. It survived the landing but still getting out of it was his next step. He smashed a fist against the pod and only ended up with a bruised hand.
"Hey computer can you open the door?" Dante asked skeptically expecting nothing and not wanting to do anything drastic yet. That was before he heard a feminine computer chuckle and respond.
"Absolutely Captain Grey" Dante was on the verge of cursing at the computer. He felt it coming it up but let it go back down. The computer might be on the fitz but she still had much more information than he did and he had little to back up on.
There was a hiss as the air changed and then suddenly a pressure came over Dante that was similar to extensive G forces. His exosuit responded almost immediately to help him compensate allowing for him to breath. The exosuit had a digital lay out that would appear in front of him, telling him the toxicity in the air, weather warnings, temperature, health related issues that can be noticed, and a countless amount of more function that he failed to understand or know. He had taken a suit that saved his life and Dante tried not to think about the concept that he had taken the suit that let him live that someone else could have taken.
"Adventure." Dante sat up and stepped out of the Pod. It was in a pile of purple dirt that had already started to grow back but what he noticed was the liquid it was a turquoise that had dried to the side of he ships. He looked down and notice that it seemed that the pod may have landed on a cow-sized elephant wolf like beast that was still breathing, a little off to the side with a multitude of broken bones. 'How could you survive big guy. You took an escape pod to the face from space and all you did was loss a tusk an break a few bones. ' He picked up the tusk, it was razor sharp at one end, without hesitation rammed it into the base of the beast's skull. Its breathing stopped. He then took a moment to look around the landscape.
There were tropical jungle trees with branching reaching down all around him. The clearing around him seemed to have only been made by the pod. A few of the large trees had fallen from the impact. The leaves held a beautiful blue color that seemed to pulse and ebb from every tree. It was a magickal place and me wanted nothing more than to explore the surrounding area. Though Dante wanted to plan a little further into his future before leaving. Looking down at the beast he saw his solution in the form of its meat.