In a distant future, the galaxy is ruled by the Empire, a tyrannical regime that uses advanced technology to oppress and enslave the planets under its control. The only hope for freedom lies with the Rebellion, a ragtag group of rebels who fight against the Empire with their starships and their ancient magic.
Zara is a young rebel pilot who dreams of becoming a hero like her father, who died in a battle against the Empire. She is assigned to a secret mission to infiltrate the Imperial Palace and steal a mysterious device that could turn the tide of the war. But she soon discovers that the device is not what it seems, and that it holds a dark secret that could destroy the galaxy.
Meanwhile, Rian is a young Imperial prince who is bored and restless with his life in the Palace. He longs for adventure and glory, and he secretly admires the rebels for their courage and spirit. He is fascinated by the legends of the Star Knights, an ancient order of warriors who wielded both technology and magic. He decides to sneak out of the Palace and explore the galaxy on his own, hoping to find traces of the Star Knights and their lost secrets.
Zara and Rian's paths cross when they both end up on the same planet, where they encounter a mysterious old man who claims to be a Star Knight. He tells them that they are both chosen by destiny to become Star Knights themselves, and that they must work together to stop the Empire from unleashing a terrible weapon that could wipe out all life in the galaxy.