"Look here, this wound was made by your father's power! He took my heart, and he nearly took Ying's heart too. But Ying had a way to protect himself, so he survived, and he kept my soul alive inside him." He smiled bitterly.
"You have no idea how much it hurts to be trapped in my brother's body, watching him treat you like you're special. I hate him for that, but I can't bring myself to truly hate him since he's all I've got left!" His voice was strained, as if he were fighting back tears.
"Your own father killed me! Your father almost killed Ying! Do you hear me?!" Xiong Yi Chen's eyes blazed with fury as he stared into her, as if trying to pierce through her very soul.
Shenlian Yingyue trembled, her hands shaking as she balled them into fists. It felt like all the energy had been sucked out of her. The bright sunny day turned dark and stormy, the vibrant garden turned into a field of poisonous insects; her whole world was crumbling.