He can't be serious. Why now?, after all the years of him hiding away. I was outraged. " Prodigal. Why did you going the Mages association for?, you lived alone for so long knowing that the leaders of this world are still hunting y'all down. Even after all of those years. Trust me that they are still hunting y'all down, is it cause you want to fill welcomed again in your life. I hear a rumor going around the Mages association. I can see why you would move to Nord, I can't blame anyone to move to Nord. It's seems like a very peaceful place to settle down at. What do you plan to do when you accept the Mages association invitation?, are you going to teach them the forgotten spells of the Lost world. Tell me now!!!.". The silence in the carriage was a very awkward state for us. That was another time when I lost my temper, I'm slowly losing my self during this quest. This is another test from God. I have to be stronger than this, no matter how much of a test this will be on my will. I must not break under the pressure. I have to many people that relay on my strength to fail, with that being said my emotions are at a all time high. I have to get a better hold of myself. Letting my anger get the best of me, I sure have lost my composure to many time already. If I keep letting this happen. I'm afraid that letting my mind run wild it will cost me everything, I layed back down on the beach.the Prodigal took off his cape. Placed it down before himself. " Jim!. This cape is a constant reminder that I've failed to bring back a friend. Even after his death it haunted me till this day, I wasn't there when he finally lost it. I don't know what was running through his head when he was killing everything in sight. So of course I went to the places that were still standing after Adamsin demolished them, walking around the destroyed kingdoms. Seeing the children either mauled to death. Or even worse trying to give CPR to a headless corpse, I used my healing magic to give them at least a final moment with them. To give them the closure they wanted so badly. During those moments. I knew that my dear friend Adamsin was no longer, I've tried for so long to disbelief that he would do such a thing. I never told anyone this. While he was burning this world with his fury, I've met him before he died. Of course it was his home where he lost it all. We didn't speak for a reason, that reason was that I couldn't stand what he had become. I also didn't have a reason for my judgment of him. I didn't know where he was coming from, he slowly walked the his backyard. I followed behind him. He walked the same sounded the same, I knew that it wasn't him anymore. That's when I saw two Graves. Of course I didn't know who they belonged to, what I did know that who they were are the reason for his bloodshed. That's was the last time I saw him. I should have said something to him, maybe at least hugged him. That would have done nothing to him, it's sad to think about it. At that time no matter how much love you would have shown him nothing would have changed him. Cause all of the love that he once has flipped to anger, after his death. That's when I took my wife into the woods with me. My house is the same one that me and Adamsin built. I'm very grateful for him. I knew that after his death, that we would be next. So Jim I ask you something?, is it a wrong thing for me to move to Nord?!!!. Or should I keep my family in danger, I'm not as young as I once was. I doubt I'll be able to protect my wife anymore. I've done my best for the past seventeen years, I would have loved for us to have a child. The sad reality is that we knew it would be impossible for us to protect the child for the evil of this world. I'm already a huge enough target as it is. I'm glad but also scared for you, you have lived a life which most could never do. You were taught by the most outstanding fighter every to be created. So I'm jealous of you in that way. I know that your life has not been easy seeing how you decided to marry a demon. Even though your religion tells you that they are the worst thing to ever exist, I always wonder on why you though. He could have chosen any orphane if he wanted to. Maybe he saw something that others couldn't, I still remember you small figure hiding underneath the Bible you still carry with you. Now I'm not a religious man at all. I did feel like God had something in store for you, one thing that has been bothering me for some time now. You've lived with your family for quite some time. I'm hundred percent positive away from the townspeople of Daragain. Why are you moving to Nord for!?, I mean you knew the risk of transporting your family through the Kingdom of Daragain. What is up in Nord that makes you want to me there?!. I've heard stories about Nord, that they are the only kingdom that has flourished after Adamsin. That's been a mystery for me for a long time, how come the majority of the world was on the break of collapse. Nord was thriving. It wasn't making any sense even now it still doesn't, maybe you know the Answer better than I do.". All I could say to him. Was something that was going to break him," Prodigal. The Mages association are trying to bring Adamsin back!".