The screams coming from the woods were not of a humans voice. If so I couldn't fathom who made such of a sound, it could be another poor souls fighting for their life. Where the sound came from was in the direction of where Marcus was last spotted at. Me and Autumn started dashing through the woods, tripping over roots on the way. The home of Adamsin is at least an hour away from Daragain. Hearing nothing but silence made me more worried about Marcus, even the birds stop chirping. Passing trees noticing several Bears, wolves, and the most shocking was demon's slaughtered. It's very strange though wile investigating the bodies, the Bodies had no injuries. No cut marks, scratches, burn marks, or even stab wounds. What happened to this things, what kind of person has this type of power. I hope that this type of being is far away from Marcus. If Marcus was to come to face with this type of formidable for, then I would be digging another hole. Well it can't be a new Adventurer cause I didn't see anyone with this type of power. So what kind of creature could do such a thing, it could be am assassin. That can't be though their is no slash marks, they could have been poisoned. " Hey Autumn do you think an assassin has done this!?", she pointed to the orc that had no limbs. " Look at this Jim!, if it was an assassin who had done this. I'll be damned cause their is no blood train. Also they way of arm is cut off, it seems to be twisted off perfectly. I've been part of the assassination clan from the beginning, no assassin has ever been this strong. Jim this is something else!, I can't explain to you what happened hear. Another thing Jim have you ever heard of an orc,Bear, and demons teaming up!.". I was confused, I took a closer look at the orc,demons,Bear. Oh my she is right they don't have any claw marks,bite marks, I don't see any bludgeoning damage either. This doesn't make any kind of sense who ever is in these woods. Are strong enough to make three of the dangerous animals team up to fight against it. I arose from my crouched position, I looked around the woods to see if there is any clues to where this foe is located at. I walked deeper into the woods with more caution. Autumn followed behind me this is the first time that I've seen Autumn scared of anything. Normally she is the cock assassin I love to death, right now she is a timid little girl. To be honest with you I'm use to being alone in these types of situations, so her being with me is still something I'm not use to. She could lead me into desperation. I'll just have to trust her skills as an assassin and as a friend, to me she is more of a guardian then a friend. We slowly made our way deeper into the woods, more corpse starting popping out of the blue. With each body popping out the harder it became to recognize what it was. Who ever done this is unbelievable good at killing things, so good at it that it's frustrating. I wonder did a new Adventurer wonder deep in these woods looking for Marcus, if so then Marcus will surely die today. He had no training with us. So the possibility of him winning against this thing is zero, heck even with all three of us I don't think we could win. What party is he with, I haven't heard of a new party forming in Daragain. So who could this be. And why now all of sudden do all this killing. Who trained this thing on how to kill these things, cause I would love to meet this guy. I know I shouldn't hope to meet someone who trained somebody to kill like this,this could led to something else. We stopped at the house of Adamsin, I looked around the home to see if they are any footprints. Their were dozens of footprints outside of the area. There were so many I couldn't tell what they were, Autumn looked behind me. She looked up her stance, this eased me up a little. The tension slowed down in the area. Another scream was heard behind the house, the scream sounded like a young man. We both looked at each other wondering who made that noise, that scream was nothing new to use. Well at least for me it wasn't anything new. For Autumn she dashed passed me straight through the front door of the house, the door crumbled after the collision. Dust covered the area after Autumn bashed through the door. I couldn't see her through the dust, I wanted to scream out for her. I can't due that cause of situation we are in, there could be more of those things out here. I rushed in after her hoping to see her though the dust. I saw nothing another scream was made passed the house, I quickly darted through the home. I bumped into the back door. Half of the door has covered in mold, which made the door very easy to break down. I kicked the door down. After the door fell I rushed out of the home, started to run to the sounds of the screams. Passing trees, all I could was tress. No sign of Autumn or Marcus am I too late, if is my fault for leaving them alone. I would have known better than to leave them alone, their deaths will be on my hands. The screams became closer, I arrived to the sounds of Autumn. " it's okay Marcus!, it's fine!. We shouldn't have left you here by yourself!". Surrounding Marcus and Autumn was decapitated bodies, of the same monster's we encountered. " Marcus did you do all of this!?".