they both started laughing uncontrollably, " man that is a good one, I haven't heard that one before". that's right it doesn't matter if I show them the truth. if they weren't there when it was all Happening, then it's just a myth to anyone. it's not disappointing that they are in disbelief. I wish that just for once someone could look at me, believe the story of me. it's asking me to hide all the emotions I have held back, anger, sadness, depression. so if they can promote violence to stop mixed breeding between Kingdoms, how can someone participate in those acts. " how come you don't stop them from participating in the arena?!", he slowly walked past me.* cause it's me versus a million adventures, I wanted to shut it down. I was the only one who stood up against that freak show!, wait no other person. would come to aid Jim, is it be the is a crusader. no it can't be just cause of that reason. wait a minute so he decided to take a tremendous pay cut, cause he felt it to be morally wrong. the woman in the forest I know why she couldn't partake in the event, they would have known if it was her they would have killed her on the spot. she is living for the sake of Adamsin the problem is that she is hiding away from the reality of it. she thinks that running away from the problem will fix it, I know better than anyone here that running away never works. so I wonder if she knows the full story behind Jim, I waited for Jim to leave the house. after minutes of his exit," hey since you know more about Jim than I do, what's his deal?!. I mean everyone I talked to seemed scared about him, he told me a story I don't believe it though.she pulled a board up snapping it in half, she fell into the gap she had just made. the gap was completely dark, no light has ever entered that area. a square shaped object came rising through the darkness. the book was at least eight inches wide, twelve inches tall. letters were written across the top of book," Adamsin family". what does this have to do with Jim, Jim isn't part of Adamsin's family is he. he looks nothing like him,so why did she bring out this book when talking about Jim. she came out of the darkness shortly after the book did. " this book has the whole story between Adamsin, it also connects Jim as well. that's why I trained him shortly after the down fall of Adamsin. the way he keeps composure when things go sideways reminds me of him. before the tragedy happened, while flipping through pages of the book. she stopped after a few turns, landing on a page where it showed Adamsin smiling with his wife,and daughter. his wife was beautiful it was something that was a myth to me, his daughter looked exactly as the little girl looked exactly as the one I shoot during the experiments. that still haunts me hearing hear screams saying John, John,John,John. the bullet entering her Brain her body flopping to the floor, blood exploding on the floor. The longer I look at his daughter the more that image plays. I wanted her to quickly flip the page over, " look how beautiful they were. you see his wife was a knight from the Kingdom of Kilen, they hide their love for each other for years". page after page was an emotional ride for me, I never knew that what I saw in the video was like before it. I'm still trying to connect how this has anything to do with Jim, I mean Adamsin died fifteen years ago. Jim doesn't look older than seventeen. beside Jim is a crusader, Adamsin was a warrior the first warrior. " hey how does this have to do with Jim?, all I'm seeing is the life of Adamsin". I mean it's sad, that's not what I'm here for I need to know who Jim is. there has to be a reason why he doesn't kill in a world where killing is the only option. it doesn't make sense to me how a single person could that chosen not to kill, earned the second highest rank. you can't tell me that he farmed herbs,crops,and materials to earn that rank. she finally stopped flipping through the pages landing on a old crusted up photo. in the photo it seems to me that Adamsin is with a very young boy, the boy is covered in dirt,blood,holding onto a book in his left hand. " who is that boy in the photo in Adamsin's arm's?!, tell me I have to know.", " take a closer look at the face of the boy". as I take a closer look he resembles the same features of Jim, he must be around the age of seven or even six. " what happened in this photo!?, also who took the photo?". her face turn to a pale white, " he is your partner, the guild leader took that photo. that photo was the same day when Jim's people the crusader's were brutally murdered. he saw all his brothers, and sister murdered before he could talk full sentences. earlier that day a horde of demons ambushed his home, slaughtering his people. Adamsin came a little too late when he arrived he found Jim's house burned to ashes, with his people's remains scattered across his body. Jim only suffered minor scratches, he found him in a vulnerable position. his back was exposed to the ashes, once he picked up Jim he realized. that he was covering their way of life, even though Jim was only a boy. he lived by that book, cause that book was the only reason why lived during that night. that's why he never blamed Adamsin for what he did!".