He raised his hand pointing into the direction of where I should go to meet twenty two. I began to journey to see twenty two, each step became unbearable. The warmth of twenty twos simile gave me more motivation to keep going through the pain,at the end of the ramp the giant building the man was talking about was within distance I could make with ease. As I looked down from the building I noticed that the road is completely empty, a white SUV came around the corner stops dead in its tracks. The driver noticed me struggling, she stopped the car giving me a hand gesture to go ahead and cross the road. The bump to go onto the sidewalk made me fall, see Kaycee get out of her vehicle that she parked in the parking lot. I put both hands on the sidewalk pushing myself to my feet, wobbling to try and find my balance.I finally found my balance and started to make my way to the hospital. The gap between the grass and the parking lot made me stubble but I stayed on my feet,the closer I got it became harder to breathe the doors to the hospital swing open just like the convenience store. The entrance of the hospital was covered in some tape that read under construction, there was a woman behind the counter I guess to greet the people who enter the hospital." What can I do for you to-" the sentence was stopped by the sight of me, she pulls the phone off the wall " I need a doctor to the front of the hospital asap!". The doors to the left of the woman behind the counter slide open, Kayce came out of the doors. Kaycee rushed over to me putting my arm under her body supporting me,as we were walking down the halls my vision started to fade back to my past. I break out of a cold sweat, Kaycee puts her head under my crushed shoulder to support me better. The hallway went from clean and neat, too rat and piss on the walls screams filled my head. I tried my best to fight off the voices, the only thing that stopped them from forcing me to put my hands over my ears was because Kaycee was there. A nurse came from a door four doors down she walked past us I caught a glance of her face, she had the same face as doctor death. My whole body started shivering Kaycee noticed the shivering, she said under her breathe " damn they fucked you up badly". We kept going down the hallway I tripped over Kaycee's shoes, she quickly grabbed my sides to stop me from falling. I tried talking to Kaycee but my sentence was stopped " how much longer?", I took a long stare at the words on the top of the entrance of a part of the hospital. "ICU" Kaycee pointed at a door that was the nearest to us on the left, "there!, that is where miss Bililberg!". We got closer to the room my wounds opened up wider, Kaycee placed me against the wall. She put her Id against the Id reader a click sound went off she pushed the door open, I slowly made my way into the room. I tripped over my own feet knocking over a food tray, I looked up seeing a little girl next to a middle aged man at the end of her bed. Kaycee helps me up we made our way to bilibergs bed, the man closest to twenty-two looks over at Kaycee then at me. I noticed the little girl was holding a green frog, her facial expression was confusion with tears rolling down her face. I looked back at twenty-two, the man spoke up "I said I just wanted family or close friends". Twenty two grabs his arm " it's okay he is a friend", I got right next to her seeing numerous tubes going inside her body. Her skin was the same color as blueberries, I looked at the equipment that was keeping her alive. There was a monitor that was constantly beeping, she looked at me " you kept your prom-". Mid sentence she grabs my arm jolting around Kaycee's screams out " I need a doctor now!", twenty-two says to me while losing a battle." F-five p-p-please stay with me!, I guess you kept your word. Y- you made my wish c-c-come tru-tru-true". Her grips loosen up body stops shaking the only thing that killed the silence in the room was the loud beep that was coming from one of the machines. The room was shocked, the little girl cries out " Mommy !, come back!, daddy and I still need you please!".The father pulls his daughter close to her holding her tight, comforting his child while holding back his own tears. I put my hands on both of their shoulders " I'm sorry, I believe she was the best mother. Also the best wife she could had asked for". I walked back to the bed where the corpse of twenty- two laid while having her hand still in my hand, " well I guess you finally got your wish huh". It was after one of the experiments all of us were exhausted beyond belief, we've made a circle started talking about what wish would happen to us. A lot of us wished for actual food, or a day off from the experiments. Twenty- two stood up " I want to die with the ones I've loved around me, that means I lived a life worth living". I came back to reality wanting her to say something or even smile, the husband stood up at the end of the bed. His voice was chocked up " so you knew my wife before?' how was she?", while looking at her stone cold face. " She wished for a life like this, a life where the people that loved were there for her final day". I turned to Kaycee " damn the world is spinn-", I can hear Kaycee's words fading away. " Five !,five', the room where I normally met darkouls is lit up for some kind of celebration. I started tearing down the decorations darkouls came out holding a cake and he placed it on the coffee table. "Look kid death is just a part of life, you should know that already", out of anger I slapped the cake off the table." I know death is part of life, but she went with death just toying with her!, nobody should see what happened to her!'. Darkouls pulls me in petting my head " it's okay, I know you had a very tough time holding it in, but you can quit being tough for now". " Darkouls could I save her from her faith?' darkouls pulled me away with a pity face. " If you had saved her you would have been no different from the Auos's, you would have taken a sweat release from this world". The first time I was knocking on death's door I was eight, one of the experiments was to see how much a kid could endure before it would cry out for his parents. They tied eleven cinder blocks to both shoulders pointing at a wall that was three hundred yards away, they didn't have a whistle to start it so they improvised. A whip grazed my ear the last fish hook snatched my ear taking a small piece with it,I started to shuffle my feet towards the goal. Both of my shoulder blades collide together, the halfway point of covered in razorblades to make the task at hand even more gruesome. When I got to one third of the way to the goal one of the Auos strike the whip against me it landed on my right Temple slashing down ripping my nose and chin in the process.I collapse to the floor but didn't hit the floor due the cinder blocks on my back,when the cinder blocks stopped my momentum it ripped through my shoulders.