The air in Valoran had taken on an ominous weight. Reports from scouts and messengers poured into the council chambers as James and his allies prepared for what felt like an impossible task. The first four plagues had ravaged the land, but now came news of the fifth. Entire villages had been consumed by massive swarms of scarabs, and in their wake, the ground itself had turned to crimson. Rivers ran thick with blood, choking out life and leaving the surrounding areas reeking of death. Survivors spoke of the Pharoah's growing power, his shadow expanding with every calamity he unleashed.
James stood at the head of the long table in the council room, flanked by his wives and closest allies. Maps of the surrounding lands were spread out before him, marked with pins and notes detailing the extent of the destruction. His hands rested heavily on the edge of the table, knuckles white, as his eyes darted between the gathered figures.