Why.Why.WHY?.From all the people that could have been here today it had to be him.This bastard just had to come to this school.There are 20 schools in this area but he was somehow brought here.Something is wrong.Something is very very wrong.My hatred for this guy started the day I was born.When I laid eyes on him I vomited.Okay maybe I am exaggerating but this guy has been nothing but stuck-up entitled animal.Everything about him is a walking red flag.Why did he go to Mira?Why was he so interested in her?Just need to clear something up.I DON'T LIKE MIRA,I just think good people deserve good things.That's ALL.Anyways,I think he is doing all this shit to get under my skin for humiliating him.I'm just going to play it cool and act like I am not annoyed.Half way during the lesson Mira was called down to the samusil.Why would she get called down to the office..Min-Jun.He probably chose her to be his tour guide so he could talk and hang out with her.What a jarring guy.Over 2000 signed up for the student swap in his area and he MIRACULOUSLY was picked.Crazy.Has lesson ever been this long?Its feels longer than usual.After lesson, I was about to get a snack when-"BRO WHY ARE YOU IGNORING ME MAN?.Ugh I don't wanna deal with Kagashi after today's bullshit."Kagashi just go away why didn't you just agree with me before, you know how Min-Jun's like".Does this guy realize how much he embarrassed me."BRO AM SO SORRY I SWEAR I WONT DO THAT AGAIN" he pouted while making a baby face.I always end forgiving him."Anyways Kagashi pack up so we can leave."I swear he better hurry up.
Remember how I told Kagashi to pack up before?Well this guy FIRST took an hour to pack up.Yes you heard right.A hour.Then his Babycakes "Nori" out of nowhere announced that she had a track match and asked Kagashi to come cheer her on.I was dragged by Kagashi to watch HIS girlfriend's match when she literally TIED me to a motherfucking chair.I will never forget that.As Norina ran Kagashi cheered her on screaming on the top of his lungs till she got to the finish line.Wow he must really love her to do all that for her.Of course he gave her a sloppy ass kiss as she went to celebrate her win with her teammates.As we were walking home I stopped by the convenience store to grabs some drinks."BRO HURRY UP I SEE MIN-JUN AND MIRA SMILING AND LAUGHING TOGETHER".I dashed out the shop only to see Min-Jun sweater wrapped around Mira as they sat together in the graveyard.FUCK THIS."We are going to the cemetery"I grin at Kagashi.This is going to be one long day.