Ragnor pulled his hood over his freshly cut hair to protect it from the chilly wind. His mother had convinced him to fade his sides and clean-shave his face for the first day of school. "You are 19 years old now and need to start looking like a gentleman." Her voice rang in his head. He shooed away the thought bubble and blew into his hands as he walked towards the front gates of the school. His onyx eyes shimmered with excitement, like sparkling gemstones on the verge of bursting from their sockets. He wore the school uniform which was a white shirt with black soft pants with a gold finish. Over it was a hoodie which was black and had a golden sun plastered across the back. This was the school's emblem, supposed to embody the god that ruled it. "You should really take your jacket off, it's not a good idea to be losing points before you even get them." A guy said to him as he approached the gate.
His voice, slightly hoarse yet smooth as a velvety river, carried a depth that commanded attention. The guy smiled and removed his foot from the wall, standing up properly to greet him. "Things can get hectic on the first day, so they sent me to make sure you're okay before the opening ceremony." The boy's blue eyes had a hollow feel to them as they peered through the unruly veil of his windswept blonde hair. Ragnor did not know what he meant but listened and removed his jacket, once again exposing his short raven hair to the unforgiving winds. Clad in the uniform, Ragnor seamlessly blended into the sea of conformity, a single thread woven harmoniously into the fabric of his new realm, "So what's the point of getting the jacket if we can't wear it." He asked the boy who was older than him but not by much. "You can wear it anytime during school hours, not before or after. It's a weird rule but they're strict about it."
"I'll be heading in first then." He said to the girl next to him. She wasn't in uniform, opting for a plaid skirt and loose white blouse under a cardigan. She nodded, "Seems like the other one doesn't know about time." He shrugged her off and gestured for Ragnor to accompany him.
Ragnor nodded and followed him as the blonde boy made his way into the school. "I thought you said they were strict about the uniform?" He said looking back at the girl. "I said it isn't wise to lose points before you earn them. Besides when you're as strong as her trivial things don't matter." As if she heard, she gave Ragnor a little smile.
The front gates towered above, their grandeur reminiscent of colossal guardians standing watch, hiding treasures unseen within. Passing through the gates, Ragnor beheld the peculiar theme that permeated the school, where a colossal structure of shimmering gold mingled with its somber counterpart, like a majestic sun embraced by the shadows of its celestial kingdom. "These are the classrooms, first-floor first years, the same holds true with the other two floors." The blonde one explained. Without turning around, he introduced himself, "My name's Adam by the way, I'm a third year so if you have any questions, feel free to ask them." He showed Ragnor to his locker and began explaining to him the rules of the school, "Since you're human they automatically put you in class beta but that should make it easy for you since the Gods in that class won't be as stuck up as the others in your year." Adam said reassuringly.
Ragnor looked over to the people on the other side of the hallway as they mumbled something that was obviously about him, "So you're human, right? That's why you're not giving me shitty looks like everyone else." Upon hearing that the boy raised his tone from across the hall, "I can look at you any way I want peasant," he scoffed as he walked towards Ragnor.
Though before he could get to them the girl next to him pulled him back, "That's enough Apollo, that one aside, the blonde one has quite the reputation for himself, so let's not mess with him, yet." Artemis said as she held her brother's collar. They both had purple eyes which complimented the tint of their hair. Apollo's eyes burned with an untamed wildfire, full of disdain and anger while Artemis seemed to be quite the opposite.
Adam sighed, "Good thing they didn't start something. Seems like the big shots for your year are here." He said as he pointed to the entrance. Ragnor whispered back to him, "Seems they all like to flock together." Adam held back a laugh as they made their way pass. In front was a young man with mahogany brown hair which had a slight gold hue to it in the sun. He held his head high, giving everyone a good look at his bold brown eyes, "That one's Thor, Son of Odin and the Norse God of Thunder." Adam narrated. A black-haired boy with an orange tint and matching keen eyes followed closely behind. "Horus, the Egyptian God of Sky." Behind him were three others, from the left a blonde girl with red at the ends, a raven-haired girl with a green tint, and a raven-haired boy. "That's Athena the Greek Goddess of Wisdom, Aphrodite the Greek Goddess of Love, and Anubis the Egyptian God of Death."
While Ragnor took them all in as they made their way by, none of them seemed to even notice him. None except Athena, who even though it was just a glance looked at both Ragnor and Adam. The bell rang and Adam finished his introduction and warnings to Ragnor. "Remember, try not to cross anyone, especially the ones that look like they don't mind killing. The school won't bat an eye if you just disappear. No, in fact, they'll help cover it up too." Ragnor tried to hide his excitement as he made his way to the assembly hall.
The corridors were all wide with unnecessarily lofty ceilings. From the entrance, they were on the ground level directly in front of the stage with large balconies on both sides. To the right were the second years, and to the left were the third years. Ragnor could not see Adam, however, hunched over the balcony and waving to him was Loki. His hair had changed since Ragnor last saw him, being a dark blue. It was now loose and flowed over his shoulders. He too wasn't in uniform, instead wearing a blue hoodie under a leather jacket and jeans. Ragnor took him in more closely, seeing that his eyes were now multicolored and had a more mature yet playful feel to them.
At this point, Ragnor was instinctively ignoring the bloodlust towards him. This made the lack of it in the next line stand out to him. He turned to the girl and whispered, "You're human too, right?" Without looking away from the stage she nodded slightly, "What gave it away?" in a rather condescending tone. Ragnor smiled at her, "Well you're nowhere as pretty as the other girls so I had a hunch." The boy in front of him flinched as he held in his laugh. He turned around slightly and Ragnor recognized it was Apollo. The god's face turned sour as he saw who's mouth the joke left. "Seems you're rude to everyone you meet."
Ragnor just smiled as the Apollo turned to the girl. "Fear not miss, while beauty is not your strong suit, you must clearly be good at something to be here." Artemis pulled him back and whispered, "Idiot, that's the one who got my coin." As she said that, her brother's tone instantly changed and the same bloodlust he had for Ragnor was now also aimed at her.
After the assembly was over, they all headed to their respective classes. Ragnor was in Beta, the so-called lowest of the three. As they all took their seats, their teacher slammed the door open and stuck her foot in. She then danced in with a spin and frolicked over to her desk. Her dark purple hair swayed gently behind her as her fair skin shimmered in the sunlight. "Greetings my dear children, and outsiders. From this day till next September, I shall be your class teacher." While she laced that comment with hate, it was clearly not directed to Ragnor who was sitting in the middle of the back row. "By now you all should be familiar with the drill, check under your desk. There is a phone that can be used on school premises. This must be kept on you at all times, as it will monitor your points. These are special purpose points that can be used to get away with things that are forbidden in the rules. Like getting a pet or changing houses. The vice principal took up more time, so after lunch, I'll tell you everything else. Get ready for your first period." Miss Hera said as she exited the class.
As she left, A seething tempest of wrath and fury slithered through the doorway, its fiery tendrils coiling towards the teacher's table. He stood at a towering height, with his head above the whiteboard. "You damn mongrels," His deep voice reverberated through the classroom, filling the air like rolling thunder, as he etched his name on the board. ODIN. "Welcome to the hardest business class, you'll ever have."
"I am besieged with anger when I found out I had to teach you, degenerates!" Odin screamed before placing his hands on his face and blushing a bit, "Rather than my beloved son!" He said with the same enthusiasm as before, "Oh, how I would love to teach him to rule a kingdom and follow in his old man's footsteps." After his moment of self-pity was over, Odin turned to his new class, "Now which one of you here is going to be the leader? I mean Class representative."
They all looked around, and a few of them put up their hands, Apollo, Athena, Seth, and the one who drew the most attention; Ragnor. Apollo scoffed and from across the class he said, "You're going to lead us? Gods lead by a human?" He laughed. "Yeah, maybe then I could make you misfits into some proper gods." Ragnor smiled as they put down their hands.
Odin coughed, "Good, I'm eager to see which one of you gets that spot." As he walked around the class, he began his lesson. "A proper business is just like a kingdom. So as a king, what are the most important lessons?" He said, stopping in front of Athena, who was sitting in the middle row at the window seat. The red tint of her hair showed more prominently in the sunlight let in by the large windows. She did not say a word which enraged Odin, though it was hard to tell since there was only so much louder his voice could go.
"Degenerate and Rude, it seems!" He exclaimed as he raised his right hand to strike her. With incredible force he brought it down, accompanied by the sound of thunder crackling. She finally paid him heed as she grabbed his hand and almost effortlessly, she twisted it and threw him across the class, "Rule one of being a king; don't let your subjects walk all over you." Like a puppy, Odin jumped back up, "Amazing, maybe there is hope for you a lot after all!" He said with his face pink. He started comparing Athena to Thor's likeness.
Class ended with Odin recognizing the potential of his new students. As the bell rang the other human got up to leave and Apollo said to her, "Oh, you're here a day and you already think you can do as you please." She turned to him as she opened the door, "If a bastard child like you can, I don't see why I shouldn't also be able to do the same." The fire in her pink eyes made Apollo's tongue seize up, and she left without another word. Ragnor looked at the girl as she left, her silver hair was short, only slightly past her shoulders, and was tied up in a ponytail. She had slightly darker skin than him with her frame standing at around 5 foot 4. Vali whistled as he approached the Greek god, "That one has a fire to her," He patted Apollo on the shoulder, "I want it." He laughed as he left. The class slowly emptied with everyone talking about plans since break time for the first week of school was supposed to be longer than usual to allow clubs to attract new members.
Ragnor left class, walking down the corridor he saw everyone gathered near the windows. He looked out and saw a single person in the courtyard. Loki tapped the mic as he turned to his audience. Behind him was a water fountain on which a few students sat, waiting for him to begin, "Greetings you lovely gods and goddesses. I am Loki from the music club. Allow me to show you what our club is capable of and, if any of you are interested, you can step in."
The slow plucking of an acoustic guitar and a piano accompanied him:
Lovely and beautiful,
So tender she was
How she filled me with a thrill
When she was near, everything just seemed to buzz.
Wait, no, this isn't right. Because...
His accompaniment stopped, replaced by an electric guitar and some drums which appeared from thin air and began to play on their own:
She was so fine
Oh yes, she was divine
But oh, I couldn't call her mine
Daddy's little degenerate
Oh, that she was
All the guys she would bait
Not me, of course, but all my mates.
Your typical new-gen god,
Hitting up all the guys when she was bored
But when she was done, they'll get floored
Your typical new-gen god.
Loki stopped as another person picked up a mic and stepped in flawlessly. Her voice like everything else about her was flawless and attracted both men and women that watched. Aphrodite begun:
You are right; they got floored
Like the other gods, all she did was whored
Maybe that's what we learnt,
and if they call, all those bridges were burned
oh, your typical new-gen god
A third stepped in with a more up-step beat, Ragnor approached Loki:
Whoremongers, warmongers all you lot
Not only daddy issues, but
Anger management a lot
Your typical new-gen god.
But who can give them wrong?
With a body like that (He said as he ran his hand across Loki's coat)
Sexy, smart, and strong
Oh, that is a fact
Lust is in
Go ahead and throw love straight in the bin
Oh your typical, new-gen god.
Loki: Oh, you're right, love is dead.
Aphrodite: No it is not I'm still here.
Ragnor: It's only there to get them in bed.
Loki: oh dear.
Aphrodite: Whatever, love and lust, they're two in one
Loki: What's wrong with having a little fun?
Ragnor: Oh, your typicallllll,
All of them together: new-gen god!
With their hands entwined they bowed. After a moment of confused silence, the onlookers showered them with praise. Loki turned to Ragnor, "Oh my dear friend, how I've longed for our games to continue." He embraced Ragnor tightly. So much had changed about Loki over these years, he was still the same height and his eyes shone with the same radiance they did before even if they were different. "Oh, would this make you feel more comfortable?" With a finger snap Loki's hair and eyes were back to the color of emeralds. Ragnor's eyes widened causing Loki to laugh. "I am the trickster god; did you think I couldn't do something like this?" He ran his fingers across Ragnor's shoulders and whispered in his ear, "It comes in handy in more ways than you think." Ragnor raised an eyebrow, "I'll keep that in mind."
Aphrodite laughed, "Oh it seems you humans like to have your fun as well." She winked. She approached them, "I'm Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love. Nice to meet you." She extended her hand. Ragnor took it, "Ragnor, human." She laughed, "Ah yes, I'm well aware of our new plaything. I look forward to having more fun with you in the future." She leaned in and planted a kiss on his cheek before leaving. Loki took his hand, "So what will it be my friend, will you join the music club?" His eyes shone excitedly, waiting for Ragnor's answer. He nodded, "Alright, but in exchange you need to tell me everything I need to know about this school." Loki threw his hands up in excitement before embracing Ragnor, even more tightly than before.