Chapter 85 - Chapter 78

As dawn just begins to break over the horizon, I let out a triumphant grin, holding my latest creation up into the light.

I really shouldn't feel so good about making a glorified prop, but come on now!

My gaze swivels to look at the true spear, where it sits atop a cushion and leans against the wall like a model, before walking up to it.

I place the prop right next to the real article, and my smile only grows as, by sight alone, the two are completely indistinguishable.

Wiping beads of sweat from my brow, I then turn back to my forge workshop at large.

"Well?" I begin, "What do you think boys? We do good work together, don't we?"

I received a chorus of whiny bitch groans in response that forced a deadpan to my face.

All around the forge, my shirtless duplicates were lying around like they'd been worked half to death…despite the heat in here not being able to affect them, and the fact that they didn't do any of the real work, just helped by moving and holding things.


"You're a slave driver boss…"

"I demand restitution for my lost year of life…!"

"My leeeeggggg~!"

I quietly huff out a fake indignant sigh, smiling just a tad as the little shits groan and moan.

Maybe I should have made them do some actual work, yeah?

Not on the actual fake itself, of course, them being a fraction of my power would make the job take longer, as the magic hammer I'm using to forge of course responds better the stronger the wielder.

But, eh, no need to punish them for being little shits.

It's not like they're doing it for no reason after all.

With a single seal, I disperse all the around half a dozen clones in the forge and snort as their memories come in.

They thought being annoying little shits for a second would be a nice little reprieve from all the tension and anxiety I've been building up, that it would help release that for a minute.

Truthfully speaking, finishing the fake spear did far more for my mental health than seeing my clone's attempt to be funny, but it's the thought that counts.

I think.


I turn back to the spears and have to take a moment sensing between the two before snatching back up the fake spear.

All that's left now is to get a big thick piece of cloth, wrap the spear up, and have Rose throw a bunch of seals on the thing.

Then I'm all set to make the handover!

Although, thinking about the handover…

I'm not sure I want to just walk up and be like, 'Hey, you're a church guy right? Look at this thing I found!' and just suddenly give the spear over to them.

No matter how good I make myself come off to Dulio and the others, and no matter how out there this entire plan is, the crazy old guys who have never met me and led the Church would still be extremely suspicious of such a scenario.

Why would a Pagan God hand over the True Longinus, a weapon that can kill his kind with extreme ease, without even an ounce of hesitation, to an organization that probably couldn't despise his kind less?

The logic there just doesn't add up.

Which is why…I think I need to mold a far more believable story here.

I have an idea of how to do that, fortunately.

Unfortunately, it involves me intentionally picking a fight with the Church's Strongest.

I'm starting to see a pattern here, that all my solutions tend to end with, 'hit it stupid hard.'

Well, in this case, I'll be the one getting hit stupid hard as well, but still.

I shake my head, banishing all those thoughts for the time being.

Soon, but later, I have to deal with the spectacular handoff.

For now, gift wrap this thing up, and since the clone I sent out to keep an eye on Dulio never popped, that means he's still in the city.

If I had to take a guess, he likely booked a hotel or something for the night and should be getting up and about by now.

I spin the prop spear around in my hand as I make my exit from the forge. Hopefully, maintaining the extra strong barrier I asked for didn't take too much of a toll on the girls.

Though considering how I wasn't bothered once by anyone or anything outside of it, the effectiveness may have come at a cost.

I wouldn't be surprised, and once more I'm reminded of the fact that I really should do something for them. Lately, Kuroka's been a real big help, and Rose was always going to be a helpful cinnamon roll.

…Once all this is over. Most definitely once the Church people get the fuck out of Japan, and I can breathe a sigh of relief.

Then I can focus on the girls.

Due to my thoughts, my walk becomes a power walk, and my face tightens ever so slightly.

That moment can't come soon enough.

~ A New Sun ~

I left the fake spear behind with a still very much awake and able Rose. She told me that she was so used to pulling all-nighters at this point that, even after Kuroka passed out, she could maintain the barrier by herself with ease.

Poor Rose man, poor Rose there.

I felt there was a story there, but I didn't have time to ask as I felt the need to head out, I'll be asking more later.

It's been a while since I've gotten to shit on Odin, my old man jokes feel a little rusty.

As for right now, though…

I stand next to my clone atop a building, overlooking the streets of Kyoto below as they slowly and progressively become more bustling.

I gave said clone a particularly incredulous look, "I'm sorry, repeat that, he did what?"

My clone deadpans back at me, before shrugging and sighing, "Look, if you don't believe me, just pop me and take a look for yourself."

I did so without a second though, the clone poofing away with a single quickly made seal.

I nearly flinched in shock at the fact the clone wasn't trying to bullshit me, before holding my stomach to stop the wheeze from leaving my body at the absurdity of it all.

Dulio didn't rent a hotel, or anything like that, last night.

Instead, he slept under a bridge.

I'm…not entirely sure why.

Just before, he was easily able to hit up several restaurants and seemingly had a good time.

Did he run out of money like the church girls or something?

Well, if they all are on this same mission, doesn't that mean they share the same budget or something?

But they ran out of cash yesterday, yet Dulio was here…

I pinched the bridge between my eyes and sighed, thankful that I couldn't get headaches anymore, or I probably would have one right now.

In any event, despite the strangeness of it all, Dulio hasn't left the little earthen fort he constructed under the bridge to hide himself from others, which means he's pretty easy to confront right now.

…On a side note, I now know he can control the earth. Zenith Tempest, I thought, was purely weather manipulation, or element manipulation derived from the weather.

I don't know how that would enable you to control the earth…unless earthquakes are considered weather phenomena?

A natural disaster, sure, but weather?

I mean if you squint?

Feels weak, but then again, maybe I'm the idiot for thinking the second-strongest Longinus Class Sacred Gear wouldn't let you control all the elements besides light and darkness.

I throw my hands up, effectively giving up that side tangent of thought before promptly jumping off the roof, vacating my watchpoint, and down to the street below.

I was so quick about it, that the normal humans walking around didn't even see my fall, just me merging into the ground crowds.

It's time to meet the man himself.

I'm not entirely sure the name of the place where he hid out, or even the name of the bridge, though it probably has one, I didn't care enough to check.

Still, the bridge is one of the much shorter ones, made of this smooth vermillion wood, and was placed just off the beaten path in a lonely little garden.

It's also one of the few bridges that didn't have water of some sort running underneath it. In this case, I don't think a river flows through here, might just be where rainwater runs off and through, but it also might be possible he dammed the place up to make his hiding spot dry, though I doubt that.

He doesn't seem the kind of guy who would risk ruining the natural beauty of a place just for his convenience.

No one was going through this garden, as early as it was, so it was easy jumping down and heading under the bridge.

At this point though, it was comically easy to tell something was amiss here.

On one side of the bridge, directly under where the bridge meets the land, a perfectly carved and smoothed out door-like earthen mold was wrapped in the natural rock and dirt of the land.

I suppose there isn't really a way to check, and besides, it's not like anyone would be wandering around here to check.

Still doesn't stop it from looking funny.

In any event, approaching didn't make anything happen, so he's either still asleep, doesn't sense me, or just doesn't care that I'm here.

I'm not trying to mask my presence here, so it's either the former or the latter.

Only one way to find out.

Normal people would have a hard time seeing it, but I can clearly. Scattered across the unnatural earthen area, are small little holes, which means…

He should be able to hear me if I do this!

~ A New Sun ~

"Hellloo~! Strongest Exorcist-san!"

"Mmm!?" Dulio was startled awake by the voice of someone calling to him from outside his little hidey-hole.

He tried to get up, really, he did. But it must be like, what, noon?

Who wakes someone up so early in this day and age?

So he may be a little more than groggy and barely managed to sit halfway up before slamming his head into the rock above him…which made him remember he couldn't do that.

He then proceeded to tumble out of his makeshift bed carved into the wall and flop uselessly onto the much colder, much harder, rocky ground.

He let out a low groan as he pushed himself back onto his feet, before holding out a hand, and slowly summoning a small wick of flame above his palm, illuminating the space.

Essentially, it's just a person-sized rectangular box, completely smoothed out and compacted to prevent things such as the cold and other small earthen critters from getting in.

The only exception is the bed he created, which was built into the wall, yet still encaged within the smooth and hard rock.

Well, if you could call it a bed, per se.

It's really a bunch of rock broken down into soil and sand, washed and aired out to be free of any contaminants, before being heated up to a nice temperature to help settle his body and let it fall asleep.

Of course, none of this changes the fact that dirt is still…dirt. No matter how much he cleans and dries it out.

So he's not looking his best right now.

Which wouldn't be very welcoming to his new mysterious guest now, would it?

With a wave of his hand, several things happen.

The fire in his hand goes out, and the dirt clinging to him across his body falls off like a small landslide.

He raises his other hand, a small whirlwind quickly taking shape within, he adds with it a touch of moisture, before bringing the hand up to his face.

The whirlwind promptly implodes, wrapping around his figure and clothes tightly, and within the next moment, he's completely soaked and dripping wet, like he just walked through a rainstorm.

He chuckles and huffs, blowing fresh and chilly water out of his face, now also completely awake and alert.

Now? Now he can sense the presence standing probably not even a scarce few steps behind this wall.

A divine presence. A God.

He did wonder whether or not he was going to meet any of Japan's famous '8 million' something gods, but at least in Tokyo, any such presence seemed to shy away from him when he was near.

He supposes though, that Kyoto is far more spiritual, so if there is any place he would, it would be here.

How embarrassing they have to catch him in such a state.

Oh! Right, he also forgot to dry off.

Similarly, he raises another hand, building another whirlwind, but this time, with a touch of fire, of heat.

When it contacts him, it proceeds to also wrap around him as the watery whirlwind did, except now, droves of steam radiate off him in waves.

As the wind and steam clear, Dulio lets out a sigh of relief, now dry and fresh, he straightens out his long white exorcist jacket, and rolls a hand through the bangs of his blond locks, moving them out of his face.

Upon getting both to a 'good enough' state, which didn't take long, he put on a charming morning smile, despite feeling the deep God-given need to sleep in, and waved his hand.

The wall leading to the outside promptly falls downward, like some fancy door, letting in a fresh wave of morning air from this beautiful country he was given the chance to see, along with the sight of the young man who called out to him.

Well, the young man in appearance, you can never really know with gods.

Obsidian black hair, golden eyes, sandals, and a blue…bathrobe? Well, it looks like one, just thinner, and he's got some big curved sword strapped to his back.

God of Bathrobes? Does Japan have such a thing?

…It's technically a heretical thought, but he couldn't help it. If Dulio could be a god, the God of Bathrobes sounds like the most comfy position in the universe.

Although, beyond that, if he's being honest, Dulio can't help but feel like he's…seen this guy before?

Hmm, but from where?

Well, anyhow, when the wall suddenly dropped, he took a slight step backward and looked just a touch tense.

Oh, right. His Sacred Gear…he probably felt him using it a bunch, didn't he?

Thus, Dulio raised a hand placatingly, and stepped out slightly from his hole, "Apologies, you caught me before I had the chance to freshen up, so I…" He waves his hand lazily around his face, "real quick, alright? I don't feel the need to start a fight…especially so early in the…"

Dulio looks off to the side, trying to see if he can catch the horizon from here.

Or the sun at all.

The trees hide the horizon, but he doesn't need a clear view to see bits of the sun barely peeking through.

Or the fact that the sky isn't a clear blue.

It's barely even the morning if you could call it that!

Dulio, almost robotically, turned his head back to this god, his smile just a tad more strained, "Morning."

The food here? Divine.

The gods? Well, verdicts are still out there. Truly, it should be made a sin to wake someone up so early.

The god's gaze followed his own for a second, and as he finished speaking, he relaxed, albeit not completely, and chuckled, seemingly catching onto his inner thoughts.

"I see, I see. Then I'm sorry for waking you up so early." He explains, waving a hand placating, "I just couldn't help myself, you know. Word of who you are travels far, so when I heard you were in my home, my city…well, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to come see you as soon as possible."

Ah, you know what? That's fair.

Alright, he supposed the gods here were fine. His showing up usually does herald something big going on…well, more often than not, it's when something strong needs to die, but same difference.

Then the god continued, "Well, that, and I heard from a small group of girls wandering Kuoh Town that you were supposed to be their chaperone?"

Dulio blinks, very slowly.

He hasn't heard from them recently, if at all since they arrived in Japan, has he? Despite them having his number and all…

For a second, the idea that this god has done something to them, and then in his hubris came for him next, flashes through his mind.

The very idea that those children were hurt-

It reigns himself back, immediately.

…Perhaps he has been spending too much time around the old coots up top, to even start to jump to such baseless conclusions immediately.

Shame on me. He chastises himself internally.

He was planning to head to them immediately upon waking up today, but this god found them first, and now him.

"Oh? That I am," he confirms with an easy smile, before stepping out fully into the light, the god stepping back to allow him to do so.

He asks the next natural question, "So, how are they? I was going to head to Kuoh myself soon…I just…" He trails off.

His research into the cuisine of Japan is a tale for another time, perhaps.

Though, at his question, the way the god grimaces immediately draws Dulio's attention.

"...Did something happen?" He quickly adds, a tension growing within him.

After a moment of reading his expression, the god sighs, and begins, "Well you see when I got there…"

Dulio stands there, listening with a bated breath that quickly turns to equal parts guilt, yet also no small amount of mirth.

Truth be told, as the god goes on, he's trying very hard not to laugh.

He wouldn't be if the girls were hurt! Most certainly not, it's just that…

…He kind of wishes he was there to see it all for himself. Especially little Lint getting clown makeup drawn on her.

He internally winced at everything that went on with Xenoiva, although he could tell the god was leaving something out regarding her, he also admitted that he didn't do his best to calm the situation when he arrived.

Then again, Dulio understands that from the god's initial perspective, some random Church warriors were running around, someone was throwing around Holy Fire, and then when one of them drew the legendary Holy Sword Durandal on him…well, he wouldn't be happy either.

It's a miracle little Xenovia didn't get more than her sword broken, he would have understood.

Ultimately, he was wincing more for himself than anything.

He had promised Xenovia's guardian he'd keep her safe, and stop her from doing anything too stupid.


He's not looking forward to when he gets back to the Vatican now.

In the end, he supposes it could have been worse.

He certainly didn't have to house and feed the girls himself after all that, in fact, he was completely floored by such generosity from a foreign god.

…Jeez, maybe he should take an extended vacation from the Vatican.

Their anti…everything not Christ, the Lord, and so on, has been getting worse and worse lately, hasn't it?

That aside, for now, it'd be rude of him to not express his sincere thanks for such an act.

Ah, how do they do that here again?

He's seen it a few times during his adventures here already, it was…something like a bow, right?

He's pretty sure he's going to do it wrong, but it's the thought that counts, no?

So, as the god finishes, Dulio bows, putting a hand to his chest as he does, "I see…then, as their chaperone, allow me to thank you, and apologize for them, for your taking care of them and all the trouble they caused you, respectively."

It wasn't a complete bow, so although he couldn't see the god's face, he could still see his lower body, and as such, saw the god kind of stumble back, shocked at his gesture.

After a moment, he cleared his throat, and nearly murmured, "Please, rise, it's…odd, seeing another member of the Church express gratitude in such a way to me."

Ah? Another?

Dulio smiled warmly, as he raised his head.

Looks like the girls beat him to the punch, huh?

He isn't really surprised, in the end, he knows those girls are good deep down.

They just need to have a hand sometimes.

…Some more than others.

Dulio chuckles, seeing the unreadable and almost conflicted expression on the gods…

Well, okay, before they go any further, he'd like to stop having to think 'the god' and such in his mind. Feels almost offensive after so long.

"In any event," Dulio continued, "you seem to know my name, the girls already gave you theirs, and you yours, yet I don't know you…beyond the fact that you're a god of this place."

He perked up at his words, a knowing smile sliding over his previous facial expression almost like a mask, before he replied, "Kusanagi Noriaki, or in the west, Noriaki Kusangi. Feel free to call me whatever you wish…and I'm technically not a Kami - Deity - of the Shinto…but it's close enough, so eh?" The god, Noriaki, shrugs uncaringly.

Hmm…that name also sounds familiar.

Then, it all of a sudden clicks.

Kuoh, Japan, Noriaki here, and his appearance.

There was a video that a bunch of higher-ups in the Church kept shoving in his face during this one meeting, something about the Red Dragon Emperor going on a rampage in a town in this country.

To be perfectly honest, nobody was hurt, or so the reporting said after the fact, so he didn't care.

In fact, he got a really good nap out of that meeting, now that he recalls.

This was the guy who stopped the Red Dragon. Noriaki Kusangi.

They kept going on about this guy, about how dangerous he likely is, or could be, a bunch of blah blah blah…

He doesn't seem anything like those old guys kept going on, and on, about.

How lucky it is the girls ran into him then, huh?

Well, it was probably the one lucky thing that happened to them, considering…everything.

"Alright then, Noriaki," Dulio nodded, satisfied, he considered bringing up the Red Dragon, but there's time for that later.

He looked around, briefly considering their surroundings, before deciding that since he was awake…he might as well head over to them now.

He eyed Noriaki then, and grinned, "I don't know about you, but I don't think this place isn't exactly a great conversational spot…do you mind if we perhaps go somewhere else more comfortable?"

Noriaki smiled back, "Not at all. I presume you also want to see the girls yourself?"

Dulio nodded, "That would be best, yes."

"I can take us there in no time, just hold still, alright?" Noriaki asked for permission to do something, and considering how Dulio detected no deceit from anything he's said so far, Dulio nodded once more.

As golden light, a divine power separate from the power instilled by the Almighty began to wrap around them, Dulio couldn't help the stupid smirk that brushed across his face.

So many new things to tease his little sisters about, so, so many!