Chereads / Shadow Of The Truth: Shu promised destiny / Chapter 6 - The moon is beautiful from afar

Chapter 6 - The moon is beautiful from afar

Churan woke up early and was getting ready to go out. She thought to herself, "I have to leave before Nano brings bad news again. I'm going to take a walk and learn more about the people here."

As she was heading towards a restaurant, she spotted LingJie and MingHao walking down a path that seemed off-limits. Without a second thought, she followed them, but a man suddenly stopped her and warned, "Girl, you look weak. It's not safe for you to go down that path..."

Churan asked with surprise, "What's wrong with that path?"

The man answered in a trembling voice, "Whenever trouble unfolds in the capital, shadowy figures in black appear along this road, mercilessly slaughtering anyone who stands in their way. It is rumored that this path leads to the haven of those magicians! Oh, I hope a miracle happens and those sinister beings are eradicated."

"This is the forest between us and the magic kingdom, right?"

The man looked at her with shock, his voice shaking as he responded, "Y-yes, that's right. But you mustn't go! Those black-clothed figures are deadly! They're rumored to have come from the haven of magicians! They've killed countless innocent people!"

Churan continued to follow MingHao and LingJie, suddenly feeling a sharp blade against her neck. She turned to face her assailant, and to her surprise, he immediately withdrew his weapon upon recognizing her.

"Churan? What are you doing here?" he asked, bewildered.

Churan offered a slight smile, scratching her nose with her finger. "I just don't understand. Why would a sword be held against my neck for simply coming from the city? Is it forbidden for me to be here?"

Minghao explained, his expression solemn, "You see, we're being extra cautious because of what happened last time. I was nearly killed."

Her laughter echoed through the air, leaving the Lingjie and Minghao looking at her in surprise.

She stopped laughing and confronted them once again, her voice resolute: "Last time you said, 'I wouldn't have died even if you hadn't come.' But do you really think I'm foolish enough to believe your altered words? An elegant and respectful person?"

With unexpected audacity, she moved closer, placing her hands on his chest, causing him to freeze in surprise at their closeness. Then, she slipped her hands inside his clothes, extracting a sharp dagger.

LingJie watched in awe as the blade was revealed. MingHao, meanwhile, scolded her, "You shouldn't approach a man in that manner and touch him without permission! Where are your manners?!"

Churan smirked at MingHao and replied, "I never said I had manners, and you didn't stop me. Perhaps you found it enjoyable."

LingJie watched them quietly and chuckled to himself.

MingHao retorted, "What the hell are you saying? Why would I love this? You're absolutely crazy! Don't forget that I didn't tell others about the last time you used your sword. If you keep annoying me, I'll expose you."

Churan scoffed and snatched the knife from him, throwing it with precision toward the space where the barrier stood

Then, much to everyone's surprise, the knife struck a figure who had been stealthily watching them from behind a tree, effectively incapacitating him.

MingHao stared at the fallen figure, his eyes widening as he realized that Churan's unexpected attack had caught their unseen observer off guard.

Silence hung heavy in the air, interrupted only by the soft rustling of leaves. LingJie looked shocked, his eyes flickering between Churan and the unconscious figure on the ground.

Churan stepped forward and challenged MingHao, saying, "Tell them all, if you dare."

She then retreated, declaring, "I was simply bored, so I followed you. I don't care why you guys came here, but if anything, interesting happens, do tell me. Now, I'll let you take care of this boy, and I'll go eat. Goodbye."

Lingjie turned to MingHao and commented, "That girl is not normal, right?"

Minghao chuckled, a hint of admiration in his expression, "Definitely, but that makes her cute."

The two men watched as Churan walked away, leaving them with a mix of curiosity and intrigue about her unpredictable behavior. The atmosphere remained charged with the aftermath of her sudden intervention, leaving them to ponder the unexpected turn of events and the unique personality of the girl who had stumbled upon them.

As a month passed since her uncle's return, Churan's skills in archery, horse riding, and swordsmanship had grown by leaps and bounds. While she had become exceedingly skilled, her proficiency now appeared natural and effortless. However, misfortune seemed to find ways to plague her at every turn, as if the universe sought to weave a tapestry of hardship within her life once again.

Churan's sister, Ziyi informed her that their father had summoned everyone to the meeting room. Churan asked curiously, "Sister, do you know why our father wants us to go to the meeting room? What's wrong?"

Ziyi responded, "I'm not really sure myself, but let's go and find out." Together, they entered the room and found that everyone had already gathered. The sisters sat next to each other, awaiting their father's announcement.

General Wang spoke up, wasting no time in getting to the point, "Since everyone is here now, I won't keep you for long. I have asked you to gather here to discuss something important."

Churan and Ziyi looked at each other, curiosity and trepidation etched on their faces, knowing that whatever their father wanted to discuss would undoubtedly be significant.

General Wang continued his words and said: "I will leave soon for ho city in the south, it seems that there are some problems that will cause misfortune to the lives of many people, so I wanted to tell you something. There will be a marriage soon before I leave".

Churan listened intently to her father's words, her demeanor betraying a hint of impatience. The talk of troubles in Ho City piqued her curiosity, but the mention of an impending marriage left her indifferent, almost eager to exit the room and return to her own quarters.

With a careless air, she inquired, "Who is getting married? Are you attending another family's event?"

General Wang shared a chuckle with General Mo before addressing her, "Your father and I have decided to arrange your wedding with Li Xin."

A collective gasp echoed through the room, as this unexpected announcement left everyone taken aback. Churan's eyes widened in surprise, and her voice rang out firmly, "I object! How can we consider marriage before reaching the age of 18? First, we should have the freedom to choose our own path, not have it decided for us!"

Nano, seemingly unaware of the gravity of the situation, timidly spoke up, "miss, didn't you mention that you'd rather get

married than getting up in the morning?"

Churan responded through clenched teeth, "Do you want to die? Shut up!"

Churan continued to protest, her voice laced with a touch of theatricality. She placed her hands dramatically on her heart and exclaimed, "Dad, I can't stay here any longer. I can feel the walls closing in on me, and I fear a pitiful end awaits if I linger."

Ziyi attempted to voice her dissent, saying that marriage from the same family isn't the best choice, but was cut off by her father's anger. He retorted, "What do you mean by the same family? Their children would belong to a new clan!"

Sorrow tinged Churan's words as she pleaded, "Dad, I've just survived death, and now you're so eager to be rid of me? I'm your daughter, yet you want to arrange a marriage and send me away so quickly? It feels like you're kicking me out of your life!"

The stepmother screamed at Churan; her voice tinged with anger. "You are so disrespectful!" she exclaimed. "Your father fears he may not return if something happens to him, so he wants to ensure your safety before he departs!"

The words struck Churan with a sense of shock, cutting through her thoughts. She grappled with the realization that this was not her world, not her family. Yet, her eyes fell on her brother and sister, their gazes fixated on the ground, and her heart clenched.

The eldest son valued peace and kindness, while the second daughter spent her days in battle. Even after becoming a General, her father's affection remained distant, and she was a constant source of disappointment. The youngest girl, however, always appeared kind and sweet, resembling their mother, and it was her who enjoyed their father's favor and unquestioned love.

Churan gazed at them, her heart heavy with sadness as she beheld the broken dynamics that had taken root in this family. The broken ties within the family were starkly illuminated by the words spoken, highlighting the emotional divisions and disconnects that defined their relationships.

Churan stated firmly, "I am the one who will determine my future spouse. I will not wed at this moment, and that is my final decision. Father is a renowned great general; he will return safely and will witness me living happily some day. I will ensure that."

Li Xin silently observed the unfolding exchange, silently reflecting on Churan's distant demeanor. In his mind, he perceived her as a radiant moon, distant yet captivating. He pondered, "If he drew too close to her, her bright light might indeed destroy him.

Yet, he felt content to stand afar and admire her unwavering determination. For now, he believed it was better to observe her from a distance, until he himself mustered the bravery to shape his own fate.

With quiet admiration, Li Xin silently vowed to himself that someday, when he grew brave enough, he would stand beside Churan, not as a mere admirer, but as her equal, ready to face the uncertain future together.


Churan was gazing at the sky, her mind still caught up in the events from the family meeting. Minghao spotted her and approached, a smile on his face.

"They say the sky will be clear today," he said, "It's strange that it will rain."

Churan replied, "But it won't rain. The presence of clouds does not necessarily mean it will rain. Some people, like you, tend to think too deeply and believe everything has a reason. This is true, but not always. Sometimes, there are secrets instead of reasons. Like an imaginary act?"

Minghao chuckled, "As expected of you, or should I say unexpected? So according to you, I should stop being a deep thinker, and instead of attributing a reason to you, I should think you have an imaginary secret. I'd really like to know your secret."

Churan leaned against the wall, her gaze locked on him as she stated, "It's tough for people to transform in a flash, you're still pondering deeply, and you contemplated it was me instead of yourself; are you intrigued by me or just losing it?"

Minghao swallowed, then changed the subject, saying, "I heard that you turned down General Mo's son, and he's going to marry Mimi soon."

Churan gave him a bewildered look and inquired, "Mimi? Who is Mimi?"

Minghao responded, "Ah, Mimi, the daughter of one of this place's most affluent men. She's got a reputation for being incredibly mischievous and a handful. If you ask me, her father seems to be strong-arming her into it."

Churan let out a sigh and retorted, "The world's gone mad. It's ludicrous, really. They act as though they're the ones who'll spend the rest of their lives together, raising children and living a long, happy life. So easy for them to spout nonsense."

Minghao couldn't help but laugh lightly at her words, nodding in agreement. "You've got a point there," he said. "It's easy for people to meddle in others' affairs and offer unsolicited advice, but when it comes to their own lives, they're nowhere to be found."

Lexin appeared from behind Churan, a hint of a smile on his face as he said, "I didn't know you had such an interest in me."

Churan turned to him, startled. "Why are you sneaking up on me like that? It's quite scary," she replied, shaking her head. Then, she added, "And no, I'm not interested in you, I'm just curious about that girl."

Lexin chuckled softly, his gaze fixed on her. "Observing a beautiful moon from afar... I've done it for so many years. Maybe it's time to bid farewell soon..."

Churan inquired, "How did they find you a bride so quickly?"

He replied, "I suppose it's been planned from the start, but Uncle Wang sought to ensure your safety first before he leaves."

Churan questioned, " Oh? And you're fine with getting married?"

Lexin smiled faintly. "I had been waiting for the right moment to be bold, but I suppose fate has a different plan in store. I struggle to find the courage to defy it."

"So, you couldn't find the courage, huh?"

He responded with a self-deprecating tone, "It seems that way. I guess I'm destined to remain a coward."