Chapter 10 - Chapter 8


Hours later, I decide I can't wallow in sorrow forever, I go to the guest quarter the omega currently is inhabiting. Opening the door, I find him coming out of the bathroom.

"I see you are awake. You look a bit better now and a bit rested."

Taking two steps towards him. I stop when I see he is still terrified of me. In his panic, he isn't looking where he goes and topples over the bed. He crawls backward and starts to shake all over, eyes cast down.

As if waiting to be hit or worse. What happened to him? I begin to feel angry on his behalf. To calm him down, I put my palms up, trying to look harmless.

I try again slowly to speak to him,

"I'm not going to harm you."

He murmurs,

"I... I don't understand you," pointing to his ears and shrugs his shoulders.

This isn't getting us anywhere. I start to smile to try to look more friendly and make with my hand a "come to me gesture", he still hesitates and I begin to lose my smile.

I wait unmoving, and then finally, he seems to pluck up courage and stand up from the bed. I start to smile again and slowly take another two steps towards him.

Now I wait if he will come to me. I can see him taking a deep breath, and then finally, he steps up to me. He is tiny, only reaching my chest. I slowly reach for his hand, gripping it firmly but not too hard. This time he didn't flinch, I point to the door, then to my head, and finally to my mouth.

Trying to convey, we go to get him an update on his translation unit. If he has one yet. He nods, I inwardly sigh. Turning around still holding his hand, we walk out of the door. Together we go to the ship's med-center.

Every time one of my crewmen starts to talk to him, he flinches and hides behind me. After the third time happening this, I pull him aside and take out my com-device.

"Suri, please tell everyone to clear the way to our med-center. The human omega is extremely frightened at the moment. He can't understand us."

"Roger, Captain, this should take only a few minutes."

Sighing, we wait a few minutes.

"Captain, the way is cleared."

Starting to walk again, we finally reach the med-center, without any interruptions. Going inside, I see Doc watch over the two injured rescued men.

He looks up and starts to smile,

"Captain, how nice of you to visit me. I see you have our little guest with you."

"Yes, you should check him, and he needs an update to his universal translator or a universal translator. I don't know, I only know he doesn't understand us or he is playing dumb. But I didn't get that impression."

"Ah, I see. Please bring him over there so I can check."

Walking with the omega to one of the medical beds, I point to it. The omega climbs up the bed and sits. I gently press his shoulders back, he complies lying down. Doc comes over and starting the scan of the omega.

I look up to the hologram with all the vital information of the omega. In the corner of my eye, I see the omega fascinating by it. From what backwater planet does he come? He doesn't even know medical beds and its functions?

"Hmm," Doc murmurs,

"He does not have a universal translator. His vitals look good. I can see that he recently, maybe three to five days ago, undergo a big surgery. His physiology was changed to be compatible with us. He is a Human Omega, capable of bearing us, children. This was done as soon as he was mature."

White-hot rage fills me, who would forcefully change someone to omega, and who should he be sold to?

"Get him a universal translator, so we can ask him a few questions."

Doc tsk at me, not happy with my temper, I try to calm down.

"Good, now that you calmed down, maybe the omega will not be so frightened."

I cringe and try to not look guilty,

"Sorry, little one."

The omega calms down again. Doc not bothering to describe the progress to our guest activates the nanites to do the job. To make sure he doesn't suffer brain damage, Doc sedates him.

The process only takes minutes. Afterward, he wakes him up again.

"All finished, you should be able to understand us now."

"I…, I do."

"We got you a universal translator, it's a device commonly used within the federation to understand each other easier without learning every language," I explain to him.

"Well, duh. I know this. It's just my father never bothered getting me one."

"Good, now that we are all on the same page, I will go back to my more critical patients. I'm Doctor Jikin, by the way," Doc tells him and walks to the injured men.

"I'm Shane Barker."

"Barker? As in diplomat Jake Barker's son?"

"Yes ... But no more."

Huh, there seems to be a story there. Just after finishing that thought, a big mighty rumble comes from Shanes' stomach. Embarrassed, he turns red as his hair, you can't even see his tiny little freckles anymore.

"I think we should get you some food, you can answer my questions while eating, as long as you are earnest."

"That would be appreciated. I don't know when was the last time I ate."

"Good, then hop down and let's go to our canteen."

I feel immensely satisfies when he complies immediately. Taking his hand, I lead the way to our canteen.

This time when we walk, he doesn't flinch when he gets greeted. I can feel he is still cautious, and he should be. He friendly greets back. Getting some comical reactions out of my crewmen. I just smile, enjoying the walk. When we get to the canteen, only a few tables are in use.

Checking the clock. It's no wonder. It's evening, we go together to the food replications unit. Not sure if Shane knows those.

"It's a…," I try to say.

But he interrupts me,

"It's a food replications unit, I know. We have them, too."

"Ok, go ahead and order then."

He orders himself some meat casserole and water to drink. Smelling his food, my stomach growls. Embarrassed, I blush. He looks up and starts to laugh at me.

I should be mortified, maybe even angry, but all I can feel is happiness in seeing him laugh so carefree. Abruptly he stops to laugh, he seems to remember his manners and where and with whom he is.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have laughed at you."

"It's ok, no harm was done."

He moves aside, so I can get my food. I ponder and finally choose the same. Human food isn't poison, so I try it. I never consider it before. He looks surprised by my choice.

"You thought I get some rare meat or what?"

He seems embarrassed again and cast his eyes down.

"No, lookup, I only joked."

He complies, and together we walk to a free table. Just as we sit down, Suri comes running to me.

"Captain, I have an important update regarding the data we acquired."

Then remembering that I have company, he stops.

"One moment," I turn around the canteen,

"Cronus, can you come over and keep an eye on our guest."

Cronus looks up and nods, turning his head to his companion Malhi. They both stand up and move to our table.

"This is Shane, please keep him company while I go and talk with Suri."

Standing up from my chair, I look to Shane, who frowns,

"I will be back later."

"I'm not a baby, you know?"

"I know, but you are our guest for the moment and don't know our ship." I turn and follow Suri out.

"What is it?" I hiss.

Shocked, he holds his hands up,

"Woah, I'm sorry to interrupt you, but the information I have is vital. Did you get anything from him yet?"

"His name is Shane Barker, and he is the son of the diplomat. So what information you have for me?"

I can see Cronus telling Shane something, and then he dissolved into laughter. I feel a flare of jealousy stab me.

"Captain, are you alright?" Suri asks with wide eyes.

Taking three deep breaths, I deliberately turn my back on Shane and the rest. I reply with clenched teeth,

"Yes, I'm alright. So the information?"

"His father tried to gift him to the King as a sex slave."


Suri cringes,

"Yes…, it seems that his father wanted to expand his business with the king and promised him his son."

"Oh Shayla, that's complicates everything. Now we will be fighting two fronts."

"We will be?" he asks, his eyebrows rising to his hairline.

"Even if he is his son. I don't think he consented to be a sex slave. We can't return him. I will not allow it."

"Oh, Shayla. You've got it bad. I didn't want to believe Doc. Shit, I lost the bet to him."

"What do you mean, I got it bad?" I ask indignantly.

When he doesn't reply, I huff and say to him,

"Do you got more out of the data yet?"

"No, but we will have everything in a few hours."

I turn around and walk back to Shane. Cronus sees me approaching and says something to Malhi, both stand up.

"No, please stay, I want to hear more."

"Shane it was a pleasure to meet you, but we must go back to our duties on the ship," Mahli answers him,

"I'm sure nobody wants the ship to break in half."

Shanes's eyes grow comically wide,

"In half?"

"Not when I'm back to my duties. I can't leave Shuu all alone for too long. Or he tries to improve our reactor again."

"Then better be on your way, I still remember the last time one of his experiments gone wrong. The food replicator only giving Wanshu soup for a whole week. The crew was two steps away from lynching him," Cronus says and starts to laugh,

"I remember, but in the end, he fixed and improved it. He is such a bright head. It was fortunate his parents were giving him to us for protection," Mahli defends Shuu.

"Protection?" Shane asks curiously.

"Yes protection, Shuu was born Omega, and under the rule of the new King, all omegas shouldn't be allowed to learn. Cause they are only good enough for their nature's intended path. His words, not mine."

"You mean breeding stock? Sexual Slavery? Will this be my fate?" Shane says, his eyes losing their shine.

"Didn't you hear? Shuu is an engineering apprentice," I answer him inserting myself smoothly into their conversation.

Cronus and Mahli both seem incredibly uncomfortable,

"Captain, we will go now, enjoy your meal. Good luck, Shane," both say at once.

Nodding to them, they leave.

"So, where were we? I'm Wiphas, the rebel leader of this bunch. I think somebody owes me some answers to questions. Can you tell me why you were with your father?"

"Uhm, I'm not entirely sure."