The clacking of hoves and the chatter of knights vast dirt paved road, the tree shade dark and cool, the paths curves endless.
The trees vast and tall, brown and black, the wood of the trees cracked and knarled.
"Duke forte!" William shouted his voice traveled through the files and ranks of each knight, the marching of the army came to a stop, Forte at the front of the line sitting on a fear parked horse.
Willam on his steed rode to the duke, his eyes burning with rage.
"Company advance!" screamed forte William slowing down, Fortes horse moving cautiously, the army advancing.
William caught up to forte, his horse matching pace with the rest.
"Why continue this war!?" Asked Willam, Forte silent looking forward.
"Forte Haythem, is this worth that money?" Snarled Willam. "The Deaths of the innocent! do you not see what drives this war!"
The Duke smiled. "do you know what runs our country? the prescious metal that sits in the treasury?"
William stared, the smile the duke had was lustful, and calm.
"That gold that we collect from this, this, beauty! To me the rabble can always grow again, but my gold, those are my medals."
William picked up pace, his horse galloping on the dirt road, his teeth gritted.
The forest trees ended in the distance a wall of white was seen in the distance, gleaming like marble, it's doors a rustic brown.
The city had a river splitting it in two, on the far edge connecting to the wall was a castle that reached the sky.
It's towers caressing the sky, its body resting a top a cliff stricken hill, the cobblestone path holding it's large red gates open.
The army caught up to William, and the slow march began.
Royal trumpets blew muses, as mutters were heard behind the walls, the doors opened.
A mass of people were cheering at the door, a wave of people clapping and chanting the kingdoms name whispered through the walls, the army at the gates.
The army marched on, each window of each house pouring people, the roads all blocked.
But, the cobblestone road towards the castle kissing the sky, the army started getting smaller as units went to their barracks.
They would sing and jeer, and cheers their drinks, as William and forte rode towards the castle.
"The kings here!" a voice echoed, and the red lining with three figures.
The first was a Red haired boy his smile bright, the girl with black hair next to the boy stared in silence, her kimono a colourful blue.
Next to her was Sanosuke, a man in clad black armour, his arm waving at William.
William entered the courtyard, getting off his horse and getting tackled by the red haired boy, they both fell to the ground the boy hugging the man.
"Dad!" Edwin smiled. "Did you win? are the bad guys gone?" William stared at Edwin speachless.
"Edwin try not to tackle your dad to hard." said Sanosuke, the girl clinging behind her dad, looking nervously.
"It's okay Sanosuke." William said "I missed you Edwin." Willam said smiling hold his son the two embraced, the girl staring daggers at William.
"Aoi?" Sanosuke paused, then smiled looking at his daughter. "Are you jealous that Williams close to Edwin?" Aoi looked at her father's face with shock, her face red and shaking side to side.
"No-no I don't!" Aoi denied, Sanosuke crouched down looking at his daughter.
"It's okay, daddy is gonna to make you Edwin's bride." Aoi's face flushed her mouth agape in shock.
"Sorry Sanosuke." said William, walking up to him. " He is already engaged to the princess of Toulon." Edwin Williams shadow looked down in sadness, Sanosuke looking at Edwin paused, then smiled.
"It's okay, Aoi." Sanosuke said turning his head his eyes meeting Aoi's.
" You got to fight for love, sweetie." Sanosuke paused, aoi's ghost leaving her body. "Aoi? Aoi?!" Sanosuke's faced teared up, he began to shake her.
"William, help! I think she's in shock!" Begged Sanosuke, William burst out laughing.
"Ed-Edwin" William giggled. "can you play with Ms Yamada?"
Edwin smiled, ran up to Aoi, and grabbed her hand.
Aoi opened her eyes wide in shock, a smile beamed on her face as they both ran towards the neighboring garden.
"Did he do it again?" asked Sanosuke, looking at William with a serious face.
William Frowned " He called them livestock."
"William, look Forte is provoking you. Maybe it's about time to replace him?"
"I wish." William paused. " He controls this countries largest Duchy with an iron fist, to demote a Haythem would make me an enemy of the Military."
The wind sang, a lone leaf gliding to it's melody the only movement in the courtyard.
"Sire! Where's his Majesty?!" David said running from the garden.
"Yes?!" said William, David ran up to him, his bright green robe in shambles.
"I-it's" David panted. "It's The Prime Minister, he declared an emergency session in the parliament.
Williams face shifted in confusion, he looked at Sanosuke. "I got stuff to take care of, excuse me." Said William, walking straight towards the main doors, the doors opened.
David ran towards the doors, and vanished with William behind them.
Sanosuke was standing alone in the empty courtyard the leaf hitting the ground,
Sanosuke walked towards the garden, his feet tired his eyes finding a bench.
Crystal white cobblestone guided Sanosuke through the maze of flower beds, and shrubs, the wind rustling the leaves sang in the silence.
Sanosuke dazedly looked around finding Edwin sitting on a cobblestone bench, sad looking down, he walked to where Edwin was sitting and sat next to him.
"Where is Aoi?" Sanosuke asked, Edwin pointed to a rose bush Aoi was hovering around, giddily asking the maid how they kept care of them.
"It's not fair." Edwin pouted. " Why did Dad pick my bride?"
Sanosuke looked up at the sky lost in thought.
"He cares for you, he's scarred that you won't be able to stand on your feet."
"But!" Edwin said. "I like Aoi." Edwin sighed, Sanosuke looked at Edwin his eyes causers, and his mouth collapsed open.
Edwin looked at Sanosuke. "Uncle Sanosuke? Uncle Sanosuke?!" Edwin shouted, Sanosuke's soul leaving his body. "Guards! Guards!" screamed Edwin, two armoured men ran towards Edwin, Aoi looked back in Wonder her face grave with fear she ran towards Sanosuke.
"Dad?" Aoi asked, the guards got to Edwin. "Take Sanosuke to Anwyn! please!" Edwin begged.
"Dad!" Aoi screamed, she ran to Sanosuke as the guards got on each side of him and carry him, the crowd run into the door to the right of the garden, rushing down the halls of the castle.