Chereads / Ashen Prayers / Manifestors, Waves/Resonance, and their categories (Contains Short-Term Spoilers)

Ashen Prayers

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Manifestors, Waves/Resonance, and their categories (Contains Short-Term Spoilers)

Manifestors are people who have 'awakened' by advancing their wave resonance enough to clash their names/souls/faiths into the waves emitted by reality.

- Waves are an invisible function of reality, shown as both the cause and effect of everything in the world. Your fists emit a wave, your turning wheel emits a wave, your conceptual ideas emit waves---everything emits a wave in this novel, acting as one of the two components responsible for the manifestation of abstract ideas. There are three main types of waves: outward, inward, and halted.

» Outward waves are waves emitted out into the real world, being the most common of the three waves since name/soul/faith users use it at their beginning to affect the real world, but soul users are more focused on it than the others; will be explained more in the soul category.

» Inward waves are waves taken into your body, being the most focused wave by name users since they focus on their inner self, giving boosts to your physical body. This works by inverting the outward waves emitted by your name into your body, thus affecting that instead of the real world; will be explained more in the name category.

» Atmospheric waves are waves that are neither emitted or taken in as they act like domes of stationary lines that follow faith users as their center. This occurs because what a faith user wants to do most is to stay loyal and consistent to their faith, in which their waves reflect that behavior; will be explained more in the faith category.

- Resonance is when two or more waves come together and interact with each other, allowing the alternate waves to affect each other. Of course, there are different variations of this resonance between waves, (might get too advanced for a new story, so feel free to come back when it's properly introduced in the storyline)

» Neutral: when two waves neither greatly overpower each other nor submit to one another, allowing for a neutral resonance in which both waves can affect each other. This is the most common usage of resonance as you usually don't find your fist punching a hole through the wall or your knuckles shattering when hitting something hard.

» Domination: when one wave greatly overpowers another wave, it causes a resonance in which the weak wave is broken. For example, if you were to shoot a corrupt nail originating from your faith at someone's head and they tried to defend with a stroke on ink originating from their soul, chances are that if your nail overpowers theirs, your wave will win that clash. This is just some simple strong-beats-weak mechanics.

» Intangible: when one wave is simply too different from another wave, a resonance will fail to occur. Failure of resonance means no interaction between waves, allowing for your fiery punch to go through someone else's defenses if their waves weren't compatible with yours. This also means that abilities that don't have an advanced-enough wave resonance with other waves, then the ability might fail to do anything at all. Otherwise, everyone might just be able to conjure up their dumb-fumbled imaginations onto reality.

» Nonmaterial: since everything can create a wave, that also means things understanding something from your friend or enemy is a wave resonance. Of course, there are rules to a nonmaterial resonance: no resonance will come forth if that understanding of you is completely fake, no resonance will come forth if your opponent won't believe you, and maybe some other stuff I might add later.

» Hitchhike: when one wave is modified to resonate with another wave going to resonate with another wave, allowing it to piggyback on it to also resonate with the same wave the original wave was going to resonate with. For example, if you told someone that you like ice cream, you create a nonmaterial resonance with whoever just heard that. If you were to hitchhike another wave onto that nonmaterial resonance to attack the other wave, you can mentally attack someone and make them into a vegetable. There is one rule to this, and that is the fact that a hitchhike wave cannot be too greater in effect than the resonance because the wave resonance will simply collapse.

» Might come up with more wave resonance techniques if a moment of inspiration takes hold on me.

- Names, souls, and faiths are the three categories associated with Manifestors, utilizing waves to their own kind of speciality. Every Manifestor all have names, souls, and faiths, but each Manifestor has more potential in one category than the other. This means that, although you can develop all three if you have the knowledge, you will not develop as strongly as someone who develops with their specialty, but combinations are possible.

» Name users, or more commonly known as Cognomen, derive their power from the titles given to them. It isn't something gained by the recognition of others, but by what someone would title you if they were to know your character. The most common requirements to get a title is by defining your personality, achievements, character---all of that nice stuff. For example, if you were someone who would be regarded as a heartless hero that have slain millions of enemies in cold blood, you might get the epithet of 'The Just Cruelty.' As partially explained before by the description of inward waves, this gained title emits a wave that, with the use of inward waves, can redirect the wave emitted by that title into your body, resonating your title with your body and changing it to fit that title of yours. There are three stages to being a Cognomen:

â—Š The ID/Identity - normally, the first stage to of a Cognoman. In this stage, you have advanced your name's outward wave resonance enough to physically manifest it into being. This is usually in the form of a weapon, item, or whatever thing that best suits your title. For example, Carmina had manifested a survivalist knife because her title is 'The Lonesome Remains.'

â—Š The Ego - the second stage of a Cognoman, possible when you learn how to invert outward waves into inward waves. In this stage, since the waves of your name have been inverted to travel inward, your title begins to apply to your own body, and quite possibly change your appearance depending on your name. For example, if someone titled 'Those Of Many Faces' has a weapon that can duplicate itself, developing an Ego will allow the person to clone themselves.

â—Š The Singularity - the third stage of a Cognoman, more so an ultimate mode rather than a permanent power up. This form can only be obtained by being the only wave resonance inside your body, shutting off all resonate interactions inside your body as in return for complete wave dominance from your name. This includes all bodily functions, time and space, laws, and even reality itself, which is the reason as for why this mode is so hard to obtain; you need a wave frequency so strong to completely dismantle reality itself. In return for this complete and utter dominance of your name's wave, you can compress it into a singular point inside the center of your body, creating self-resonate wave singularity that is both unimaginably small, and unimaginably enormous in influence. At this point of the Singularity stage, your body will no longer look human, but rather a more fitting look for what your name is. For example, if someone with the name of 'The Slain Star' were to develop their Singularity, their body would develop into the body composition that looks most like a slain star, unlike Egos with their change only being in appearance and maybe some other body part that associates with their name.

» Soul users, or more commonly known as 'Incarnates' for their manifestation of an abstract way of mind, derive their powers from their memories. This is more so associated with what made them into the person they are now, what their philosophy is, or their perspective on the world. Incarnates specialize in outward waves the most, utilizing the waves emitted from their soul to resonate with the real world, thus manifesting their abstract mind into reality. For example, if someone were to have grown up telling a lot of lies, their soul ability might have to do with the manifestations of illusions. There are three stages to being an Incarnate:

â—Š The Sense - the first stage of being an Incarnate, and is the most vital for being a Manifestor. In this stage, although you can't manifest your abstract philosophy into the real world just yet, you can sense how the world functions behind the scenes. Manifestors usually develop this stage to its maximum potential without advancing to the next stage as the Sense is the sole responsible factor for the awareness of waves, the visualization of other Manifestors' abilities, and just your senses in general. Although the Sense stage deals with all five of your senses, it is most effective with your eyes as they are "the windows to your soul."

â—Š The Mind - the 2nd stage of being an Incarnate, allowing you to control or manipulate the abstract view on the world in which you see. For example, if someone were to have the philosophy of "I have no enemies," their Sense ability would be their observation of hostility from other people, and their Mind ability would be the negation of damage from the objects in which they touch. This stage is obtained by simply directing your waves outward in order to resonate with other waves, and is the most commonly obtained stage because of the fact that Incarnates learn how to already resonate their waves during their Sense stage. It only takes a stronger and advanced wave resonance in order to advance to the Mind stage.

â—Š The Worldview - the third stage of being an Incarnate, and has the biggest jump in how much wave resonance advancement you need compared to the other categories. Similar to the requirements for a Singularity, your wave resonance has to dominate everything in the surrounding area in order for it to work. What ensues after this is a domain ruled by your soul ability, in which everything inside that domain is warped into a world with your soul ability. For example, if someone were to have grown up in a life of pain and agony, their worldview ability could substitute reality for how they see the world, warping all senses and scenery to be seen from their point of view of how the world is only pain and cruelty, in which everyone inside this worldview would be subjected to painful torturing or whatever.

» Faith users, or more commonly known as Proselytizers, are Manifestors who derive their power from the definition of a certain word/concept. For example, if a Proselytizer were to have their faith in ice, they could conjure ice from the waves emitted from their faith. Proselytizers uses a wave type called Atmospheric Waves, which has to do with the distinctive mood around you rather than air compositions. Atmospheric waves are a wave type in which they are completely halted without any direction going inward or outward, following you as if it were a dome that followed you around. To advance towards atmospheric waves, you need to learn how to slow down your wave movement until they are near their stopping point, in which anything within the range of this dome of halted waves can be applied with your faith ability; the reason being that faith must stay unwavering and consistent at all times. Just like the other two, there are three stages to being an Proselytizer:

â—Š The Heart - the first stage of being a Proselytizer, and has the most simple function in terms of abilities; you simply have the power to conjure up a certain element for your disposal. For example, if someone were to have their faith in lightning, they would be able to use lightning at their disposal. The type of wave faiths use in order to manifest itself into reality are atmospheric waves, which are produced waves that attempt to come as close to zero movement as possible, but since first stage Proselytizers are fairly new to wave usage, their faiths are usually uncontrollable and inconsistent because they would be using outward waves to start off with. As stated before, atmospheric waves have to be still in order to support faith abilities as faith has to remain consistent and loyal to their beliefs. Of course, multiple Proselytizers are capable of having the same faiths as there are way too many Manifestors for each Proselytizer to have their own special element, which is compensated for their unique usage of it.

â—Š The Temple - the second stage of being a Proselytizer, obtained only by having a consistent flow of wave speed, the slower being the stronger. The Temple stage allows you to evolve your faith ability in order to buff yourself according to the definitions of your element. For example, if someone were to have their faith in ice, they would be able to give themselves an icy-cold demeanor that can offset mental attacks or the such; it really just depends on the Proselytizer's interpretation of their own faith, as another ice faith user could buff themself with aesthetically-pleasing ice armor because of how cool it is. Of course, advancing to the next stage doesn't always require to to keep your faith the way it is, as Proselytizers with their faith in ice could possibly advance it to a faith in cruelty or coolness.

â—Š The Divinity - the third stage of being a Proselytizer, only utilized by those are capable of completely freezing their atmospheric waves in the surrounding area. What ensues from this is the complete application of all (or just chosen) meanings of the Proselytizer's faith into everything around them, twisting their faith to either do incredible damage to the enemy or buffing their teammates to an unimaginable degree. For example, if someone with the faith of corruption were to acquire their divinity stage, they would be able to twist the desires of their enemies in order to make them more selfish, disrupting their teamwork and killing off any remaining amiability between them for the future. If the Proselytizer were to twist this to a buff, they could corrupt the bad traits possessed by their teammates, effectively inverting them to some degree. Divinity can also be used on surrounding objects, in which if a corrupted faith user were to use their abilities on a machine, the many 'gears' that worked together in order for the machine to function might personify it to lack 'integrity,' thus stopping the machine entirely.