Long time ago humans, gods, demons and mythical creatures tried their best to find their space under the sun. Yet with continuous greed of humanity made it nearly impossible for supernatural beings to get along, and after long years of fighting a family had arose among others. When first Salivan woman, Eve had made a deal with one of the most powerful demons, no one believed this union will bring anything good. Yet together with help of several gods, they have managed to create a dimension, as big and wide as anyone needed to fit in everyone safely and providing portals in all possible places for free and safe movement together with guardians to protect it.
But even such event didnt brought peace. After generations of feud, mythical world finally accepted, that where they were was better, yet they still needed humans, there fore rules have been put in place, to which everyone managed to follow.
Therefore last twins of Saliman had set their gifts into world before perishing. Some humans have acquired a gift, that made them a Lock- a human, that has power to lock demon into contract, these people doesn't need to give anything in return to demon as per usual contract practice, yet their contracts were often even stronger than normal binding contracts.
Other people were called a Host- a human, that can be possessed by a demon for prolonged periods of time, these humans are also called skins or shells. Once demon starts using host body, soul is removed and either sent to happy afterlife or left slumber depending on agreement, and only empty body is left. Yet demon can feel normal human body reactions that are more reflex based. While not being used host body must kept crystalized to prevent deterioration. Host body depending on compatibility and host initial stamina can be used from few days up to several years or even decades.
The last, but definitely not least was a Censer. They were born when 4 strong locks align in a family no older than grandparents. Censers are considered as immortal human. They reach certain point and stop aging, they keep censer in their hearts, a powerful healing artefact that was created from immerse power. Censer can cure or destroy gods, purify evil, bend wills of supernatural creatures. Yet it must be given and used willingly, if censer was tried to be ripped out by force a lock form on the attacker forcing him into full submission and removal of any free will. Once censer is given away human must enter fey world and get their healing, otherwise person would die in human world in accelerated time frame.
Yet if censer gets corrupted, it can become as most powerful destruction tool that could eradicate everything that has been created. It was believed, that Eve was original vessel that created censer and last Salivan twins has released it in world, but due to fact that such powerful vessel has occurred 10 times in past 1500 years meant that there were not enough knowledge about it. Yet as they are rare, 2 or more could be alive at the same time with proper alignment of Locks.
Yet last 100 years worth of logs were burned due to incident in sacred demon library, there fore it was difficult to tell how many of them managed to happen in current lifetime.
A little bit about me and my writing style.
My pen name is Marzipan Owl, and i do like to be called Marzi, i am from Lithuania, but now reside in UK. I love fantasy stories and been writing for past 15 years, yet never really published anything. I just recently started to write in English, and there will be mistakes and errors, i do apologise, i am trying my best.
My main stories are between demons and supernatural creatures, humans and sometimes werewolves so you might expect many various themes going on as i go. some of stories will be prequels and sequels, i will leave comments when i will go to that, but also will try to give necessary descriptions for person to continue reading without jumping in and out. Don't worry, i will take care of you.
POV's might change and i will notify when and through whose eyes you are looking through. Bear in mind, as a woman my written and created men might be not as masculine, and their mind could feel more feminine, i am working on that.
I love feedbacks, either good or bad, so if you do have any comments, don't hesitate to leave them. I might not change course of my stories, but i will take them into account for self improvement.
I do touch sensitive topics such as Domestic abuse, yet i do try to be discrete and there will be certain topics that i will tend to avoid as they are sensitive even to me.
All my main characters are always adults in their mid 20ties, early 30ties, as i am adult myself. their personalities are somewhat formed, and their coping mechanisms might not be perfect, but no one is. i will not go too much into sexual things, but you will definitely know when they are doing the deeds as some steam never hurt anyone.
I hope you will enjoy this story as much as i like to write them.
Last but not least, quick guide of my way of writing.
To separate where is mind talks i am putting everything telepathic or character thoughts within these symbols "...."
Any dialogue start and end will have these symbols -....,-
Text messages and letters will be separated like this â...â
Sudden POV change will be indicated like this ~~ Character name~~, i do prefer writing in 3rd person, there fore often shifts in POV might be to portray what is going on in male or female lead life when they are not together if it is significant for plot.
Before i forgot, there will be a bit of stronger language.
I hope that is helpful.