Author's Note: Hey! Thank you for reading my first book! It's been an honour to
work with my friends on this. If you have any thoughts or just wanna geek out
contact me at on
instagram! See you there!
• I n t r o d u c t i o n•
In Ahthadiot. There were three kingdoms.
Ruled by
Heaven: Royal angels
Limbo: Crystalian council
Hell: Royal demons
• R e s i d e n t s•
Heaven: Angels, Flower fairies, Crystalians.
Limbo: Reapers, Ghosts, Gargoyles, Demons, Angels, Blood Fairies, Flower fairies, Fallen ANgels, Crystalians.
Hell: Demons, Blood fairies, Fallen angels, Cargoyles, Crystalians.
Heaven's Royal family:
Queen Rehea, Queen Ann, Crown princess Alice, Prince Louis, Princess Charlotte.
Hell's Royal family:
Crystalian Queen Rana (dead), King Albert, Crown Prince Ross, Princess Elyhea and
Princess ruby.
Head council Oscar ,angelina ,Carlos,Emmanuel,Isla.
Royal bloods and Crystalians are considered the most powerful in
Royal bloods are given one royal ability different from one another
And more powerful than the other creatures.
Crystalians control magic and can make potions with crystals. Some who
mastered their art. Can also see the future.
Some who are a mix of these have either, equal or one dominating gene.
Depending on this. Said person can't use certain powers or spells
x and x are Mostly dominated by their demon, their magical abilities are very
limited.while x is equally Demon and crystalian
Flower fairies control certain elements, channelling it through a staff, though
they can use small amounts of their powers without staffs, i,e growing plants
and small protection shields depending on their element.which is why only
fighting fairies use staffs.
Gray text means: past tense.
Black text means: present.
Dark Gray text means: thoughts.
Grey text with a trim means: Raya.