Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 284 - Chapter 284: Husband and Wife

Chapter 284 - Chapter 284: Husband and Wife

The smoke quickly cleared itself as Solomon would get his footing back, coughing like mad as he saw the barrier break, his vision clouded as he'd see them. A Man and a woman, both mechanical in their design, no heads to speak of, only a set of masquerade masks to emote as their own eyes, a thin stick that connects it to the stump that served as their necks. The man donned a tailored made three-piece suit of black and white, with silver gloves that held a symbol of monsters on the back of his hands, the one used by Harvard. He also wore himself black shoes that somehow remained shined and clean, despite the soot clearly touching, almost as if the surface simply rubbed off. The woman donned a large ball gown dress, a color scheme of nothing but white. She, too, possessed gloves in the same pattern, but in a light shade of blue instead, reaching across her elbows. What was another detail of note was that her chest was opened up, a compartment that held the Bazooka responsible.

Cogs began to whir and audibly crack amongst one another as the barrel retreated back, her gloves and arms now opening up to create sword-like blades, her gown sprouting out a mass of metallic legs that quickly charged forward, acting as a personal battering ram. Solomon would try to cast his barrier again, but the Bride merely slashed it in half, a large amount of energy coursing through the steel, slicing it like butter. The Groom would try to close the distance and surround the child, his energy pulsing just as much, ready to cast his own spell, the stick that holds the sneering mask moving slightly away to unleash a minigun attached onto it. The Biblical Sorcerer didn't have much time to act, having Shady envelop the man and skew his aim by sinking one of his legs, forcing him to shoot at the Bride instead, having her react by slashing at the bullets coming towards her, not even letting one reach and stain her dress. With such a window, he'd cast another spell towards the Groom, implanting a commandment straight onto his chest.

"Thou shalt not KILL!!!"

The inscriptions glowed brightly as it bound the man's body, though he would be quick on adapting to such a strategy by switching its aim towards destroying the chapel itself, shooting down at the roof and trying to have it collapse on itself, having Solomon cast a Barrier big enough to catch the debris raining down. As he'd watch the rubble break apart, the Bride would take advantage and aim straight for his back, prompting the shadow to once again dart the boy around, spinning him and curving his path across the area as if he was dancing, with each slash and stab prompting a new move to weave around, his white hair flowing as much as his body. Once he prepared the barrier, he went back on the offensive, trying to catch one of the blades and casting a plague of locusts to strike at her arm and stick, letting it snap like a twig and have it fall over, forcing it to stumble back, searching across the ground. "Okay, made one blind." He'd began "...Now to focus on the o-"


A direct hit. A shot straight across his chest. The Groom would use his leg to take aim, his knee as the trigger, having said leg act as the barrel for a Sniper Rifle, watching the child be flung at the barriers walls, watching the child cough up blood as he struggles to get up. The boy would watch as the Bride prepared her swords, charging forward and trying to take advantage of his worn state, whilst the Groom prepared another bullet to try and fire at Solomon should he escape once more, hoping to catch him in mid-air to ensure his Wife delivers the lethal blow. The Sorcerer breathed heavily, looking down at his very shadow, as well as the two shadows that were around the area, thanks to the light coming from outside. He'd prepare a spell to cast a large part of the hall in darkness, a Plague that would not just conceal him from the Groom's aim, but to hide his next attack just as she'd reach and slash wildly in the air. As the plague came, clashes of metal and stone were heard in the sphere, rubble and debris being blown across the environment, though she doesn't show any signs of difficulty due to the air. The Groom kept a watchful eye, looking around the area and even behind and below himself to see where he is willing to pop out.

"Et dabo septem dies ex nunc pluviam super terram quadraginta diebus et quadraginta noctibus..."

A Chant. The Groom braced for impact as he'd launch himself up into the air, assuming it was going to be a sneak attack from behind. A peculiar thing that he would note, however, was that it held a completely different voice. A Voice unfamiliar towards the Man.

" delebo omnem animam viventem in terrain quam feci tibi. Hoc est praeceptum Domini.."

Small droplets began to come down from above, making the Groom look up. The ceiling. It was too late for him to avoid what was coming, as he'd place his arms up and make it grow wider and sprout spikes, acting as a shield to defend itself. Blood sprayed down as the boy came out from the ceiling, book in one hand, the other casting the spell.


"RED!!!! SEA!!!! ARRRRRRK!!!"

A tsunami. A massive wave of water that would drown out the Groom, flooding the area, breaking the stick that served as its sight as well, letting the boy materialize the shadow as a boat in order to remain afloat. He'd try to cast a spell on himself to at least heal his wound, as he'd watch the newly made ocean before him.