Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 256 - Chapter 256: Pirates!? Again!?

Chapter 256 - Chapter 256: Pirates!? Again!?

The boys would look out for such docks, with Harvard reading through the back of the note and seeing such complicated words, mostly towards some of the monster's abilities: Cherub, housing the might of angels, and to an extent, a holy magic source, through its wings and mouths. Kubrick, utilizing what looked to be a Camera to trap people and shape whatever is in its images. Macabre, who can raise the very dead and can even trigger a necrotic state with its staff. Bumble, utilizing various bees to attack in different formations. Such details, such complications, it slowly made the magician go numb the longer he read them. "Why are there so many words in this thing?? I don't wanna study something like THIS!" He'd yell, much to the annoyance of Solomon.

"Whoever it was gave YOU those cards. Think its best to suck it up and keep reading. We don't wanna miss out on-" His explanation would be interrupted by a groan from the Card Magician.

"But reading is BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORING! At least if its something I HAVE to learn! Can't I just demonstrate at least one of them? Pretty please?" He would ask.

Solomon rolled his eyes as he complained, prompting the Shadow to rise up once more, nudging the Biblical Sorcerer. Solomon would look at him as if he was crazy, but he can see through the big, white dots on his current emotions. He'd sigh as he'd turn towards the Magician. "I'll let you demonstrate it-"


"-ONLY when we're up against the new threat. I'll see if I can expend some energy to at least get you a head start on it."

"....Alright then!" Harvard would smile and give a thumbs up, seeing Solomon lightening himself from his restriction, despite what happened recently. Before he would get back to reading, however, they'd finally reach it, with ships anchored onto the shell of the scarab's exoskeleton, hoisted up to make sure they don't fall off of the walking city. Right as they reached it, Stolas and Harvard would recognize the two people relaxing on one of the ships. At the same time, the two people take notice of the children in a similar fashion. Pirates. Both the pirates and the two children did a wicked grin, running up to each other, arming themselves, ready to have another fight amongst each other. Right as they were about to fire their spells and prepare another attack on the docks, Solomon was quick to send his shadow forward, taking advantage of the shadow residing on the ships, and dragged all of them straight into the void, holding them hostage.

"CHILL! FOR 5! MINUTES!" Solomon's patience wore thin, though small bubbles came up, signifying as their agreement. Zazel couldn't help but laugh at how much they wanted to get a fight, watching as Solomon begrudgingly rose them back up, seeing the pirates once more: Anne Marie and Edward Teach. " NOT make me regret bringing you back up." He'd ask, having the shadows serve as a bind, with Harvard and Stolas noticing something new since their last encounter. They could see Teach's arms no longer holding the cannons, now being metallic prosthetics to shift between their standard self and the weapons he wishes to fire, still having the wooden limbs to help him walk around. They could also see Marie wielding two bands of bullets, each one marked with a specific label, whether it would be a picture of a fire, of an ice cube, or of a thunder bolt, all of which wrapped around her waist as if it was a belt, her flintlocks also being a solid, white steel as well.

"Well now! T'is be a glorious sight if I's ev'r seen, eh!? The heck are you brats doin' all the way 'n Khepros?" Teach would ask a proud, hearty laugh erupting as he'd try to step out of the shadows.

"Could say the same for you guys, actually! Are you guys the one who wanted to see the island thing?" Harvard would ask, which erupted another laugh from the jolly pirate.

"AYE! That be the reason, alrigh'! Word's caught wind of a fortune residin' in the outside oceans! An isle they be callin' 'Riches of Chryse'!" Such a response would be followed by Anne, taking out a map from her back pocket, tossing it towards the children and letting them open it. Zazel, recalling how they have their own map, would pull it out as well, matching the coordinates themselves. A Solid one to one, with the location for the island marked West of Khepros.

"We's just be needin' a few crew members to come along! Never thought it'd be the ones that nearly killed us! You boys are LUCKY when we crashed, it was nearby a hospital to recover our injuries." Anne had the widest grin, still tensed up, still itching for a fight, looking towards Stolas to get her rematch. The Avian noticed such a stare and responded by cracking his own knuckles, being just as tempted. Solomon, however, merely stared towards the two to ensure such chaos is kept to a minimum, ready to cast his shadow again if need be. "Uuuuugh, Fine! We'll hold it off." She'd groan.

"You guys crashed into a hospital?" Harvard would ask, prompting the pirates to nod in an affirmation.

"Aye! T'is be a sign from the heavens that we's keep truckin' alon', eh, Anne? But 'nough 'bout that. C'mon! Inside! I's got some stuff ta show ya if you wish'd to be part of me merry crew, yah little runts!" Teach's voice was breathing new life as he'd make his way towards the gangway, prompting the others to follow suit, with the two boys recognizing that the ship also had a much needed makeover than before, watching the black flag flow freely amongst the winds, as well as the many, many supplies in the form of barrels and crates being carried inside, storing them in the lower barracks to ensure they're sustained for the voyage.

This was going to be a fun one.