Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 254 - Chapter 254: Shakespearian Hold

Chapter 254 - Chapter 254: Shakespearian Hold

The King looked on outside, seeing through the hole made from his Final Gambit, watching the debris blew across his body. Something felt different towards the King. Despite wearing nothing but trash, he feels more fitting towards this rejected cloth even more than before. He'd take notice of the dust and debris, as well as the torn clothes of the staff members, now just being husks of their former selves. He'd reach out and grab a few, ripping them apart, and would take off his own clothing. He spent a day and a night within this vacant tower, slowly sewing up patches and pieces of such cloth towards his own garbs, acting as a trophy against the demon. He could see the garbs being a collage of colors, some being the standard, ragged robes and paper articles, yet some would host a new color, a new set of patterns that partly extended towards the body. He would take some pieces of the mask and would mold it, using his energy to heat it up and coat his crown with the material, slowly giving his new outfit a try. The collage meshed well with one another, somehow, and the patterns were a trap for the eyes, thinking to himself that such a starch contrast between him would catch his opponent off guard. His crown was no longer a dingy steel, but a marble white, slowly slimming the circumference so it doesn't slip off of his head, his cape littered with such patterns from the employees, treasuring it to himself.

An outfit for a King, in his mind.

He'd breathe in the fresh air once more, looking out towards the horizon, pondering on what else lied out there. Who else has done his foolish sin? Who else has landed themselves a fate worse than death? He understood clearly that he must find the original contractor, the very person responsible for assigning such a contract, and eliminate them as well. Just as he had such a thought, a voice spoke from behind. "What a glorious ending. A Tale as old as time. A warrior who wished nothing less than to pay tribute to the fallen." Gabriel's eyes widened as he'd hear such a tone, looking back and seeing someone, a figure, cloaked in a brown trench coat. Gloves to cover his hands, bandages to cover his face and body, and a hat to cover his hair. Even despite such features being indiscernible, the King recognized who the man was, a scowl running across his face, as he'd try to charge towards him and land a heavy hook, before wincing in pain as he'd be forced to fall down, the venom still lingering in his system. "Ahhh, and a delightful twist on top of that! To turn against the very person who blessed you, oh the wonders keep coming! Truly, you've captivated my heart. Alas, you have broken your contract, my dear friend. I do not think that you will be living long enough to see me, even with the style that shapes your imagination to reality."

The words the figure spoke were enough to bring his temper to a boil. "Blessed me...?" Gabriel began, as he'd struggle to get up. "BLESS ME!? YOU KILLED MY FRIENDS, NO, MY FAMILY!! YOU MURDERED ALL OF THEM AND MADE THEM INTO SOMETHING UNRECOGNIZABLE! YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUSLY BELIEVING ON SUCH AN IDEA AS MORONIC AS THAT!" His voice rang loud and hard, even when his body was too weak to properly stand.

The figure merely chuckled at such blasphemous words. "Well, such blessings do come at a price, after all~! Surely, you didn't expect to be given such worth for free, after all. You wouldn't push yourself nearly as much as what you've done now if tragedies like this never occurred, now would you?" The words the man gave brought Gabriel further, nearly trying to throw himself towards the cloaked figure, yet once more, the venom remained stuck in his body. "Oh, no, no, no. Not yet, my friend, not yet! You need to heal your wounds, to ease your pain, to cure your toxins. If you want, I can provide you an easy cure to it all. All you need to do is hold still, Mm? Can you do that?"

"Like hell I'd let you touch me."

"I don't think you have much a choice in this ma-" His words were cut when the King threw a punch, nearly grazing the figure's cheek, the boisterous energy still flowing wildly against his arms, even if they're a pus-like color. The figure's expressions changed to shock when he saw how much the man relented, staring down at the figure with an intent to kill.

"I make my own choice. I don't care if I get infected or not. I don't care if my body is too weak to fight back. I'll still fight, if it means I send you back to the wretched land from whence you came. My spirit will not rest, until yours dies with me." He'd snarl, his eyes acting like daggers, piercing into his very soul.

As a response, the figure's smile was visibly growing wide, even through the bandages, allowing Gabriel to see the middle being completely hollow. He could hear the figure begin to laugh, his hands connecting to his face, trying to keep it together, but failing as a result. He was visibly happy. He was getting excited. "INTERESTING~! This story has taken a perfect turn!! Never in my entire life, not before, and not after, would I have anticipated this! It actually brings a tear in my eyes hearing this! This is too rich to be lost, too valuable to be discarded! I can't, I shouldn't, I shan't!!" He would make noises inhuman, backing himself away as he could see the figure spin to himself, savoring the words he was dealt. To see him with such joy over a threat pains Gabriel more than anything else. The figure would calm himself down as he'd gaze back to the King. "Very well then! If that's how it should be, so be it!" He'd respond, quickly spawning the contract with Gabriel's name, taking it by his own hands.


Split down the middle, splayed open like it was a mere twig, ripping each piece of the contract bit by bit and throwing it in front of Gabriel, letting the winds pick it up and scatter them all around Khepros. "Understand that with this defiance, this valor, will also come at a price. No second chances are to be given for the next people I contracted with. I implore you, King of Dreams, nay, I DEMAND from you, to keep this fire burning! Keep this torch lit as much as you can, even if you descend into an unfortunate end! I want to see these flames flourish for me to see in full. I want to feel its warmth as it consumes me and silences me forevermore! Do not disappoint me, King of Hope. You have a new wish upon your shoulders, and I do hope it doesn't weigh you down." The figure would leave through the hole he left behind, casting a spell in the form of a high pitched shriek, signaling people to rescue the King, waving him goodbye as he jumps off.

"It doesn't. It doesn't at all.." Gabriel would mutter, awaiting his recovery, his body finally given a chance to rest after his repentance.