Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 244 - Chapter 244: Star Light; Star Fight!

Chapter 244 - Chapter 244: Star Light; Star Fight!

Darkness was all that was left for Stolas, staring into nothingness, watching the people give their prayers, as if they were mourning him before anything would occur. Stolas would try to bash out of his imprisonment so he can reach upwards, but the second he tried to shoulder one of the sides...



Something was off from the start. He was within a metallic compartment. Lights began to flare up around the boy, seeing all sorts of buttons and switches, as well as a beautiful view of the one thing he loved most: Space. Billions upon Billions of stars, and the vastness of such reaches felt euphoric on him. Someone began to talk within the cockpit that the Stellar Magician resided in, letting him know what was happening. "For destruction of the basement within the Witch Hour, and for trying to escape such crimes, you shall be the second to fall. You want to be a man so badly? So be it. I shall give you permission to die as one. Judgement awaits you.." It would blare, and as it turned itself off, the Stellar Magician would be struck on his side, recognizing what was going on. On his right was a machine, a Mecha with a scorpion's body. Stolas would realize what was going on, having his arms and legs strapped onto the cockpit he was in, arming himself as he would pilot his own weapon: One specifically designed to be like a cowboy.

The Mecha that Stolas possessed immediately took into action, darting itself forward to try and deliver a hook into the Scorpion, watching the beast fly off across the vacuum, before being struck by the back again. He'd turn around to see that it was a new machine, as well as a second one being made within the stars: One with a Bull's head, and another with a balance on its shoulders. "Oh-ho-ho! I see what's going on! I'm up against my own constellations eh? BRING IT ON!!" The Avian shouted as he'd fire off in spurts, blasting balls of light to pierce straight through the bull, before rushing in mid-shot, taking advantage of the Bull trying to block the first strike and leaving itself wide open for a stomach punch in the process. A Third strike was about to hit him, but Stolas was starting to be more prepared with such blows coming from his blind spot. He would grab ahold of the Bull-like mecha and toss it right at the attack directly, forcing it to blow up as it would be struck down by an explosion. The dust cleared quickly when he would see the Balance Mecha prepare another shot on its shoulders, a rocket made on the blade.

"Ok so: Scorpio, Taurus, Libra. That's what I know so far..." He'd think to himself, charging in and preparing to catch the rocket so he can return it to sender, letting the explosion push him away as he would see the next set of robots coming down: One with a Ram's horns, another with a telescope-like staff, and a third with a wire that lets it connect to the other two, allowing it to swap places through such energy. "Aries...Telescopium...Gemini." He'd mumble to himself, testing to see if he can cast his magic through the likes of the Mecha he wields as he charges forward. What he got instead, however, was the machine powering up and unleashing a devastating blast of light, piercing through two of the constellations, forcing Gemini to retreat and wait for more to spawn. Such replacement came once more in threes: One with a sword, another with a Cross-like shield, and a third with a chisel-like axe. "Dorado...Crux...Caelum! This is too easy-"


A Direct hit within the cockpit itself, holes made within the machine that struck down the boy's eyes, blinding him, forcing the machine he pilots to spin out of control, having the likes of the constellations to fight back, damaging it more and more as he'd desperately tried to regain control "HEY! NO FAIR!! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!! THAT'S CHEATING!!" He'd scream, unlocking one of his arms to try and heal his eyes, before hearing the voice again.

"Of course we can! We're men! We lie! We cheat! We crush! That is what a Man is, isn't it?!" The voice began to make the Avian enraged at such a thought, trying to prove him wrong and playing fair against such weapons, but it was no use. Every time he tried to strike back, a hole was made to warp through a weapon to stab and slash at the child. More and more constellations were being constructed, ranging from its inspiration on objects such as Carina, Pyxis, and Sagitta, to animals and people, such as the Ursa's and the Canis', to even the most well-known constellations such as Capricorn, Cancer, and Aquarius. All of which continued to pummel and break apart his machine, beeps and blares invading in his ears, colors of red flashing around him, showcasing the critical conditions. More and more Stolas would try to fight back against the mess before him, yet time and time again, the constellations continued to rip and tear it all apart. He was bleeding out from his wounds, his mind slowly giving in, but not before taking a deep breath, gritting his beak, and preparing to cast a spell within the cockpit, not wanting to give them the satisfaction of killing him. He readies the shot as he aims it from up above, planning to blow up the entire area by his own act.


A Strike. A hit on his head from one of the holes, and another that swatted the ball upwards, having it glow its beautiful light, a large shadow encroaching across the compact space. He couldn't believe it. He failed..


A Monstrous explosion that detonates across the area. A Black hole made to take in the very space itself, leaving nothing but an empty void once more, leaving them all behind. "How pitiful. He didn't stood his ground and took it in full force. He went out as the coward he really was. He should've known better than to grow up..." The voice spoke once more, as the next staff member burned away his contract and marked his picture, preparing for the next judgement for the next child.