Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 242 - Chapter 242: Contracts

Chapter 242 - Chapter 242: Contracts

The group would make their way inside the building, watching the walls, floors, and ceiling all change to adapt towards the gargantuan beast above: Walls lined with a silver, blessed steel, murals of crosses within the roof, all harboring a specific name that died within the complex, the names being recognizable to Gabriel, having him stare in horror. The floors with holes of varying sizes, allowing ease of access for the staff members to come up and try to toss them straight in their path, forcing Stolas to veer away from them and scatter such stars into smaller dragons, letting them fly and spin around the floating obstacles in their way. " this....." Gabriel uttered, his eyes still locked onto the ceiling, nearly bringing himself to tears when he recognized what's happening.





His very people, their lives lost towards the monster. Despite having a reasonable reason to feel such fury towards Harvard for killing his people in cold blood, he knows fully well that something was off from the get-go. He doesn't have the heart to admit it, but his mind knew it well. They aren't his people anymore. Natalie tried to have him snap out of such despair, patting him on the shoulder. "Hey. Listen. I get what you're feeling right now, but there's no time for emotions. Not when there's a war being had. Suck it up, and arm yourself. We need to-"

"Just one. Please..."

Gabriel's request would stun his sibling, making her question what he was thinking. "What?"

"I...I want to save at least one....before we leave properly. Is it alright if we can do that? To save one staff member? I want to know if there's a way to bring them back. I want to know if there's some chance, even if its slim, that they can be revived." His voice was beginning to crack. His usual tone and voice being more somber and contained. It almost sounded like a different person entirely.

"Gabriel.....You know damn well that-"

"PLEASE.....Just one. Just a single person." Tears were swelling out of his eyes, having Natalie noticed that he was truly lost.

She'd take a deep breath and pat him on the shoulder. "Alright. One person. That's it. You think you can do that, kids?" She would state, asking her question as she keeps watch. Harvard and the others looked towards the man and nodded, a smile on their face. They recognized his pain all too well, so it would be best to at least answer his one wish before taking care of them as a whole. Before they began such scouting, however, one of such hole was made right under the two dragons, a force sucking them in. Harvard and Stolas both set up a spell to blast it apart, but right as they were about to fire it, they, along with Zazel and Solomon, were escorted into a small, dark room. Lights were above them, but it was dim at best. The Card Magician would cast a spell to blast a ball of light at the top, allowing Stolas to take notice and fire it directly, letting the light expand as it did, giving them a proper visual: Staff members. Four of them specifically, each one with a specific, ripped piece of paper. Nearby them were the two siblings, having a hole placed above and below them, holding them to ensure such magic wasn't going to be used. Natalie would still try to defy such odds and create hand-like projections to swat away whoever was holding her, yet try as she might, there was always another staff member at the ready to try and bind her in place.

The lights were getting dim again, making Zazel and Solomon try to brighten it again, a chant made to create a pillar, and a sigil summoning forth another demon to refract such light around them: A Chandelier with a Dragon on its top, constantly cackling to itself as it spun around. The Sigil of Fortune, Seir. With a proper light source, they were able to see that they were in a specific box, each one segmented, ready to pull away at a moments notice. A Screen would appear around the children, giving two of them a familiar face: The Boss. "I KNEW IT! I knew you little pipsqueaks are going to cause havoc! Look what you did to my Witch Hour! That damned monster of yours ruined EVERYTHING!" He would shout, having a blood vessel nearly blown off.

Harvard, despite such severities, stood his ground. "Next time, go after someone else then, because WE were given a mission to investigate this place! Not our fault we found out the crook responsible for this catastrophe."

"And who exactly is the one responsible for such exposing, HMM?!"

"They like to remain anonymous, since you're probably gonna go after them too." His answer would have Zazel be caught surprised, letting him take the fall and sparing Gabriel from such a fate.

The Boss merely huffed as he'd cross his arms. "You got balls, kid, that I'll admit. So by your flimsy, little logic, you should take up the punishment he would be suffering through, eh?" He would ask. Harvard looked towards his friends for such an answer, testing if their resolve is enough to handle it. All of them would nod in agreement, with Harvard's smile being the Boss' indicator. "Well then. I'll be sure to bury you in a grave and give you some prayers once you're set for the afterlife. I told my folks that they should've wasted you from the get-go, and even when they try to follow my orders, they did it in the shoddiest way possible. Looks like I have to guarantee your deaths myself, ALL FOUR OF YOU, IN FACT!"

"Bring it, then! Show me you got that gutsy personality! Kill me in front of my friends!"

"Oh, no, no, no. I don't mean that you're dying alone. ALL of you are getting a grave." With a snap of the Boss' fingers, the small box managed to split into four, with a child forced to be on each, being separated from them, watched over by the staff members, an expression of worry and concern on their eyeless faces. "Every. Single. One of you! With my magic, I have to reforge this entire complex from the ground up through Mr. Gobbo's contract. Now, with my magic, I'll assign you boys a NEW contract, and punish you properly through them! For destruction of my property, murder of my men, and blatant disregard for life altogether, you have breached your contracts, boys."