Meanwhile, the two boys would be quick on recouping with the Siblings, watching the staff chase after them in the same manner. Solomon would direct Stolas to make a star behind him, letting reach around by a corner to extend his shadow, allowing Shady to come up and apprehend the members, letting its dark hands strike them down and planted them straight into a wall. The Staff members would try to retaliate by setting up some holes, but Solomon countered such a strategy by utilizing Might of Samson and striking at the floor, causing a massive amount of damage to the environment, but not going so far as to destroy the whole floor itself, mainly to avoid having the building collapse within itself. By such a heavy blow coming their way, the Staff Members instead made a hole and disappeared through it, having it disappear and allowing the children to pass through the wrecked halls undeterred. The two Siblings were quick on hearing the sounds, having Natalie react by creating an appendage of a hand in order to lift them up, creating another with her other hand to cling them onto the ceiling, keeping it steady in the case it breaks. "You could've at least not TRY to kill us here!" Natalie complained through the fingers.
"You'd rather deal with the guys that can spawn a hole on your chest?" Solomon would retort.
"That's their magic now?"
"Yeah. Doesn't look like it's something we can avoid, either. If they plant one on us, we're most likely gonna die. Best course of action is try to make as much space as possible so they don't hit us with one."
"What about the other two? Your friends? Our Knights??" Gabriel would ask, yet Solomon rolled his eyes.
"I'm PRETTY SURE those two can handle it. Now C'mon, we gotta get out of here! We have a LOT to explain." Solomon would let Shady serve as a platform for the siblings, allowing the children to cross the ruined floors whilst carrying the siblings over. As they traversed through the annihilated halls, a voice was quick to echo nearby. A Voice nearby one of the elevator shafts, making the group confused as to how it was charred and ashy.
This interaction brought a pit in the Biblical Sorcerer's stomach and immediately had him yell out something from above. "MAKE SURE IT'S NOT A MONSTER THAT'LL KILL EVERYONE IN HERE!! YAH GOT IT, YOU NUTCASE!?" He would scream, having his voice echo the same manner. As he did so, the group would be quick in hearing the people start to come up, most likely catching on the same message. Solomon would make quick work in going through his book and casting a spell on the two corners, getting himself ready to jump down, much to the confusion of the entire group. "The Shaft's clearly empty enough to travel sound around. Most likely, Harvard and Zazel must've blown it up and made it one big telephone for us to talk to. Unless the Staff members are gonna do the exact same thing, we can use this to our advantage. We're gonna have to meet up in one of the lower levels to catch up with Zazel." He would explain.
"Ohhh, I see! So how deep down is he, anyway?" Stolas would ask, already creating a constellation out of stars: A Lion, big enough for the entire group to be carried over and race downwards.
"Most likely in the first few floors. This is assuming he's at the very bottom. Let's go!" With that, Solomon would be the first to jump onto the Lion, followed by Stolas and the Siblings, with the Biblical Mage snapping his fingers and creating a bright light to stun and blind the staff members from approaching, having it gain a large enough presence to catch the attention of other members, providing a safe travel through the empty space with relative ease. Gabriel and Natalie would try to look through the actual doors, with Gabriel being more observant than before, analyzing each doorway to see what is different, going down the floors at a records pace. Before long, he would notice a small, blue speck unlike the other members of the enemies, tapping the two children to try and back up in order to go after such a speck. As they did, they would smile and sigh in relief when they were able to find the Demon himself, letting Leo, the Lion, to scoop up the boy with its mouth and toss him over, letting Natalie create two big hand-like projections to catch him and place him on top of the constellation in case it was overshot.
Zazel would be caught by surprise at first, but once he noticed them, he quickly had his helmet be brought down and get a breath of fresh air. "Okay, letting you guys know now, these guys are starting to get creative. We gotta avoid just ANY hole that shows up on the ground in general. It's being used to teleport us into literal death scenarios." He would state, with Gabriel noticing a hole was being made ahead of them, prompting a point and the kids reacting. "Yeah, EXACTLY like that one!"
"Noted! Shifting Constellations! Hang on!" Stolas would shift the stars into a different creature, one that would convert the limbs into wings, the head being slimmer, the tail being more wild, and a breath weapon that would surround the entire halls in order to prevent the Staff members from trying to get too close.
The Constellation of the Dragon, Draco.
As they traveled through the area, they can start to see a green light emitting from above, prompting one of the children to look. A Sigil was born from the very sky, cutting through the top floor. "I hope he got my message..." Solomon would state, being annoyed that the Card Magician was being pushed into such a scenario this early.
A Monster was about to be summoned.