Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 215 - Chapter 215: Nightmare Parade

Chapter 215 - Chapter 215: Nightmare Parade


"Quae te tenent chordae, nunc saltabis"

"Elegantia vestra ab omnibus videatur..."

"Anima tua benedictio eorum erit..."



"Saltare cum multis qui amat te."

"Tempus est iterum texere!!"


A Beacon of pure green shot to the sky, the clouds darkening as the seal opens, making way for his monster to come forth. Such energy would be enough to push away everyone, with Malak even forced to brace himself, shielding his eyes and face from the strong gusts and the bright light. He cursed the Magician in silence, wishing a downfall that will never come. A fate worse than death for the Man that managed to pull a miracle. The silhouette appeared once more, but it looked like something else entirely. A Maiden. A Woman.

A Mother.

A Puppet-like creature with a mask adorned on her face, strings made across her body, some acting as her hair, others tethered to her arms and legs, wrapped around her fingers to take aim. The puppet adorned a visible eye, staring down at the King, whilst such string continue to weave itself around her body, tightening in her waist, creating beautiful patterns that elevated her brilliancy. The Magician couldn't help but be excited and laugh, being freed to do as he pleased. He was terrified of the Hat Man. The power bestowed upon Memory Magic was almost enough to dissuade him from ever casting his spells, off of the fear that he could simply copy his creations and use it against him and his friends. He wanted to bide his time until the Hat Man was taken care of, biding his time until he has the opportunity to bring forth such a behemoth and lay waste unto the Red King. His smile was ear-to-ear once he has this opportunity at long last.

"Maximum Artium!!"

"Maximum Telum!!"

"Maximum Pupa!!"


A siren-like cry was made upon her name, echoing across the lands. The King armed himself as he'd see Construct utilize her strings, ejecting them from her body, letting it rain down, as he'd hear the insane laughter of the Magician. "So you summoned a monster, So what!? You're still outmatched! I can just as easily slay that beast and bring you down with it!!" He'd yell, though even he knew it was a lie. In truth, he's starting to grow worried. He doesn't have any knowledge of such a beast before him, so any strategy he has is out the window. The Magician, however, continued to cackle. He laughed and laughed, almost to a point of passing out, slowly angering the King. "WHAT'S SO FUNNY, BRAT!? QUIT IT WITH THE SNICKERING AND TELL ME!! WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING AT A TIME LIKE THIS!??!" He demanded, a vein being visible out of his head.

His answer was quickly met, with Harvard setting up more monsters to summon, looking upon him as if he was committing an atrocity before his eyes. What was he thinking? "You really wanna know, eh? Alright! I'll tell yah! Riddle me this though..." He'd ask, calming himself as he gets up, preparing to fight back once more, a wide, evil grin growing upon his face. A Mouth unlike him. "You said that my army had a....Shortage, yeah?"

It took Malak a few seconds to realize what the Monster's abilities were, and by extension, what he plans to do. "You are not-."

"Ehehehehe..." The Magician gained a grin as he explained further. "The Human Body usually should have around....I think one hundred watts of energy? Most of that energy can be converted directly into one big Monster. Because of how much activity is going on, however, I can be safe to say you guys have a liiiil' bit more than usual. So.....I want you to guess how many I'm gonna summon."


"Hey! You're the one that said it! I'm a no-Good, Bratty, Disgusting Runt. I don't have to play fair if I'm being the villain of your little story, right?" With a snap of his fingers, Harvard directed Construct's strings directly towards the Army, raining them down like a monsoon, having each and every string attached to their bodies, alive or dead. As she did so, Construct would then pull the army back towards Harvard, allowing him to use, copy, and spam his Seal, letting each and every human being serve as its cost, their energy siphoned off, driving them to unconsciousness, as the green glow grew again and again. Malak, in absolute fury, attempted to throw himself in and strike at the Seals directly, taking a sleeping soldier's sword and wielding it to try and strike it at the markings, yet Harvard used another spell to cut the distance between himself and the King to intercept the attack.


His body was carved through, yet he had his internal structure solidify itself in order to catch the blade and hold down the King, as his friends began to emerge. "I think it's my turn now to show you an Army." He'd declare, before taking a deep breath.





As the sky darkened once more, each and every sigil began to shoot its ethereal glow. One by one, his Monsters would arrive, much to the shock of everyone around the area. Some familiar, with Dragons of the Sun and Moon hovering over, and gargantuan animals out of stone. Some new, with Twinned beasts of paradoxical shapes, one quickly trying to invade in Malak's head, a Monster with a cloak to conceal its face, stealing every single weapon in the vicinity, and a set of hexagonal shapes invading the perimeter, acting as a shield to prevent the Red King from leaving. One by one, such monsters emerged from the cards to the field, with the Magician having a wide smile throughout it all. He didn't need to say any other words, as with a snap of his fingers, all of them swarmed and attacked the King in full force. Some utilizing their magic, others with physical might, and some even being in-between in order to weaken the opposition. Malak can feel his body being hit with every spell imaginable, his magic slowly being stolen, his soul skewered and ripped asunder, his body mangled with impartible strokes, his arms and shoulders being elongated in order to break them easier, and such similar acts done to his legs as well. He could feel every illusion, every hint of energy, every dosage of strength, knocking him around and destroying him. Just as he thought it was over, more monsters invaded. Slashed, Shot, Buried, Cooked, or even fated to suffer through all the effects again and again.

Malak endured each and every single assault on him, both in mind and in body. Harvard even leapt in towards the fight, swerving around his monsters in order to deliver a couple of lefts and rights, all to push him towards his monsters so they can have their turn in using him like a mere plaything. A Toy being used to push and pull, to see if it snaps. Noises came in all sorts of volumes, deafening the King, making him unable to hear his voice, unable to hear himself begging for mercy before being tossed aside and dragged across the grassy fields. He was battered. He was bloody. He has his clothes torn apart, once a pure, noble set of arms across his kingly cloth, now tattered and bloodied, ruined beyond repair. He was missing a few teeth, and one of his eyes was scratched. Claws and Bites were visible on his skin, with the King being desperate in trying to stand up, failing to do so swiftly after, falling onto the ground without any weight left to make him push on.

He lost. That is the one thing that comes to his mind now.