Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 211 - Chapter 211: Armor Time!

Chapter 211 - Chapter 211: Armor Time!

The Demon can see the area turn into a pitch black void, eyes being visible among every crevice, staring down at him with pure malice. Their faces were exaggerated, just like before, their hands innumerous. Sweat poured down across his onyx skin, remembering how much hell he was put through with such creations. Laughter can be heard from afar, witnessing Publiq struggling to remain standing on his own feet, snickering away as he held the signs on his hand. "Thus, your life now comes to a close! Enjoy the trip back to hell, Devil!! Your life is now in MY HANDS!!!" His voice echoed across the endless abyss, snapping his fingers and allowing his creations to let loose, reaching out and trying to claw at him on all angles, chops and kicks towards his thighs and legs, attempting to break his bones. Tears and bites on his neck and shoulders, aiming for his vital veins. Punches and stabs across his chest and face, trying to kill him before giving a chance of a reaction. The Demon merely stood there as he braced for the attacks, with Publiq laughing maniacally as he witnessed it all. "Before I pass, I will be given a beautiful sight! Your corpse, spread all over the area, letting them know their hope is dead! Sayonara, Devil..."

"Embrace my Memories all at once!!!"

He laughed and laughed and laughed some more, his victory certain, his arms open wide as he'd fell down, trying to catch his breath, his eyes just as open to see the carnage. As he did, however, his laughter came to a halt. His vision was getting blurry again, it was going dark once more. Was his death coming so quickly? Not even able to embrace such cataclysm befalling unto the Prince of Hell? He couldn't imagine it ended so soon. As soon as he tried to get up, most likely assuming he would fail and fall over, he recognized that something else came instead. His vision blacked out, his hearing slowly dying as well, and his hands feels like they're not touching anything. Sight. Hearing. Touch. Three of his five senses are gone again. His blind eyes widened in horror as he understood what went wrong. The Shadow people that were once joyous in relishing such bloodshed were given the same fate, their own eyes going numb, their arms swinging wildly, trying to hit the Demon and ensure a lethal push.

They began to miss.

Zazel gave a small smile as his plan finally came to motion: As his clone was busy buying some time against the Hat Man, he'd try to implement as many of Shax's sigils onto his body. Not only would the seal work once it made contact on the Hat Man, but by bracing himself and letting the Shadow People strike at his anatomy, they too would fall under its curse. He'd make one more sigil once he'd deactivate the ones in his build, his energy running low. "You messed up. A Wise guy once told me that if you started talking, you're just asking to get killed off. I took that lesson to heart once I saw my dupe get vaporized by him. You're the second person now to fall for this trick, and the second person to be fooled you got the upper hand. It's over, Publiq. You can't use your Memory Magic while being blind and bludgeoned, eh?" He'd state, before casting his secondary style, preparing to end his life. He took a deep breath as he'd see the Asmodeus Sigil he made. He needs to end this man in one quick motion.

He simply hopes this is enough.

"Armor Magic - Goetia...."


The Sigil broke like glass, invading Zazel's body in one quick motion, getting brighter and brighter by the second, hotter and hotter the longer he stood. The sigil began to morph into a desired armor: one akin to a knight's, with the magma making its chest plate, leggings, arm guards, and helm. Fire and light both escaping and burning away the Shadow People. His helm and back sporting a proper demonic look, six sets of horns growing out from the top of his head, two on the side like a fish's gill, and two growing out like an ibex's, alongside a large wingspan growing out of his back, acting as a cape with his current state. A draconic tail was grown out as well. If one didn't knew any better, he was almost more dragon than demon. He'd have his hands draw, acting as if he was wielding a bow, the head of the dragon being formed on his right, the body formed on his left, a roar of pride as it began its charge. "Sayonara, indeed. Enjoy the Trip, A. N. Noh."

Publiq couldn't help but smile when uttering his last words. "What a miserable end. Yet, it is a fitting one. Thank you...for killing it."


The world became bright once more. The body of Publiq became cremated through Asmodeus' flames. He smiled as he disappeared, disintegrating into ash, as well as opening Zazel back to the real world once more. Such an attack, however, would be carried on to such a world, with a massive explosion and hundreds of Malak's army in ashes, hundreds more being severely wounded if they entered its radius, and hundreds even more would feel the heat from afar. It was like a bonfire, a beacon to showcase that there is still a fighting chance. As soon as the flames die out, the armor being released, Zazel could hear some voices coming his way. "OI!!! You alright there!?" One would shout. The Demon turned around to see Stolas yelling at the top of his lungs, giving a smile to him.

"Yeah! I'm alright! You were right, by the way. The Sun thing's our exit! Once we beat down the King, we just attack that and its freedom! We can go back to our kid selves in no time!" He'd explain, seeing the Adults trying to catch up. Solomon would smile at such words, though somewhat began to laugh a bit. "Eh? Something wrong?" Zazel asked, to which Stolas would join in, chuckling along with the Biblical Sorcerer. The Prince of Hell grew worried, before Solomon explained himself.

"Have you not seen your head?? You got horns dude!"

Zazel would brush his hand against his head, feeling something hard grow out of his skull. His eyes widened in shock as he'd try to turn around, noticing he also grew some wings on top of it. "WAIT HUH!? WHEN DID I GOT THIS!? HOW!? WHAT!? HUH???" He was flabbergasted, causing the two boys to erupt in laughter, a break from the chaos that was war. as the three tried to make their way to assisting Harvard, letting him know that the Hat Man is now finally laid to rest.