Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 188 - Chapter 188: The Rescue

Chapter 188 - Chapter 188: The Rescue

Meanwhile, the Archer would run like mad alongside Vial, shifting her gaze behind her to see the mob chase after, watching them brandish multiple weapons, both on hand and on their side. She'd try to pick up the pace, but because of the weight of another person, she would be forced to slow herself down soon after. She'd reach out to grab her bow and start firing at them, having to consistently aim, draw, and shoot her arrows while making sure she doesn't lose enough speed to where they can catch her. Somehow, she was able to make a few shots, though such strikes barely grazed their skin, noticing quick that the monster's influence passed down to the people. "Shoot, He's really trying to make them soldiers, huh...? Can't put a scratch on them." She'd comment, to which Vial would respond by swiping one of her arrows, still holding onto dear life with his legs and one of his arms. He'd brush his hand towards the arrows tip and utilize his magic once more, making a more rigid and combustible texture. 

"Try usin' this!" He'd declare, passing the arrow back. Recognizing its power, Fiona would take aim once more, seeing the group catching up. While Vial would get to work on making another one of her arrows the same properties, she would aim downwards and try to blow up the very land they were crossing. She fired her arrow, aiming it specifically where the first mob member would've stepped on the earth, creating a chain reaction once it all detonated.


A Massive explosion made, a crater left as a result. Bodies upon bodies of the mob would be eradicated, the very ash being what was left. Despite this, the Mob still tried to follow, yet Fiona would be quick in grabbing another of such explosive arrows and shot it again, covering it at the right side, another explosion and crater left within its wake. A Third would come a few seconds later, though at that point, the mob convulsed and went to the left. She would have an idea and hold off her next shot, allowing the Old Man to make up two more, drawing all three under the same bow. "Yous' sure you can handl' 'em three at once??" He would ask, concerned for the Archer's safety.

"Yep! I'm sure!" Before Vial would even get another word in, Fiona would shoot her three shots, now aiming for three separate places to make up a barrier, as well as using the explosion as a far away cover, since she was starting to get closer and closer to the cave.


Cracks across the earth began to show along with the devastation. The group was picked off nearly all at once, with a few citizens pulling back. Those that were severely harmed would be seen regrowing their missing limbs and regenerating their body as if it was a minor inconvenience. They recognized they won't catch up in time, falling back and reporting it back towards their king. The two finally made it into the cavern's mouth at long last, attaining their breath as a result. They escaped, and fortunately, without any casualties. Fiona, however, looked back towards the Castle, a worried expression on her face. Vial recognized it immediately. "Yous is worryin' ov'r the priest, ye?" He'd ask, stunning the Archer slightly. When she regained her composure, she'd nod as her answer, to which the man continued to talk. "I woul' too. I won't lie. That man's got nerves of steel, pickin' a fight against the literal king. You think he's gonn' make it?"

Fiona grew silent for a bit, not sure on how to answer such a question. She saw his wounds firsthand, such survival was nearly impossible, yet she still clung onto that hope. "Even if he doesn't, he's already done so much with so little time. He's stalling him just enough for us to stay hidden. That alone is the biggest thing we needed right now. We're forever in his debt for doing such a favor as that."

Vial merely sighed as he'd watch from the distance, seeing the area slowly get destroyed from within. "It looks like hell out 'ere, that's for sure. Remin' me again why you need me?" He would ask, before hearing a voice behind him. A Laughter, in fact. One he'd get a grimace almost immediately. "Oh.....THAT'S why you need me..." He'd slowly turn himself around to see the old woman dancing merrily to herself, rushing towards him and giving him a big hug.

"Ohohoho!! You're exactly as I imagined, young man! I never thought in all my years, I'd see another living thing again!! Oh my, and you're hurt on top of that. Tsk tsk tsk, No good. No good at all." The woman commented, much to Vial's concerns.

"Ma'am, if yous is a bit heartful, I just ha-"

"Oh no, no, no! Not like that! C'mon, big guy! Let me take care of these clothes and those wounds of yours! If I want an expert craftsman, I outta make sure he's at his best, mm?"

"Ma'am, MA'AM-!!!" The Old Man would be dragged off, trying to resist being dragged away, almost making Fiona laugh and ignore the situation happening outside. They were like an old married couple, with one too worrisome for their own good. She'd make her way back towards the inner rooms of the cavern. Once she did, however, another voice would be heard echoing across the area.

A scream.

"GYAAAAAAAAAAH!!! MONSTER!! MONSTER!! HE'S GONNA KILL US ALL!!" Fiona, upon hearing the voice, immediately rushed in with her bow and arrow at the ready, trying to take aim to see what's going on. As she did, she would be met with a sight unlike any other: The Boys running around, with Stolas utilizing the Constellation, Leo, to run away, Zazel and Solomon at the tow, the latter having their shadow be used to physically push back the 'monster.' That 'Monster' would be of Harvard Helsing, with one key difference.

His Head was completely gone, detached and hung up on the wall, acting like a beast. "GRAAAAAAH!! I WANT TO SKIN YOUR FLESH!! I WANT TO NOM YOUR BONES!! I WANT TO DRINK YOUR BLOOD!! I WILL MAKE SURE YOU ARE A FINE MEAL FOR ME, GYAHAHAHAHA!!" He'd scream, having his body piloted to try and follow along at a quick pace, before recognizing the Archer herself standing in the opening. "Oh! Hi Hi! Wanna play along with us? We're playing Monster's and Hero's here!" He would ask. Fiona stared at the headless boy and fainted from the sight alone, causing everyone to pause their game. "Oh ah....Guess not...Oops."