Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 172 - Chapter 172: A New Plantation

Chapter 172 - Chapter 172: A New Plantation

"So...Remind me again why you wish to oppose the child? You have already shown you're stronger. Why go through the time and effort to issue a war upon him?" A question would arose. The King would keep an eye on his subjects as he was asked such, turning his head towards the person, the Hat Man, in order to answer it.

"Is it not obvious? Must I spell it out for you? What makes a king....a King, Therapist?" He would ask, his red silk-like clothing flowing freely, the gemstones shining bright amidst the sun. The Hat Man cannot help but shake his head, sighing to himself. The King, Malak, would simply scoff at such unawareness. "It seems I must. I do not blame you after all. Without your eyes, you will need help in seeing the truth. What makes a King as a real King is simply how you face the problem. How you stare at the enemy with nothing but pride and enthusiasm, how you stand for yourself when the problem is before your very feet. If a King runs away from the problem or makes it worse for themselves, they are a King that only wishes to fuel the fire so as to burn everything they hate to the ground. If a King wishes to put it out almost instantly, they are a King of responsibility that doesn't slack off with their work. Now...what would happen if a King is both.....hmm?" The Hat Man would hear his words, slowly thinking to the answer as the two walked out of the kingdom, with the army being prepared under his words. The citizens were cladded in armor, slowly being taught a specific style of magic so that they all work in unison in utilizing such a style. The Shadows that the Hat Man utilized took a variety of shapes; some draconic, while others serpentine. The Monsters that the Hat Man faced when up against the children before losing his eyes.

Malak would continue his speech. "If a King is both, then they are both prideful, but effective. They take their stance to solve the issue, but what they want absolute domination. They will do it in a way where it shows to everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, that their law is above everything else. That their strength is above everything else. That their King is above all. You see what I mean, Therapist?" The Hat Man, Publiq, would somewhat struggle in such words, yet slowly, he understood. As the two talked among one another, they would feel a pulse from within the very earth. Despite the citizens being concerned, the two that walked among them simply smiled, awaiting its entrance. They were expecting the creature to live under their feet. The ground would open itself, showcasing the muscles that grew deep in such dirt, the beast that roamed underground, growing in size, ready to spit a creature out before them. The creature in question was of the Spriggan-like atrocity, its charred, black bark and ash-like sap still present, having the creature kneeled before them, struggling to get up after such an encounter. Malak merely knelt down to see the Marrow's face, recognizing its turmoil within a glance. ", too, lost against them." He would state, scraping his fingers across its face, feeling the burnt wood brush at them. "....I, on behalf of this cruel, vicious world, would apologize for putting you in such suffering against such meddlesome parasites they call children." He'd allow the Marrow to get up, watching its weak legs stumble in on itself as it tries to regain footing. It's chest was extremely damaged, the sap hardening to conceal and heal the gaping wound. Malak wasted no time as he'd approach one of his citizens, grabbing them by the shoulder and dragging them to the Spriggan-like creature.


A Gaping stab. The citizen's life was completely snuffed in the blink of an eye, no hesitation in his actions, as Malak ripped out his own people's heart. He infused this beating organ with his magic, letting the spiral-like effect swirl both outside it and across its four chambers, before lifting up the Marrow to get a good, clean pierce. The Marrow was clearly afraid, yet it no longer had the strength to defend itself.


Another stab, straight through the Marrow's chest. The Heart of his citizen was inserted into the wound, his Spiral Magic quickly drilling through the structure, creating something akin to a circulatory system, allowing the blood to flow properly across the Marrow. The beast screeched in pain at the process, before having its figure slowly morph, with the muscles and tendons of the Nuckelavee stabbing into its back and inserting such fibers. Slowly, but surely, it became more man than animal. Leaves would grow once more, but rather that of lush green, it was golden orange. Its maw finally opening wide, creating a tongue and a uvula, allowing the creature to speak. Its arms and legs start to grow veins under the bark, and the black tar-like sap gained a crimson red color. Its fingers elongating itself to become nails, and finally gaining some proper eyes, ones of a solid orange to compliment its new body.

It has evolved. It was as if the seasons shifted within its body, becoming a new entity. "Now....what do you suppose you are going to do with this new gift..?" Malak asked, awaiting his answer to the new creature before him. The Marrow simply knelt down in an act of servitude, before it finally opened its mouth and let out its new voice. Such a voice was rough, as if stones were stuck on its throat, yet despite such a gravely sound, it was able to form coherent words.

"They.....Burned my Home....They killed my Kin. The Forest. The Grass. The Trees.....They're gone. Ash. This....shall be my refuge. This.....shall be my retribution. With this gift....I shall slay those that burn my skin. I shall slay those that tarnished my blood. I shall slay them, for they are my own demons to purge..."

Malak smiled proudly in hearing such words. "Well then.....I suppose you wouldn't be against it if I help you punish such wicked demons, now would you?" He would state, to which the Marrow merely nodded as a response. "Perfect. Then rise....For your new name, and your new body, shall be their final sight. Rise for me....Juboko" The King demanded, to which the Spriggan stood up, ready to serve his savior.