Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 169 - Chapter 169: Fall, Part 2

Chapter 169 - Chapter 169: Fall, Part 2

The boy simply stood his ground, staring down at the Marrow's whereabouts, his resolve prevalent by his mere existence alone. He'd shift his gaze towards Uru, already set to take back his friend and summon a new monster in its place. The boy would rush through with no sign of weakness, feeling his body already killing itself with the heat, the pollen disintegrating into ash. No matter how many webs the Spider was able to conjure, no matter how many roots would grow and lunge for an all-out assault in the hopes of preserving the one advantage it has, no matter if it even moved out of the way with its own speed, The Marrow was certain that he wasn't stopping. Every step he took was out of pure malice, yet every step he took was of invigoration, of passion.

Of Justice.

The boy would make short work, climbing up through its appendages and burning apart any forest-like region within it. Uru would counterattack by creating a web and sticking itself with it, its head and thorax coated fully, the lines triggering once more, raising the deceased souls to try and intervene. Harvard merely barreled through each opposition, feeling the pain, roaring in anguish as a result, yet such a roar also served as his motivation. A left hook to drop one dead. A right straight to drop another. a Knee to strike through its stomach and kill it on the spot. An uppercut to send the head flying. The bodies came in waves, alongside the forest in a futile struggle to fight back, yet, like Moses parting the Red Sea, Harvard pushed onwards, bulldozing any and every opposition in his line of sight. His fire quickly spread across the body, and thanks to the web itself, it would travel through hard-to-reach spots that Harvard wouldn't get to, allowing the time to be made easier. Once he was at the monster's head, he would get his cards out, casting a spell almost immediately, a seal being made to the Spider's body, absorbing it back as energy, whilst using the souls and his own flames to serve as a cost, putting him out at long last. Once Uru disappeared, he was given a perfect view of the scene: Nothing but a bonfire that stretched up to the horizon, a vertical forest quickly consumed by heat and destruction. He could even see his friends way down at the middle of it all, watching them smile as they recognized he has grown further.

He would smile back, finally getting to summon a new monster in his stead once more, the green sigil shining once more, glowing as much as the still sun. His words escaped out of his mouth once more with great enthusiasm. A Monster was being summoned.

"O angelus fortis, Exaudi preces meas...."

"Ignis et sulphuris transitum da mihi...Urite adversus vos in cinerem...Animam eorum cantate in novum mundum...."

"Protegam me eos sicut fratres meos.....Sit mihi gladius et scutum eorum, sicut sorores meae...."

"Peto a te, nascere...Peccatum quod audet laedere, purga...Libera eos qui desiderant iustitiam. Angelus humilitatis...!!"


The shining, green light turned into a beautiful orange, a body emerging from the beam of light, one of silvery steel and towers for shoulders, flames bursting out from its center, like a torch amidst a dark abyss. A face was made in the middle of such steel, one of an old man, his metallic hands splitting the sigil apart, satisfied as it has now entered the scene, with Harvard residing on the top of such a beast.

"Angelus gloriae....!"

"Angelus salutis....!"

"Angelus ignis!!"


His cry was like a starting gun's shot, quickly triggering the monster to curve its arms around to incinerate the forest. Solomon and Stolas would be quick in setting up defenses, making them safe against the Holy Warrior's flames, with a few small specks exiting out of the forest and climbing up from its edges. Thus, The Marrow was left before the beasts' mighty sentence. It would try to escape itself and grow more of such jungles, taking notice of a nearby building and recognizing that it must be a place harboring more people to fall victim for its magic. It set its sights on that location, raising the ground to try and grow more of such plants with no hesitation, watching the trees sprout themselves and extend, like a hand ready to grab them.


A Strike. A Punch. An uppercut, even, made by a figure of black. A figure with a cow's skull.

The Marrow's eyes widened, yet it wasn't in fear, rather of anger. Of Violence. It recognized the monster and immediately tried to punish it by utilizing the roots grown within her to stab into, yet the monster merely sent another attack as a response; A hook to push it down, being met with a solid kick to utilize its momentum hurling it high up, forcing the Marrow to be hurled directly towards the Angelic creature's fire. It merely gazed towards the intruder, watching her body heal itself in preparation to tank the damage, staring back as if she was mocking it, even giving a smirk-like expression through its skull. The Marrow would open its mouth and tried to screech an unholy sound, before the flames quickly took over.


It burned through each tree and branch in sight. It was a clearing of the highest order, an Arson that consumed everything as its personal meal. Ash was in the air and ground afterwards, charcoal made from the bark, almost making it a field of onyx spikes in its path. Yet, even in such a wasteland as grand as this, the Marrow's roots were still ingrained within the earth. Bursting from the ground, would be the spriggan-like monster once more, its sap charred into a tar-like black, its blue eyes staring down with the intent to kill, its body almost blackened and dusty with the intense heat. It groveled under its own weight, trying to carry itself up, before being met with the three children and their guardian angel.


Down came one more strike, aiming it squarely in its head. A knife, with the trajectory coming from a sigil. The boys turned around and smiled as their last friend, Zazel, finally came back.