Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 151 - Chapter 151: The Waning Eclipse

Chapter 151 - Chapter 151: The Waning Eclipse

As the battle settled, the Eclipse would finally pass, the fusion removing themselves from the sun and moon, letting them return to their normal position, the energy that served as a cost funneled back towards the Card Magician, granting him at least a strong chance for survival. Everyone made their way to the boy and surrounded him, with Manipura and Pria returning after swift recovery to let the child breathe the natural air once more. The boy rested soundly at fresh grass, with Pria touching his chest to monitor his heart and breathing. "It's being steady. He'll be ok....He seemed to be a bit tuckered out, however.." She'd state, a light joke for everyone. Fiona would take notice of the sudden shift between her personality, shocked that she has returned to her more natural self. Pria would see her expression and sigh a bit. "I'm....sorry for holding you folks back. When I was....y'now..." She would try to find words for an apology, yet Fiona would understand it well, patting her on the shoulder.

"Aye, 's long as you're alive, I don't care who or what you are.....I'm happy either way." A smirk was made on her face, before the children would help out in having the boy get inside, giving him his much needed sleep. Night quickly crawled in, with everyone else around the table, having Shady serve as a walking Chef Book once more to help the adults in cooking something, with Manipura setting up some rice and oil to cook it until its golden, Fiona in chopping the onions and setting up the seasoning to go along with the rice, even adding some bay leaves and basil alongside, and Pria making the Broth and passing along the tomato sauce to create some authentic Spanish Rice. Solomon looked through other compartments of the house, more specifically the fridge, to gather some milk and water for those that want a drink. Zazel, meanwhile, would have a separate made dish to funnel as energy for nutrition towards Harvard, since he was still unconscious. As they'd chow down on the table, they began to converse, with Zazel and Pria telling their story regarding the Shadow House possessed by the likes of A. N. Noh Publiq. "Jesus.....And you three had to suffer through all of that?" Fiona would ask, to which the two nodded.

"Hmm....It's most strange, however, that there was a temple within that complex. You said it was a one to one with the house we're in right now, yes?" Manipura would question.

"Pretty much. It was super warped though. Everyone was Shadow People, walls were closing in, Spiders and Snakes were swarming. It was a nightmare..." Zazel would confess, to which Manipura would think further on this matter.

"So by that extent, wouldn't that meant we'd have said temple resting beneath us? We could theoretically use it to act as a defense if what he said was true about the Queen being dead. Whoever killed her would most likely want our heads, after all."

"Well yeah but...why exactly would a temple be here in the first place?"

"The lands work in mysterious ways, Devil. We do not know exactly what transpired, only that it came to be." As he would discuss such an option, Solomon would try to interrupt.

"We're forgetting something else here too." He'd began, with everyone watching over, his shadowy familiar residing beside him. "You also said there were inscriptions there. About a guy wanting to escape.....whatever the heck he's trying to escape, yeah?" The demon nodded at his answer, to which Solomon would pursue further. "So by extent, that would mean that there's something hidden there we could use for.....y'now....our escape?? It sounds kinda similar to what happened with us, if you see it in another angle." The Adults grew confused with his words.

"Pardon me.." Manipura would start. "What do you mean by....'Escape'?" The boys realized they might not be aware of their situation, though thankfully Solomon has an easy way to explain it without accidentally giving them an existential crisis.

"To put it simply, we were kinda thrown into this realm by someone else. We're like an.....Alternate Timeline sort of thing. We simply just want an exit so we go back to our own home and make sure everyone is ok." The Biblical Sorcerer would state. The adults look towards one another, before nodding that such an answer would be at least logical, considering they look to be the ones exempt from such rules. As they finished their meals, they prepared to get their rest, hoping to do their exploration and verification in the morning regarding the Queen, with the group choosing their respective rooms to sleep in.

Stolas, however, would stop the other two kids, a nervous expression on his face. "So ah....what's gonna happen come morning? We're not gonna like.....die overnight, right?" He would ask.

Solomon would sigh and pat him on the back. "Pal, that isn't gonna happen. You've seen what happened with Vial. Guy looks around sixty still, even while he was being crumbled into dust. We'll be fine, I promise." He'd state, to which alleviate somewhat of his nerves, before Zazel piped in.

"Plus, if it was overnight, everyone here would've been dead before we got here! Remember, we came in WAAAY before he did, so he would be a casualty by the time we showed up." Such words did somewhat startle Stolas, though it did raised a good point. As the boys got to their beds, Stolas would turn towards Zazel. "By the way...You ever think Harvard is....different?" He would ask, to which the Demon gave him a curious look.

"Explain..." He would ask.

"Well.....He looks human. He sounds human. He acts human.....but I have the weirdest feeling he's kinda more like us than anything else."

"When you mean 'us' you mean....." The Demon paused himself before understanding his message, to which he'd laugh a bit. "Oh C'mon, there's no way that-. . .I mean he can't be-. . .Isn't he like. . ." At first taking it as a joke, over time he started to piece together such an imaginary puzzle.

"NOW you're starting to see it. Honestly, though? It's really cool! It's nice knowing we ain't the only ones around. Who knows, maybe when we go back home-"

Zazel laughed nervously at such a hypothetical. "Let's ah....NOT talk about that 'Home.' Even if Harvard is like us....I don't think he'd even like that place. Especially know.."

Stolas merely sighed before he rests his head. "Relax. God's not gonna kill us because we're demons. I'm sure that same thing applies to your friend. Demon, Human, it doesn't matter. Long as we know what we're doing, who's done it first, and why we're doing the things we do, He'll understand it. It's what got us by so far. Why would it change now?" With such assurance, Zazel would be content in an answer and rest his head, allowing everyone to go to sleep in this weary evening.