Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 141 - Chapter 141: Final Gambit

Chapter 141 - Chapter 141: Final Gambit

As she made her way forward, analyzing the attacks being dealt, Pria would have made up her mind on a decision, reaching her hand out towards the children. "I'm gonna need something. Something that can cast a light. Do you boys have anything like that?" She would ask. Harvard and Zazel, somewhat concerned at what exactly she's doing, would look among one another, nodding silently in agreement, as if they shared the same answer. Harvard would give her his Flames spell, while Zazel passed her Asmodeus. She would hold these two spells close to her, smiling. "Thank you...I would also want you to drop the barrier as soon as I cast this. This is going to be our ticket to freedom, and I want to make sure both of you are ready when we step out. I'll give you the signal once its ready." The children would be confused by such words, before she would attempt something they wouldn't predict.


A wound. One made right at her chest, caused by her very own hand. She would heal the injuries easily, however through such a process, she would also have the spells be integrated within her body, with Harvard's Card being taken back into his deck, appearing at the palm of his hand. Everyone was left stunned at such harm, before seeing such magic starting to waft out of her. Her own energy spilling out of her body, leaking out and flowing freely as if she was a fountain, finally shining light into this void, causing the Shadow Creatures to double their efforts and break through the shield before it finishes. A. N. Noh would try to employ more monsters, yet the children made sure to pour out just as much energy to protect the Mage, making the situation more and more dire. "What are you doing? What is this emotion?? It isn't pride, it certainly isn't anger, and its most definitely not fear. It's something new. Something grand. Something white. What is it you're doing??" He would question. Despite the Hat Man's desperate attempts to breach, he cannot help but want to hold back, if anything than to see the end result. Even if it came at the cost of his life, he was too enamored at the display, wanting, nay, yearning to see the end result. The light began to shine brighter and brighter, with no true signs of stopping. It was beginning to illuminate the area, showing a solid floor at long last, one in which had glyphs the children can see now: The Tale of a Man who was just as lost, just as imprisoned, as everyone else.

"There is something I'm gonna teach you...I want you all to hear it. Even you.....Publiq." She would begin, as the area illuminated more around her. "...What you did at this point, at this time.....was a powerful one. I will give you credit on that. It is a technique that would've killed anyone, had they not prepared for it.....a technique that would theoretically not leave any chance to react....without someone else stepping in. I want to give these type of techniques a name.....A Name that I think fits, considering what is going to happen next...."

"And that name is...Ms. Pria?"

Pria would pause herself as she looked on to see the children, still following her words, though were just as confused to why it was being done. ".....A Gamble. A Last ditch attempt.....a Final Gambit, even. A Type of attack that you know will work, without fail.....but with a heavy cost behind it. Not a lot of least the one's I saw...are willing to go this far. They are an attack that means you are planning to finish the battle within one fell swoop.....I will be honest, I do not think I would be in the position to fight anymore once I do this spell....You've got me dead to rights here....though I don't think your other self....the one outside....would recognize it. I want to say this because.....I have never thought I would see someone willing to go the extra mile.....willing to risk their life if it means finishing the battle in their own way. It's.....honestly what I thought only I knew from my father." She'd pause once more, having the barrier begin to break itself apart, cracks being made within, with the room brightening more before them, the glyphs being more readable as it extends throughout the temple: The story of the Man that was lost, finding a person with a source of magic capable of escaping reality. The Man traveled through every kingdom, in every hidden archive, from libraries to graveyards to even castles where only royalty can cast such a magic. A Magic that would break free from their prison they call life.

A Chance to escape the world they are in.

"To think that other people are doing that exact style....I actually couldn't help but tear up at such a sight. To see someone doing such a selfless act....just because they can. It....actually gave me some hope for the world. That is why.....I'm going to get us out of this. That is why....I am going to beat you." She'd weave a hand sign whilst her hand was still in her chest, the energy getting brighter by the second, erasing the Shadow People's hands from sight. At that instance, the children disabled the barrier, and the creatures would try and swarm her, hoping at least one of them would land such a lethal blow. "And that is why.....I'm going to do such a Gamble. Forgive me for this...everyone."

"Healing Magic - Exorcism"

Within seconds, the entire room would become the equivalent of a star in terms of light. The temple was flash banged and blinded everyone around her, with the very shadows retreating from whence they came. The children would be forced to look at the walls, giving them their ending to such glyphs made in the temple: Where the Man would inevitably be met with a visage. A Creature beyond human comprehension, and instantly reacted by firing something at it, the creature taking a shape of a circle with an eye in its center. There would be suns and moons circling around the creature, as well as being given a name: Carcosa. The Man would escape through Carcosa's wounds, which would made him be crowned as a King in another realm. A King doused in the blood of the monster he's slain. The children would feel their arms grabbed as Pria would walk out of the temple, towards an exit that, when illuminated, finally brought back the fresh air and color they once recognized.

At long last, they were back to reality.