Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 123 - Chapter 123: Conquest

Chapter 123 - Chapter 123: Conquest


Down came the singed ground as Apep got a strong hold of the Devil of the Sea, coiling itself around its body, being careful not to skewer itself, as it bit and bit at the mount the Nuckelavee wielded. The humanoid would try to use its arms to swat the child away, as well as the Horse bucking wildly to get away from its mighty grip, yet it was too much. The Serpent would make quick work in using its magic, quickly causing a special venom to be made within its fangs. As the Serpent bit into the Nuckelavee, the venom quickly slipped through the muscles, infecting it once more. Rather than boils, however, the Muscles started to leak out a sticky, black substance, similar to that of tar. The Venom starts to spread and take hold of the horse' body, spreading down to its front legs, before making its way to the hind and to the humanoid itself. Being Desperate, The Humanoid man used its claw-like arms to hack at the legs, as well as some parts at the front, to free itself from the venom. The end result, however, was that such a cut also got one of its arms infected, as well as the Horse's blood to bleed such a similar ichor, Harvard grew a smirk as his attack was complete, preparing another card to cast as a spell to the ichor itself, tossing it directly in, quickly corrupting the sludge.

Such a spell quickly began to erode the Nuckelavee, the muscles beginning to disintegrate into a fine powder, as well as the tar becoming mere specks, allowing it to be breathed in and infect the internal organs of the Nuckelavee, swiftly suffocating such a creature and preventing further blood flow from its circulatory system. Despite it being made of muscle, Harvard was somewhat shocked it had actual organs to be infected, as originally he was hoping the specks would coat the Monster and prevent it from being able to escape. Being somewhat disturbed, yet hoping to maintain his composure, He would prepare his second assault, setting up a different monster with the Seal once more, allowing Apep to let go and be served as the cost. When the Nuckelavee looked up to see the child amidst such intoxication, it quickly noticed that its energy was from a source: The Chains. Harvard was not just using the chains in order to bind the beast and bring it to its knees, it also was using the chains to drain its energy and use it against him, which such a idea being more visible when Apep transformed into such energy within the seal, taking the shape of the Nuckelavee itself. "Sucks to be you, ain't it!?" The boy stated proudly, acting as if he was intentionally aware of the decisions he took. "You're quite honestly one of the more aggressive ones, but also the one with the WORST attention span! Don't worry....I'll put you to rest real soon." The Child would get out another card, one that depicts a separate monster entirely, as he began his chant.

"Ex sylvis ad paludes tuum auxilium voco...Venena tua fulgebunt, et dentes tui iterum erunt...." 

"Impera venenosis, dele stultos...Ne spirent, quia haec est lex tua..."

"Coil, tene stabilis...Haec poena est ignorare Deum"

"Nunc surge et adiuva me....Ingluviem tuam aperi et id quod est coram me distrahe sicut diabolus Eden...!!"


A green light blasted upwards to the sky and down below, blinding the beast and having Harvard's friends be kept at bay, with the Card Magician noticing they were preparing the burial through different means through their magic. The Monster that summoned to the burning forest was that of a Lamia, with snake-like arms and a head full of such serpents. Her reptilian eyes stared down at the Nuckelavee, giving a wide grin at what she is working with.

"Regina anguium quod solo deo aemulata....LAMIA!!!!" The Child would roar, as he'd grip ahold of the woman's shoulders, holding on tight as Lamia went on her own personal assault, her own potent venom prepared to sink into the likes of the Nuckelavee. Once more, it used its arms to try and swat away the opponent, yet Harvard ensured that such movements his own Monster made were elusive, unable to be caught and struck, coiling around the arms to limit such movement, before sending out her own arms and have such serpents gnaw at its body. The Venom that Lamia possessed took into effect almost immediately, suspending any movement that the creature dared to use. Such a Venom started to target at its nerves, ceasing any function and paralyzing the monster at bay, not even allowing it to speak or screech anymore. What Harvard didn't expect, however, was that such Venom quickly decided to bond with Apep's, quickly shutting off any function from the body and any organs that held such a toxin. The beast barely was able to speak, yet the boy can see in its eyes that there was pain. There was Torment. Its immortal life now being a living hell to experience. Harvard tugged at the collar of his suit, realizing he must've went a bit too much upon the monster, directing Lamia to reach for its eyes and close them, before climbing up to the surface, leaving the beast to rest in the hole. Solomon, Zazel, and Stolas quickly got to work afterwards, using the dirt to bury the Nuckelavee, leaving it alone in such earth. "Okay....That was something I didn't expect to pull off. But, at the very least, Its Fina- Solomon what are you doing?"

Solomon would be seen wielding the bow and taking aim at the dirt, hearing his name being called and looking at his left "I'm not taking chances. I'm double tapping this thing so we don't see it again."

Harvard would be somewhat shocked, hearing such words. "WHAT!? WHY!? He's already paralyzed-"

"I AM NOT TAKING CHANCES, HARVARD! IF THAT THING SURVIVED OUR ONSLAUGHT NOT ONCE, BUT TWICE, YOU CAN GUARANTEE THIRD TIME IS GONNA BE THE CHARM FOR THIS THING! These arrows should hopefully dig through the earth deep enough to where it will NEVER dig out. I'm talking Core to the Earth type of deep." Solomon stated, and before Harvard would try to talk further, He unloaded his arrow, letting it pierce through the ground to hit the beast and drill it into the center. He then did it again, and again, and again, and again, Approximately ten times to ensure it is put down for good, with three extra due to the influence from his previous spell still weighing on him. As he'd calm down, The four children would try to leave the forest, realizing everything is on fire. "For the Record, I Don't think we're gonna be held accountable for the Arson, Right?" Solomon would ask.

This made Harvard wince, with Lamia noticing his reaction and somewhat being nervous. Solomon was confused, so he turned to Zazel for an answer. "Define.....'Accountable'?" the Demon asked, to which the Biblical Sorcerer was left shocked.

"WAIT WAIT WAIT, THIS WASN'T YOUR FIRST TIME!?" Solomon demanded. Harvard nervously laughed before running out of the area, with the rest of the children following in hot pursuit.

Unbeknownst to them, however, as the forest piled atop of the burial made, a sound can be heard. A sound of laughter. A Sound of pride. The beast still lives on.