Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 119 - Chapter 119: Thorns Within

Chapter 119 - Chapter 119: Thorns Within

"And you're saying its a common thing??" Solomon would ask, as once the children all regrouped, they began to head East, making a mad sprint to that location, serving as a potential place to research regarding the likes of the story they were forced to play along in.

"Pretty much. She said something about a plague going on, but the rest of the knowledge is somewhat fuzzy...I do know she's in trouble though!" Harvard would reply, trying to recollect what he lost, though Zazel would immediately jump in and speak his knowledge, as well as his theory.

"Yeah, about that. You guys need to remember that we're in someone's Book. With how GWOG is supposedly replaced-"

"Dumb name, by the way!" Solomon would interject, which the others rolled their eyes at such a comment.

"As I was saying, if someone as legendary as that guy is replaced, As well as the red eyes thing we saw from both the Knight AND the Citizen, what do you think is going on here?" When Zazel gave such an idea, Harvard would recognize the latter and try to explain his own perspective

"OH! THAT REMINDS ME! Not even the people THEMSELVES like the Heroes! I've heard a bit while I was exploring that they didn't even liked the guy!"

"Exactly! They're in the same boat as us! They're following a path, but the difference is, WE'RE the ones self aware enough to know what's going on."

Stolas would be given such a realization as he gave his answer. "Wait, Wait, Wait. So what you're saying is....whatever that Guy was that trapped Vial AND Us....also changed the story so everyone hates us?"

Zazel would nod to his answer. "AND Added his own characters too! He's physically changing the story to only fit HIS Narrative! That also explains why there's a whole time jump here! He rigged this so that we'd be dead, no matter if we survive the onslaught."

"And all of this is done....WITH A BOOK. I've done my research on Book Magic before, Heck, I'm USING that for my own stuff, but to physically absorb people within a story, That guy must've pumped so much energy in this work to make it plausible. There's NO way that guy is still alive out there." Solomon's words were harsh, yet accurate, as he would showcase such a book of his own, the Codex Gigas, and try to demonstrate such a technique, having the book glow a solid white before it powers down, showcasing not only the amount necessary, but the strain the human body gets. "See? This is not something you'd do naturally."

"Well, Shot in the dark, he took someone else's energy and did it himself! C'mon! We got no time to waste here!" Harvard would answer, serving as the solution for such a theoretical problem, before inevitably reaching through the forest, making their way across the terrain once more, using the tree trunks as footing to jump off for further distance, inevitably reaching the abandoned building residing amidst the forest. It looked to be in the same condition as the Library when they first investigated in Salvandi, only instead of erosion, it was in growth. Vines sprouted at every crack and crevice, stone being worn down and allowing moss to sprout from its exterior, fueled by the humidity within the very building. As the Children did such explorations, they would be quick to find a few key things: A Metallic object with a scope and reels at its top, books that seemingly were written in lines and dots, fresco's at the walls providing more details regarding the Knight, only furthering Zazel's theory regarding the world being changed for someone's personal fantasy, and the trees growing around the building somehow burying their roots within the entrance. The children meet up and explained their discoveries, leading to Harvard investigating the books, while Zazel and Stolas investigated the film reel. "So, what is this place, anyway?" Harvard would ask.

"Beats me. Looks like a Library, but there's a lot of stuff I've never seen before." Zazel would answer.

"Not to mention the books barely help at all. It's just punctuation." Solomon would add. Harvard would attest to such a claim by reading such books, being nothing short than blanks with a dot at each end, sometimes multiple. The boy was a bit stumped, so he'd try to do his next best thing, having a card be pulled out, as well as absorbing the energy and nutrients needed for the summon. Solomon would take notice and immediately tried to stop him. "WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, What are you doing??!" He'd demanded, leaving Harvard confused as to why he lunged in such a way.

"Summoning someone to help us?? If we can't read the text, I can just have someone translate it by showing us the answer!" The Card Magician would explain, slipping his arm out of Solomon's grasp and summoning the Monster in question. "ARAWAREU!!" He would shout, as a strong ray of light blasted down from the source of the absorption, a green seal that is taking in the roots of the trees and plants within the area. Taking in its energy for a cost, the monster would be born, one out of solid fog, with a crescent moon for a grin, and eyes that pierce through one's soul. "Alright, Fantasia! You know what to do!" Harvard would open the book as he says such words, directing his beast to examine the book's contents. As it did, more fog would be expelled, allowing the children to watch such information be given. Unfortunately, it only came in small blips and long beeps, frustrating the Card Magician. "SERIOUSLY!? Why can't it translate that!? C'mo-"

"Wait, WAIT, WAIT! HARVARD, SHUSH! Listen." Solomon would pay attention to such sounds, hearing it, letting him understand its bops and beeps with some difficulty. ".....No way...It's in Morse."

"In what?"

"Morse. It's a special way to send text without people knowing it. Stolas, give me some stars." By Solomon's order, Stolas was quick in passing the Biblical Sorcerer such lights, letting them stretch and squeeze them into lines and dots, as well as using other lights to act as a way to write certain letters. He'd hear the message once more, trying to translate it:

".... . / -.-. .-. . .- - . -.. / ..- ..."

".... . / -.. . ..-. .- -- . -.. / ..- ..."

".... . / - .- .. -. - . -.. / ..- ..."

".... . / .-.. .. ...- . ... / .. -. / .--. .-. .. -.. ."

".... . / .-.. .. ...- . ... / .. -. / --. .-. . . -.."

".... . / --. .-. --- .-- ... / .... .. ... / -... .-. .- -. -.-. .... . ... / .. -. / . ...- . .-. -.-- / .-.. .. ...- .. -. --. / - .... .. -. --."

".... .. ... / -. .- -- . / .. ... / -- .- .-. .. / ...- .- .-.. -- --- -. -.."

".... . / .. ... / .-- .- - -.-. .... .. -. --. / ..- ... / .- .-.. .-.."

Solomon took the time to study each sound and dash made, using the stars to create such sentences for others to see. When the words were clear, the boys would be almost stunned at such a display. "You think its a bad time to call you a Nerd, Solomon?" Harvard would ask, to which Solomon rolled his eyes.

"I've BEEN A Nerd, Harvard. Anyways...seems like our Culprit is one 'Mari Valmond.' We should probably check around the town to see if anyone recognizes that name." Solomon would state, before being given one more message by the book, raising his hand up to halt his friends to hear it.

"-... . .-- .- .-. . / - .... . / -. ..- -.-. -.- . .-.. .- ...- . ."

"B...E...W..A- Beware....The....Nu-what?" As soon as Solomon read its translation, the device behind everyone turned on. A Projector, playing the film reel, showcasing a movie.