Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 107 - Chapter 107: Second Trial

Chapter 107 - Chapter 107: Second Trial

The group would continue their travel to the next location, with Stolas reading heavily on the novels, before picking one out. "Let's go with this one! I'm actually more familiar with this than anything else." The Avian would state, yet just before Harvard would look to see the novel, the Knight would intervene.

"Ahem...If you do not mind my question, Why are you children picking the threats YOU'RE familiar with? Seems like an advantage if you ask me. If anything, I believe that-" The Knight would try to state, peering amidst the pages to get a better inspection of the threat, before Harvard would retort back.

"You're LITERALLY residents here. You should know this stuff on the back of your hand, considering you dealt with GWOG himself. You should be fiiiiiiine. Besides, You have the advantage of going first every time! If you know what you're doing, then you should be GOLDEN. Now, for the next fight." Harvard's words stabbed like a blade quenched in ice cold water, ensuring such lethality within his words, no hesitation whatsoever. The boy would look upon the book and track down a more darker area, one which the very trees are covering the area, the air thick with moisture, checking the book's cover to ensure they got the correct monster: "The Legend of GWOG The Gallant, Chapter 43: The Questing Beast." The sounds made within the forest was nothing more than chirps and pecking wood, the silence being deafening. No other words were exchanged between the two as Harvard continued his search for the monster. They'd quickly be met with a cavern amidst the forest, a low growl heard from within. Harvard would give a smirk as he would look to the heroes. "Speaking of Going First, Take your pick now." The boy was being cocky, noticing the fear amidst one of their members, the Mage.

The Knight, sweating somewhat due to the humidity, would look towards said Mage and grabbed her by the shoulder, pushing her forward to act as the fighter. "Pria will take the spot. You can handle this, Pria!"

"M-m-me!? B-b-bu-" Pria would state, her words stammering on herself, before the Knight continued his lecture.

"Would you rather have one of US get killed instead!? You're the wisest and the one with the actual Magic in the team. You can handle a mere freak of nature!" The Knight stated, almost choking up the children's words and nearly bursting them into laughter when hearing it. It wasn't the compliment that they almost lost themselves, but rather the very set of words uttered from his mouth. The idea of them not possessing any magic at all say for one person is downright impossible, yet also very much laughable. The Knight caught wind of the snickering and gave a grimace to them. "What? Just because we aren't used to that Hocus Pocus Nonsense, doesn't mean it's any better, brats." Such words given from the Knight practically nearly broke the children down into hysteria, a mere cacophony of laughs that they barely could contain, looking amongst one another and pointing at him as if he was insane. The reaction almost made the Knight seethe with rage and raise his blade, before hearing the beast itself bellow a guttural roar from within the cave, finally being stepped out, the Mage quivering as she would be able to see its red eyes peering through the darkness.

The beast stomped upon the ground with every step, the land almost shaking. It quickly peers its head, and by extension, its body, for everyone to see. The very beast that was hidden in the cave...

". . . . A Rabbit?" Pria's nerves were almost put at ease. Outside the Cave's mouth was nothing more than a small, white rabbit. She'd take a deep breath and would simply approach the rabbit, wanting to give it a small pet on the head. Right when she tried to reach out her hand, the Rabbit would give its ear-piercing cry once more, before extending its throat and head to be like a snake, ready to bite off her hand in one fell swoop. Pria's reaction time was almost immaculate, retreating her hand and pulling herself far, far away from the creature, running away from the scene before hiding behind the Knight. "WHAT WAS THAT!? WHAT EVEN IS THAT!? THAT IS NOT A NORMAL RABBIT!! I DON'T LIKE IT! NOT ONE BIT!! NOT ONE BIT AT ALL!!" The Woman would yell, visibly shaking after seeing such a beast, watching its neck recoil back into its usual shape, and the head shrinking back to a traditional bunny's head.

"That! Is the Questing Beast! It acts innocent to kill its prey when they least expect it! A Hero should've been cautious, even when the situation is in their favor. Clearly you didn't knew that." Harvard would state, much to the bewilderment of Pria and the Knight.


"Yep! Remember, just because it looks innocent, doesn't mean it's nice. Stolas, Do your job, buddy!" With Harvard's announcement, Stolas would be quick in dispatching the monster, the rabbit looking towards the Stellar Magician as he'd create a ball of light. Once more, the beast would unhinge its jaw and stretch its neck, ready to devour the bird, before Stolas stopped his assault with said ball of light, jamming it right at the creature's mouth and throat, clogging it. He'd then move a bit forward and grabbed ahold of the monster's neck, before unleashing his cluster of stars to encase the beast. Aquarius. By scattering the stars, the beast became well-prepared in wanting to escape, trying to move itself away from the child's grasp, but to no avail. The beast's body began to grow and morph, gaining a Leopard's Torso and a Lion's Haunch. Hooved feet were also present as it desperately tries to escape, digging out the dirt to get away. Stolas knew the beast was fleeting. He knew its time was up, and so it granted it a quick merciful death, as he'd snap his talons and made the cluster of stars explode violently, cooking the Beast alive within the waves. Its skin was burned to cinders, its fur being smoked and leaving a ghastly smell behind, the beast being smoldered, ending in Stolas' victory.

The Stellar Child quickly made his way back, much to the dismay to the Heroes. "Done! Told yah I was familiar with it." Stolas stated with a cheeky smile, before the knight gained his violent expressions again.

"AGAIN!! AGAIN!! THIS IS NOT OVER YET!" He would demand. The children looked at one another and would nod to themselves, realizing this was going to be a breeze. Harvard allowed Solomon to pick the next threat, as the group left the Woods to search for such a monster to defeat next.