Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 99 - Chapter 99: Stand Off

Chapter 99 - Chapter 99: Stand Off

The two rushed in with no hesitation, Stolas aiming low while Ennio would try to strike high. Despite the man possessing no hands, the makeshift sands would act as a substitute weapon, spreading out and solidifying the minerals to be like blades, slicing at the Sand Reaper, not willing to waste a single second. Stolas, meanwhile, went with an all out assault upon his legs and stomach, utilizing Aquarius once more to create the wave-like motion of a makeshift sea, stars flowing briskly amidst the false river of dust and debris, attempting to take hold and stab into the man, puncturing him like he was a porcupine, acting as a distraction so that his Father could take the full advantage in ending the warrior's life. Despite such a barrage and such a strategy, Meso would be at an even level, weaving and dodging with ease, his hands close to his chest to maintain a low profile, maneuvering himself across the area, whilst backing up and moving his legs in a random pattern so as to not get caught by the makeshift sea. He'd call upon the Desert Dragon once more, letting them reform itself and take swift aim towards the two fighters closing in, letting the body coil around them to act as a wall for Meso while extending the limbs to reach out and strike at the Father and Son with relative ease. Ennio was quick in his reaction time and shoved Stolas out the way, letting his hands extend and spread itself to act as a wall, ceasing the hands from approaching.

That was, until the hands simply reformed upon Ennio's sand and grappled at his neck, choking him, attempting to snap the man's neck for such a foolish decision. "POP!" Stolas would scream, attempting to reach out, before the Cowboy choked up a few words to keep his child at bay.

"Get....hack.....The Reaper.....Gah....!" His voice struggled as he'd try to direct his Stellar Sorcerer out of the area, letting him focus at the battle at hand. The Dragon, Meanwhile, would take this as its advantage, creating more appendages to reach out and grapple the child, extending their fingers into that of claws to try and rip the boy's feathers and skin to mere shreds. The Dragon cackled as it sees the helpless child, before the creature noticed a quick expression shift upon his face.

It was one of anger. One of Rage. One of pure fury. "if you DARE lay another dry finger upon him....I'M MAKING YOU SEE GOD PERSONALLY!!!" His energy spiked up incredibly, stars blasting off from the palm of his hands, acting as a tidal wave to capture the dragon's body, invading its inside and spreading it like a virus, the small set of stars that invaded detonating almost instinctively, being at around the arms which were strangling his father. The Dragon would try to flee, yet Stolas would charge upwards and be face to face with the beast. "ZAZEL!" He'd yell, to which the demon responded by having Eligos travel up from the serpentine dragon to its skull, solidifying it once more, keeping it restrained. Balling up his hand into a fist, he'd lunge forward and socked the Dragon in the jaw, letting out a guttural war cry as the force applied would snap its jaw in half, breaking apart the Demon itself, accidentally killing it. Zazel would get to work on summoning a new Eligos, however his energy was starting to get low. He could feel himself breathing heavier as the battle went on. Such attrition was not meant to be reached in such a level as this. He looks up to see Stolas, most likely at the same level of such attrition, his one eye being bloodshot out of fiery vengeance. He was beginning to run on pure adrenaline, hoping such a boost can stave off the effects of his weary body. As the Dragon would try to reach up and grab the child, as well as Meso himself staying clear away, aiming towards Zazel to at least defeat one of the Devilish children.


What the man wasn't expecting was for such a detonation to occur. A massive explosion across the body of the dragon, forcing itself to try and accumulate as much sand as it could to remain alive, yet for each grain of sand that it took in, such stars were still sitting there, waiting for their detonation. The body grew larger and larger, big enough to coat Salvandi three times over, yet it would still be all for naught. The grunts that were fighting on both sides would be caught amidst the explosion, as well as the very fighters themselves. A Detonation that, had it gotten a bit closer to the city, would've killed it within a split second. The very dust settled after such a nuclear explosion, the fallout being nothing but glass once more. The dragon that was once out of sand and minerals, and to an extent Sacrum, became nothing more than a sculpture for all to see, half of the desert being a mere mosaic, the sun's rays bouncing off such light in a beautiful fashion. "Pop....? POP??.....You alright out there!?" A voice would ring out, crawling out of the debris as he was searching for such a figure.

Stolas remained alive.

He could quickly hear coughing on separate sides, a silhouette of a young boy around his age, using a sigil to protect himself, albeit barely, his skin showing heavy burns that sting at the touch. Despite the damages, he was ok.

Zazel remained Alive.

The second coughing sound came from an older man. One who's hands that were once sand, now became glass, melted right into his stumps. He could still feel the heat cauterizing, nay, burning his very wrists, yet he remained strong. The new hands barely animate themselves, forcing the man to make a thumbs up towards Stolas.

Ennio Remained alive.

Lastly, one last person stood, yet that man was the most damaged out of everyone. His body, not only littered with concave holes, was also half glass, piercing into his body. It held tight in his skin, and the blood spilling out showed how much he endured. His skin was melted off, half of it being just as glossy as the self-made mirrors, while the other was nothing more than a leathery waste of flesh.

Meso remained alive.

He stood tall against everyone, with both Zazel and Ennio unable to continue the fight further, yet with the Demon, he'd have the sigil of Eligos be created once more, sending it towards the man's body, ensnaring him once and for all. He may have barely any energy left, yet he still is willing to commit. Stolas merely approached the man slowly, dragging his legs across painfully, finally relieved from the shock after such wounds inflicted upon him. "So.....this is it....?" He would ask to Meso. The Reaper would nod to affirm his question. "I figured...You mind if....I keep that phrase? Never Waver.....never Falter....Never Regret....Never feel Somber.... You don't mind if we keep that.....right? It's a nice quote....." He would ask once again. The man merely smiled and gave another nod, in pain due to such a facial expression changing. "Thank you...Sibil."

The two would lunge forward with one more attack, only something was different. As Stolas would try to deliver a punch to put him down, Meso merely moved his hand and gave a small fist-bump to the Stellar Sorcerer, drawing his last breath, standing, like the others. 

Meso is now finally at peace.