Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 95 - Chapter 95: Golden Resolve

Chapter 95 - Chapter 95: Golden Resolve

The Elite merely stood in place as he'd feel his hole upon his very chest. He was still, quiet, and almost looked as if his very color was drained from his body. Ennio would look up at the man, witnessing him die while standing. As he'd thought, he couldn't reflect a physical attack. Much like how his hand was damaged, he knew full well he would have to expel such an explosive round, it would damage his other. He'd have the sands create such a second appendage, allowing him to at least grab objects and wield his gun, yet he knows now that he isn't capable of fighting back anymore. He'd turn his back against the standing corpse, knowing his job was done, now focusing on facing off against the likes of Meso alongside his children.


A Sucker punch, finally hitting Ennio directly, his head cracking amidst the punch, being sent down and bleeding from the wound, discombobulated, trying to take in what hit him. He'd turn himself around, looking up, staring down at the target, before being shocked to find that it would be Talus himself. Despite the hole amidst his chest, despite his very heart shot out of his body by the point-blank explosion, he was still alive. Barely, but alive. "No...t....yet....I....m...Not...Dea....d....Yet...." His voice was hoarse, blood leaking out from his mouth, his lifeless eyes being like daggers to the Cowboy, and although he hunches himself over, he was still standing. Ennio was amazed at the tenacity, the sheer strength he held within himself. To think he was merely a bragging brat that didn't knew his place, now hardened within the span of an hour into a cold killer. A murderer who doesn't hold himself back. From what he knows, the human body only lives about a few minutes without a heart before it gives in. Despite this, the human body should also not have such strength packed within them without said heart. This was Talus' very will persevering, and Ennio can't help but respect that in him. ""

"Unti....l.....they're safe....I....won't die."

The cowboy got up, grasping at the head wound, having the sand seep in and use the minerals to make a cast, sealing the wound. He can't help but smile as he'd blindly stare down towards Talus, witnessing his resolve through his cloudy, grain-like eyes as Talus gave such final words. "Welcome the World of Man." He'd state, before he'd raise his arms up, ready to tank the next hits that the Elite tries to throw at the man. Almost on instinct, Talus would waste no time in trying to fight back. He only has a few minutes left to live, so he shall make the most use out of them. He'd lunge aggressively at Ennio, sending a barrage of blows towards him, trying to hit both the Cowboy's stomach and chest simultaneously, with the Cowboy's arms being worn off the more it tried to prevent such an onslaught. Talus would next grab at his arms, hoping to split them apart so he could be given a chance to do a direct hit, aiming to headbutt at the Cowboy like a wild bull. Ennio would respond in kind to the same attack, having both of them slam their heads over and over again, bruises being made and blood dripping down. Right when Talus believed Ennio would try to land another strike, he'd knee his stomach and use that opportunity to send another barrage, being dead-on with his strikes, punching at his face, his chest, and even doing a throat chop to continue his barrage without being interrupted. Despite being pummeled to oblivion, Ennio remained firm.

Talus continued his onslaught further, kicking at Ennio's leg and having him fall down at the ground, sending a barrage once more to his body, face, and stomach. Left hooks, straights, right hooks, elbows. It was a one-man army in terms of how much strength he's willing to give. Ennio could barely block back before delivering a kick to Talus' stomach, propelling him backwards, allowing Ennio to get back up. The minutes are almost up. He just needs to wait a little bit more.

Talus could see his life flashing before his eyes. From his very family, to the friends he made, to the very village he was raised in. He could see them in glimpses, constantly blinking away from his sight. Despite such inevitability, he'd keep fighting. He'd lunges himself forward once more, regaining his wind, trying to grapple and pin down the man himself, using his back and shoulders to maintain such weight, his shoulder blade being the impact to deliver the same blow he felt. He would grab ahold of his arms with one of his own, leaving the other ready to strike. "DISAPPEAR!! MORRWOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!" He'd scream, his lungs ready to give out, standing atop of the Cowboy and ready to deliver a blow straight to his face, almost holding the strength to crack his skull wide open.


The Cowboy laid down, looking at the fist being within a mere inch away from his face. He looked at that fist, not even flinching, as he'd feel the soft breeze blow by him. He'd look at the Elite, his eyes now remaining dormant. His body still stood, even after delivering such an onslaught. He could feel the warm blood trickle down at his clothes, as he'd move away slightly, allowing him to get up. He couldn't feel the weight anymore from the Elite's body. Ennio breathes a sigh of relief, proud of the man until the very end.

Talus was finally dead.

He'd allow the body to remain as it is, letting the breeze blow away any sweat he gained, any blood to remove, taking in the fresh air after such a legendary battle. He wasn't ashamed to admit it: It was a glorious match between them.