In a world where humans are born with special abilities, a group of individuals set out to uncover the truth behind their powers. Known as "The Seekers," they travel across both kingdoms and continents in search of answers.
The main character is a young girl named Aria, who possesses the ability to manipulate sound waves. Despite her powerful ability, she struggles to control it and often finds herself isolated from others.
One day, Aria meets a man named Kai who is also a Seeker. He helps Aria harness her abilities and offers her a place within their group. Alongside Kai, Aria meets other Seekers, each with their own unique abilities and personalities.
As they journey together, they uncover a sinister plot by a powerful organization seeking to eliminate all those with special abilities. The Seekers must unite and fight against their adversaries while also battling their inner demons and growing closer as a team.
Throughout their travels, Aria also discovers the truth about her abilities and her past, as well as developing feelings for Kai. Eventually, the Seekers become legends, known for their bravery and unwavering determination to protect those with special abilities. Create on the PC.