Chereads / Requiem's Voice / Chapter 51 - Chapter 1

Chapter 51 - Chapter 1


The Autumn wind was soft and cool as the trees shed their old leaves, preparing themselves for the harsh Winter season. As Siren walked down the partially destroyed sidewalk, he noticed construction workers, repairing the area where they fought. The workers were taking concrete within the truck, as they filled up holes and gaps using earth magic to smoothen it out.

Nearby was a donation stand for people in need of supplies, due to the intense level of destruction caused by AGAIS. Most of the stuff they were given out was purchased by him, due to Coldstorm leaving just as things got bad. Some of the people in line waved at him, with large smiles on their faces, and some of the kids even stuffed their hands out for high fives, which Siren happily gave them.

These people needed someone to look to for support, and even if Siren was technically burning through the money he gained through his parent's passing, sacrifices needed to be made for the better of people.

"How does it feel to finally be popular?" Azazel asked, poking her head out of his shoulder. Siren chuckled at her response, as he looked in her direction. "Being popular is overrated. "He said as he laughed at his response.

He walked up to the bar and opened it, and he felt a tad bit prideful seeing his brand-new furniture on full display. He took off his jacket as he hung it up on the coat rack on his office door. With patience to spare, he pulled a chair up to one of the tables as he sighed heavily. He pulled out his phone, as the sound of texting filled the room. As Siren texted on his phone, Azazel whispered in his head. "Ooooh~ Are you texting her again? You've been talking to her quite a bit lately don't you think?" She asks teasing him.

Siren blushed partially as he put his phone down, covering his screen. "So what? I'm allowed to talk to her, aren't I?" He muttered at the sound of the doorbell ringing, as footsteps entered the building. Siren turned his head as it was Micheal who arrived first, blunt in hand.

"What's good my brotha?" He asked, preparing for a dap up, which Siren happily dapped him up.

"Nothing much, just vibing out, waiting for CW to pull up." Siren replied as Micheal took a seat next to him.

He took a smoke of his blunt as smoke exited his nostrils with a dazed look on his face. Siren noticed the new dreads he had, as he pointed towards them in confusion. "What made you get dreads man? I thought you were gonna go bald?"

Micheal chuckled as he pulled out a bottle of water from his ginormous jacket pockets and took a small sip. "I was, but then my barber said that if I did, I probably wouldn't pull any women for a good bit." He said confidently, swinging his hair around.

Siren sighed. "Micheal, you've been single regardless of your haircut."

He looked down with a disappointed look on his face from Siren's response. " Yeah. . . I guess you're right." He said, his voice all gloomy.

With an aggravated expression on his face, he pointed at Siren, leaning over the wooden table. "You can't say much either, Cassidy!" He said with a smirk on his face, as Siren overdramatically gasped.

"How dare thou use my middle name! You know how much I hate that. . ." Siren said his expression as if he was acting in a movie.

"It's not my fault neither of us get any play. . . We're just unlucky. "Micheal replied.

The air got silent as Siren nervously whistled as the two locked eyes. The two of their black eyes not blinking.

"Why are you suspiciously whistling to my statement? You don't pull women... right?" He said his eyes glaring at Siren, as he held back a laugh at Micheal's cold remark.

"Well. . . I don't need to, because I may or may not be dating somebody at the time being. . ." Siren whispered.

Micheal froze in place as his eye twitched, as he slowly leaned back, smoking his blunt weirdly intensely. He waved it around in Siren's direction as he looked around before turning back towards him with a mix between a confused face, and an upset face. "Mother fucker, you look like Omar Epps mixed with R. Kelly, how the fuck do you pull women? He yelled out.

Siren laughed at his insult, though hurtful, it was nothing more than a friendly insult. "Aye man, I may not have the physique you got, but don't sleep on my looks bro, I got the heart to back my game up." Siren said, before hearing his phone buzz as he instantly went to texting as Micheal glared at his fingers tapping the screen.

"Hey man, if you gonna text her, at least let me see what she looks like!" He asked.

Siren chuckled as he began scrolling through his phone as he tapped on a photo.

He turned his phone around and it showed a young lady smiling, with black hair, the ends lightly dyed a deep-sea blue, and deep purple eyes, as she wore a light blue sun dress in a photo near a beach.

Micheal paused for a moment as he leaned back, processing what he'd seen.

"Siren. . . I have to say man. . . I didn't think you were into that type of build." He said holding a blunt close to his mouth.

Siren frowned as he raised an eyebrow towards Micheal's statement.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked.

Micheal chuckled as he took a smoke of blunt before asking. "I took you for the guy who's into the stereotypical skinny but tall build, not the slightly thick, motherly build. However, it does make sense the more I look at you." He ridiculed.

Siren's face froze for a second as he leaned on the table. "Are you saying I have mommy issues?" Siren asked, but before Micheal could answer, the door opened.

The two looked towards the door as John and Clockwork walked in, both wearing jackets. "What's good y'all?" John asked as he took a seat at the table. Clockwork was soon to sit down as well, as each of them sat at the table as if each of them were a direction on a compass as silence filled the room.

"John, Clockwork. . . I have some bad news." Micheal said, his face stone cold as he stared at the two.

"Siren had gotten a whole girlfriend and wasn't gonna tell us!" He said with a sense of an overdramatic tone, everyone gasped in shock as their eyes turned towards Siren.

"Siren. . . How could you do this to your homies?" Clockwork said as he gently slammed his fist onto the table.

"And here I thought you were gay," John said it made the other two laugh as Siren sat there blushing and pouting at their remarks.

"It isn't that big of a deal guys! It's not like she's gonna be a higher priority than you guys!" He insisted as his phone buzzed again as he began texting back with a heartfelt smile on his face.

"He has mommy issues; the chick looks like she could be a young mom," Micheal whispered as they all watched Siren text and chuckle.

John snatched the phone from Siren as he tried to grab it with his hand, but John pushed him away from his other arm as he scrolled through the text.

"Come on man! Give it back! You're invading my privacy!" Siren said in a teasing voice as he stretched further to grab it, but John gently held his hand back with a smirk on his face.

"What are you finna do? Use your other hand to take it from me?" John jokingly said as Clockwork and Micheal busted into laughter.

Siren sighed as he sat back down, watching John go through his phone as the other two watched.

Oooh look at you hitting it off with a girl, but I have to say, lil bro... You got mommy issues." John said as he sneered at his comment towards Siren.

Siren frowned at his statement, as he leaned back in his chair watching them scroll through his messages.

It isn't a big deal that they were reading them, but rather their intent behind it. It was annoying, to say the least.

They handed him back the phone as they sat back down, still joking about him.

"Hey guys, can we please get back to the topic at hand please?" He asked pouting, as he sunk into his chair.

Everyone quieted down as Clockwork cleared his throat as he stood up.

"It looks like Charlotte and Sam are gonna be late to the meeting, so I'll just start without them." He spoke

Everyone sat up straight as they carefully listened to Clockwork as he spoke.

"The reason why I called you guys here is because Coldstorm will be back in 3 days, and we don't have a plan of action yet. Before we figure out our game plan, we still need a group name." He declared as everyone thought for a moment.

"How about the Mean Green?" Micheal asked.

Everybody paused at his name as they all turned to look at him.

"That's a stupid name man," John said.

Micheal leaned closer towards his direction as he pointed his finger at him. "Oh yeah? And what name do you have smart-ass?" He asked with annoyance in his tone.

John confidently smirked as he leaned forward in his chair.

"That's easy, The Dauntless Brigade." He said in an overdramatic tone.

Everyone paused for a moment as they thought about it for a moment. "Ya know? That kinda goes hard I can't lie." Siren said as Clockwork nodded in agreement, while Micheal stayed quiet.

He didn't want to admit it, but he also liked the name.

"Alright since we have our name, anybody got a plan?" Clockwork asked.

Just as he asked that question, the door swung open to see Charlotte and Sam, freshly dressed and shaved at the occasion, as they stood in the sunlight.

"We already have one in action, my friend," Sam said with a devious smirk on his face.

*Hey guys it's Mochea here, and I'm back healthy and ready to go! I appreciate you guys waiting for me these last couple of months so I can get myself together. I can assure you guys this, on my break I've been working hard to work ahead of schedule and make sure everything is neatly written, a new year is a new me after all.

Hope everyone is doing well, and if you need someone to talk to Find me @Mochea139 on Twitter! Or @mochea on Instagram. It's my job as a writer to write stories and make sure my fans are doing alright, so if you need somebody to talk to, I'm here for you guys.

Have a nice day, and I'll see you next week!