Chereads / Chronic Reincarnation of a weedman / Chapter 14 - Gods and Weed Seeds 2

Chapter 14 - Gods and Weed Seeds 2

Chronic found himself on cloud nine munching on snacks and drinking juices and some wines to battle cotton mouth. He wouldn't have minded a few beers but he felt lucky to get wine considering his new age of 12, together with the Gods he joked about his life experiences. Four hours later he was asleep and the Gods decided to rest up themselves, when everyone woke up it was time for a serious conversation. More food was on the table when Chronic woke up, "Good you're up, now we should talk seriously" Ira stated calmly. "Okay but can I get another blunt for this, it'll keep me calm just in case you're about to tell me something bad" Chronic said seeing their faces. Anu Bis lit up and hit the blunt and waited for everyone to get a hit before he started, "Well let's start with the seeds themselves. Firstly all have been blessed by myself and the others, however you will notice that they are separated in smaller bags inside. Each bag was given different blessings, you can see the labels to know what blessing they have. This seed here however "he placed a single seed on the table" was blessed by all of us together and even Terra the world itself blessed this seed, we decided to call it the God Weed Seed. Unlike the other seeds it will be grown inside you, we will create a core for your unique weed magic and inside it this seed will grow. Inside your core you will have absolute control, almost like being a god of your own world. You can even move your monsters there if you both agree, I don't know why but Terra has taken a liking to you. She will meet you when you plant this seed in your core, that is all we were told by her. Now that we covered that, you are horrible with using magic. You waste your potential with magic, you have been given full access to it yet limit yourself to Fireballs and Ice spikes and Terra spikes and flying. I've decided that you will start proper magic training in the magic academy in the Evernest Dominion. It's with their help so long ago we were able to banish Decay, do you have any questions before we continue?" Anu Bis asked. Hitting the blunt and exhaling Chronic asked "Can you tell me more about Decay? I have a monster who fought against him when he was human before he became a Lich King. He was only able to tell me he was full of hate for everything, wanting all to decay that is why he picked that name. Also I knew the world was alive but it has an actual personality? and finally the core for my weed magic please explain it farther? I don't understand what you mean by core I thought magic was free flowing" Chronic asked extremely curious about these topics.

Hitting the blunt and holding it Titan Mars held up his finger telling him to wait because he wanted to answer. After a minute and thirty seconds he released a huge cloud of smoke and coughed, when he could speak he said "Terra will explain herself and the core to you when you go to plant the God Weed Seed before you leave here, as for Decay I'll explain everything I can and hopefully you will understand how important it is that you learn to use magic properly and how sorry we all are. Roughly 200 years ago the Gods of that time brought him over from earth, see they felt that with his knowledge of science he could enhance Terra. He asked them to give him help from strong beings, so they made him a tamer to use monsters as he saw fit. At first he decided to try and make the world better, he helped create the Evernest Dominion along with a woman he fell in love with named Debbie Readfield. Apparently she reminded him of his wife from earth before they had a falling out, I don't really know what happened on earth. Anyways she was married to another and he kept trying to convince her to be with him, after many failed attempts he finally convinced her to sleep with him which she regretted deeply. Still she kept seeing him out of fear he'd tell her husband or just simply kill him, finally after 10 years she couldn't take it so she stopped seeing him. During that time she realized she no longer loved her husband and couldn't stand Decay, so she left him and kept everything strictly business with Decay from then on. This didn't sit right with Decay so he killed her and left the Evernest Dominion, no one knows exactly what he did during that time except that he gathered an army of monsters around seventy. Before he killed her and left, he became a savior of the world, so imagine our surprise seeing him attacking nations left and right barely leaving any survivors. We were all victims of his as well each of us being saviors of the world ourselves, but one by one he almost killed us using deception. He got me by sending his monster army to attack my homeland, then pretending to help me, he waited until I was distracted and stabbed me in the back. The bastard left me to die but, the acting Gods saved me and the others, we worked together with the only safe haven left to banish him Evernest Dominion. Though that wasn't his end I'm afraid, see before we could end him he reached godhood. From the dark deed of nearly destroying the world, he became a God of darkness. So we banished him out of the world, but last I heard he surpassed godhood and went down the path of Law."

"We along with Terra fear what Decay might decide to do if he manages to become the Lord of Law, that is why we are willing to give you anything and everything you need to ascend to the realm of Law and Chaos. We don't completely understand why he chose Law over Chaos but, whatever his reason he must be stopped" said Abnoba. "Wait, you want me to fight this Decay guy that took all 4 of you and the entire Evernest Dominion to defeat? more importantly he ascended beyond the God realm into the highest realm of Law and Chaos and somehow I'm supposed to do something about it? You muthafuckas had 200ish years to work towards stopping him so how did it come down to me to stop him?" Chronic asked having lost his high. "relax kid we will explain, firstly we had to fix the destruction he caused. Then we had to stop his every attempt to destroy Terra, and he is vindictive against us for banishing him before he could finish his goal. However he can't do anything himself as of yet, still he has his monster army still bound to him. Only a tamer can free them, that is why Terra has decided to help you. He found a way to permanently harness their power for himself, he has bound them and hid them in places on Terra and as long as they are bound he has full access to all of them and can force them to act. There are over 50 of them bound, after you learn to use magic properly you can beat them and free their Soul Gem. Well Terra said something along those lines anyway, but only you can do it as a tamer yourself. In fact normally you would just be reborn within your own world, but Terra sensed something special about you. We ar-" "Enough Ira before you say something you regret" shouted Anu Bis. "So I'm a pawn in a game for you?!" Chronic asked anger burst out of him, "I'm not doing shit for you, I trusted you, believing that I was being given a second chance to live my life over. I should have known you niggas was dirty, nothing in life is free" getting up and starting to walk away Chronic realized he wasn't somewhere he could just walk away. though he didn't let that stop him and walked out the door, "Give him time, after all he's smart enough to know he will have to fight to keep everyone he cares about safe" Anu Bis said speaking the truth. Walking around outside for thirty minutes Chronic conversed with his monsters and calmed himself down, he walked back inside with a serious look on his face and sat down at the table. "First let me say this, if you had told me from the beginning I wouldn't have minded, something for something makes sense to me. Instead you took advantage of my lack of knowledge like I'm some dumb nigga and I hate that, especially because I was some dumb nigga because I not only didn't know but also couldn't know. That said I hate you all, yet I love you for the life I've been given. I'm conflicted because I don't like what you did but also I understand why you did it. I won't let the people I've come to care about suffer because I didn't act, however know that if you are still hiding something after today I'll wash my hands of you and all this. So tell me everything now or I'll join him against you" Chronic said finally feeling truly calm.