Chereads / Kazuo's Revenge / Chapter 25 - Hanzo's training begins!

Chapter 25 - Hanzo's training begins!

The two students sat on the ground and listened to their sensei carefully.

"First things first, we will start with the basics. Do you know what prana is?"

"The life-force energy that exists in all living organisms," both of them answered simultaneously, although Mikoto's beaming expressions showed more enthusiasm.

It was like they were back in one of Hideo's classes, however, they had not been taught anything about the subject Hanzo was about to venture into.

"But are we not heading into pseudoscience?" asked Takumi. "I have not read any scientific papers proving the existence of prana."

"I see, we have a skeptic in our midst." Hanzo smiled. "I guess one day you will be the one to write about it then after this. Originating from the sun, prana is also a c–"

"May I join the class Mr. Hanzo sir?" Kazuo bowed his head, interrupting the lesson.

"Have you arrived at a reason to become stronger then?"

"Yes sir!"

"Which is?"

"I want to be strong so I can protect those closest to me," came the response from the Inazuma youth. "Since the Shadow ninjas are after me, I risk putting my friends and family in danger. I was not there to protect my mother who meant everything to me so I want to be able to protect those who are still around. I think that is what she would have wanted."

"Well then Kazuo-kun that is an excellent resolve!" said Hanzo. "Welcome to the lesson, we were just starting."

Kazuo sat down next to Mikoto, placing her in the middle between him and Takumi.

"As I was saying, prana is also a current that flows in the body through energy pathways called nadis. In humans, these channels are connected to seven main wheels also known as chakras. Located from the base of the spine to just about the head…these are Muladhara, Svadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna and Sahasrara (Sanskrit: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown)." He explained. "They are opened from the lowest to the highest and that short exercise you just did was to help you open the Muladhara."

The trio held on to every word.

"Before we begin opening our chakras, prana can also be divided into light and dark. The first six chakras make light whilst the seventh chakra is dark energy. Those who use light prana are known as conductors and those who use dark prana are known as projectors. The seven chakras have an element corresponding to each of them. From the first to the seventh we have earth, water, fire, air, ether, light and shadow."

Kazuo's eyes began to flutter and he started to yawn.

"The first five elements can be grouped into the three dosha (Sanskrit: defects), which conductors may fall under. The first dosha is Kapha (earth–water), followed by Pitta (water–fire) and then Vata (air–ether). Everyone has at least a single dominant element from their respective Dosha, although with a great deal of training, all the primary elements can be mastered."

"So how does a person determine which category they fall under?" asked Mikoto.

"Great question Mikoto-chan," said Hanzo. "Determining an individual's dosha can be done by assessing their personality or more accurately by observing their ability to conduct elements. Another way is having someone who has opened the Ajna chakra look to see the colour of their latent aura."

Takumi made a frown but held his peace, still unconvinced. 

"I see, so if you can tell sensei…" said Mikoto. "What colour are our latent auras?"

Hanzo made the Chinmaya mudra, brought the gesture in front of his face and closed his eyes.

"You and Kazuo-kun have a light green aura and that colour corresponds to air."

"Which means we're Vata!" said Mikoto.

"Yes, my dosha is also Vata. And you, Takumi-kun? Would you like to know yours?"

"Sure, why not?" said Takumi. "I'll play along."

"Yours is light red," said Hanzo. "And also judging from your intellectual and grounded personality, it corresponds to–" 

"I'm guessing earth." 

"Indeed, making yours Kapha," said Hanzo, applauding the Artisan. "Alright I will make a demonstration, can you wake that guy up." He pointed at Kazuo.

Mikoto nudged Kazuo who had started to snore.

Hanzo removed a lighter from his pocket and started a fire. "Since my dosha is Vata and my dominant element is air, watch closely as I use the air around us to increase the size of the flame. The stronger the wind, the faster the fire will spread."

He placed his thumb on his index finger and brought the hand close to his chest. After making the gesture, he took a deep breath and then exhaled; with each exhalation and inhalation, the size of the fire increased and then decreased respectively. Mikoto and Kazuo were wide eyed and amazed by what they observed. Takumi, however, was still unconvinced. He told everyone that Hanzo was just blowing onto the flame, nothing more than a cheap trick.

"A cheap trick you say, Takumi-kun?" Hanzo grinned. He pressed his thumb on his palm and raised all four fingers. "Manipura!"

The young trio had to jump from where they sat to avoid being engulfed by the roaring fire that had spread violently. Hanzo and the flame stood at the same height; the fire was almost ten times bigger than it was. He released his mudra which in turn extinguished the fire completely. 

"Sugoi (Awesome)!" Kazuo said in amazement. "When can you teach us how to do that?"

"Yeah, that was amazing indeed but please sensei, warn us next time!" said Mikoto, aghast. She was both amazed and shocked at the same time.

"Interesting illusion you did right there," said Takumi, his mouth wide open underneath his jacket as he failed to rationalize what he had just seen. "What's with the hand gestures?"

"Oh, these are called mudras." Hanzo made a demonstration, "There are mainly five of them and they are used to channel the flow of prana from the chakra points to the rest of the body. The thumb represents fire and is used to activate the other elements. From the little finger to the index, we have water, earth, ether and air. So, when you place your thumb on each of the fingers you get the mudras Varuna, Prithvi, Akasha and Vayu (Sanskrit: Water, Earth, Ether and Wind) respectively. As for the Agni (Sanskrit: Fire) mudra, you press your thumb on your palm whilst raising all the fingers."

His students listened attentively, as he explained that he had first conducted air by opening the Heart chakra and used his Solar Plexus to amplify the flame.

"If everything goes accordingly, you three should be done with the training I have prepared in just six months. The first month, we will be focusing on building strength followed by flexibility in the second, endurance and balance in the third and fourth months." He paused for a moment to sip from his hyōtan, "After four months, you should have opened the first four chakras. For the fifth and sixth months, I will focus mainly on kenjutsu with Kazuo whilst you two will look for weapons that best suit you and you will learn to use them to amplify your dominant elements. By the end of the regimen your bodies should be far stronger than they are now and they will be your saving grace if you fail to master your conduction."

Takumi posed a question, "Back then with the fire illusion, why didn't you conjure the flame from thin air? That would have been more believable?"

"Well, I could in theory but…" said Hanzo, scratching his head. "That would use up a lot of my prana which I would still need in if I was in a battle. Hence, it is advised to conduct an element from an actual source because you only use a fraction of your prana. You can use a weapon to further amplify it."

"So does that mean the Legendary Sage's swords are amplifiers?" asked Takumi.

"Indeed, Kazuro-sensei made them with that in mind. Each swords were forged from materials that conduct their respective elements. Their strength can also be used to withstand prana attacks from the same element. That is the reason they are ten times better at prana amplification than ordinary weapons."

"Okay then, how would we know that we have opened the Root chakra?" Mikoto asked.

"The short answer is…when you are able to easily lift Dōjin."

Mikoto and Takumi looked at each other with wide eyebrows but said nothing. They could not believe what they were hearing.

"I can already lift Dōjin," said Kazuo. "So what will I be doing then?"

"Interesting that you ask." Hanzo answered him. "You will, however, still need to practice Muladhara meditation to balance the chakra. Furthermore, there is no harm in training with Takumi and Mikoto."

"Cool…guess I'll join you guys," said Kazuo, turning to face his friends.

The first month comprised of daily strength training for the trio. They did what felt like one hundred sets of pushups, squats and weight lifting. Root chakra meditation was held at the end of each day, they had to concentrate on a red sphere that turned clockwise at the base of the spine; while maintaining the Prithvi mudra in each hand. Mikoto was able to lift and hold Dōjin for a few seconds before he demanded to be put down. This was only halfway through the month. 

Takumi's attempts to lift the sword ended with him grasping for air and breaking a sweat. The Artisan was, however, steadily building some muscle mass. When the end of the month came, he was able to lift and hold the sword for half a minute whilst Mikoto could do it for five. 

Kazuo was now able to swing the sword with ease because he had an ancestral bond with Dōjin, coupled with Hanzo's training–the sword felt as light as a feather. 

"You have become centered and grounded." Hanzo told his students at the end of the first month. "The Muladhara chakra is now open and balanced."

The weather was getting cooler towards the end of August heading towards fall in the middle of September. The forest began taking on vibrant vistas of red, orange and orange due to the falling temperatures. The locals were in high spirits as they prepared for the various rituals that came in that time of year.

September was for water training. The trio focused on their flexibility with yoga and stretching exercises each day. As the days went on, signs of a cold winter could not be disputed. During the evenings they took part in Sacral meditation by visualizing an orange sphere located in the lower abdomen with the Varuna mudra. By the end of the month, their Svadhisthana chakras were open and balanced.