Chereads / Kazuo's Revenge / Chapter 18 - A warning to Kazuo

Chapter 18 - A warning to Kazuo

Dozens of foot ninjas were posted at the main entrance and most of the day-to-day running of the village resumed. The lockdown having been dissolved, peasants and traders were free to move within the borders after careful inspection.

Five days after the attack, Kagero had seized power over the Lightning region and declared himself as the Shadow Sage. He brought reinforcements from Kurai village to ensure the vassal lords from each district pledged fealty to him.

The new ruler dressed in a kasa and black haori had several bandages all over his body–leaving only the eyes visible. After discovering Kazuo was not in Kaminari village, he tasked five assassins to search for him in each of the other districts. A part of him believed that when news of Kazutaka's death reached Kazuo, the boy would return to Kaminari village.

Kagero's father–Kagehiko had had a vision of becoming a Shadow Emperor, ruling over the entire land of Nihon. Hence, he now believed that by ruling over two regions, he was slowly on his way to realizing that dream.

Most of the villagers were still clad in black. So Kagero allowed for a service to be held for Sage Kazutaka. Peasants and noblemen, like ants, marched from every district in the Lightning region and gathered in droves to pay their last respects.


On the funeral morning just as the summer sun rose in the sky, Shin and Hideo paid Asuka a visit at the Medical Corp centre. She had regained consciousness but her limbs were still immobile. She had been instructed not to over exert herself by a ninja doctor and when her friends told her about their plan, she blinked in approval.

When visiting was over, the two men left for the inn Shin had been renting. 

"Today's perfect," said Hideo once they got inside. "With all the commotion about Taka-sensei's funeral, you can easily go to Kaen and be back before sundown."

"Alright… I'll have to change into my disguise first."

Shin had impeccable skills in disguises and impressions as he went as far as changing his usual low tone into a higher pitch. He put on a set of short, ragged jinbei and wore a scruffy beard. Once he undid the ponytail and messed up his hair before wearing a kasa, he looked and felt like a peasant. "Y–Young man, would you mind holding this for me? My back is killing me..." he said, handing over his katana.

Hideo grabbed the sword, bursting into laughter.

No peasant ever carried a katana, especially one of that caliber. There were isolated cases where they carried short melee weapons such as cheap tantō, daggers or kunai knives. They relied on their faith in the gods to keep them safe and were often rewarded them with a journey free of bandits.

"Yes sir," said Hideo, after laughing his lungs out. "Your sword is in good hands."

Shin filled a sack with enough rice to hide a tantō and bid Hideo farewell. He faced little to no trouble until he reached the main gate.

"And where are we going?" A foot ninja read from Shin's pass. "Tanaka-san?"

"I'm visiting home for trade."

"And where would that be?"

"The village of Tochigi… in the Rice region."

The foot ninja opened and looked inside Shin's sack briefly before letting him go. When he was out of sight from any patrolling Shadow ninjas, Shin took out his tantō and hid the bag in a nearby bush. Having reduced the weight on him, he made a dash for the Fire region.

Shin arrived in Kaen village around noon. He revealed his identity at the main entrance and was escorted by one of the samurai guards. When he reached the castle, he was brought to the throne room where two boys were playing shōgi.

"Shin?" said Takumi, turning away from the board. 

Shin sighed. "Was I that easy to notice?"

"Not entirely, I just recalled your features, otherwise the disguise could've easily fooled anyone." Takumi turned to Kenzo. "Oh, by the way... this is­–"

"Shin-san, an elite shinobi from Kaminari..." said the samurai escort, bowing and the Lightning ninja did the same. "Daimyo-sama."

"Your presence here suggests something must've gone wrong," said Takumi.

"The Lord Sage, he–passed on five days ago." Shin paused. "Is Kazuo around?"

"G–grandpa Taka…" said Kenzo, his jaw widened as he turned pale.

He recently lost his parents and now this... it'll shatter him! Takumi dropped his bishop, trembling. "Affirmative, he's by the Inazuma shrine..." he said at last before turning to Kenzo. "My deepest condolences... Lord Kazutaka was like a father to a lot of us."

"True," said Shin. "He will be greatly missed."

"Who will be missed?" asked Kazuo as he entered the room drenched in sweat.

"I'm afraid the Lord Sage… your grandfather has passed away," said Shin.

Kazuo's jaw clenched and his eyes widened as he froze. A ringing resounded in his ears and the words sank deep into his head. "Okay," he said with a cold, emotionless tone. "I'm going out."

"Before you leave," said Shin, grabbing Kazuo's shoulder. "I'm here to tell you­ that–"

Kazuo shrugged him off and left.

Shin turned to Takumi and Kenzo. "I'm here to warn Kazuo not to return home. As we speak, there's a search for him all over the Lightning region..."

"Which means," said Kenzo, placing a hand on his chin. "We might be next."

"Exactly!" said Shin, readying to leave. "He should go somewhere they won't be able to reach him." He paused and bowed. "I'm afraid I have to return before they find out I've left. Lord Kenzo, Takumi... it was a pleasure seeing you."

The two boys bid the Lightning elite farewell and he left.

Afterwards, Takumi went to Kazuo's room and found the prince crawled up on a tatami mattress–sobbing. He sat down beside him and offered condolences. "I can't imagine how hard this must be... but we're here if you need to talk," he said before relaying Shin's warning.

Kazuo wiped his face and got up. "I'm leaving for the Earth country tomorrow."

"I don't think you should travel alone–"

"You guys can come if you want..."

Takumi fixed his shades. "With a bounty on you... you'll need a disguise."

Kazuo was quiet.

"The enemy is looking for someone fitting your description. There aren't that many fifteen-year olds with violet hair. I suggest dying so we face less trouble on the way."


Mikoto had spent almost the entire day relaxing at the village spa. She came to the palace on time for supper and was greeted by sad faces. When the boys brought her up to speed about Kazutaka's passing, she too turned pale.

The evening meal of ramen, miso broth and topped with sliced pork, tasted rather bland. They ate in total silence–memories of the late Sage clouding their minds.

"Takumi tells me you're leaving for the Earth country tomorrow," said Kenzo in a bid to lighten the mood. "That's a four days' journey on a carriage."

"Yeah." Kazuo gulped a mouthful. "I need to begin sword training with this Hanzo."

"Thank you for having us, Kenzo-sama." Mikoto's face flushed red. "I really felt like a princess here."

Kenzo smiled. "Dōitashimashite, Mikoto-san…"

After supper, Mikoto dyed Kazuo's hair black and Takumi stocked up on a few supplies. The next day arrived quickly and the trio readied to leave before dawn. They were escorted outside by Kenzo and two samurai. On arrival at the royal stables, a stallion connected to its carriage waited and they loaded their bags.

The trio bid Kenzo farewell and set out for the Earth country at first light. They travelled through a dense forest filled with both tall and short trees. The carriage moved at an average speed, increasing when the dusty road cleared.

In two days, they had travelled from Kaen to Gifu through Natsuo village with little to no challenges along the way. They drove half the day–stopping to eat and rest. During their stationary hours, Kazuo also trained with Mikoto while Takumi drowned himself in Fire region literature.

By the third day, they had crossed the Grass border at Shiga and restocked on supplies from local merchants. When they stopped to rest at Hyogo district, Mikoto and Kazuo convinced their comrade to join them in taijutsu training. Later during the night, Takumi heard a rustle in the nearby bushes. He woke the other two and suddenly, three rōnin jumped towards their tent. The Lightning team defeated their enemy with ease and tied them before leaving the campsite for a safer spot.

Hours into the fourth morning, it was smooth travelling for the trio as the Tochiyama border presented itself in the distant horizon. Flocks of people entering and leaving the Earth country appeared like ants from afar. Their destination now almost in sight, the trio galloped forward–unbeknownst to what awaited them there.