Chereads / The craziest Alien / Chapter 18 - Life for Life  

Chapter 18 - Life for Life  


As Breder stood amongst the flames, the roaring fire paled to fire burning in his heart! For as he gazed upon his children, he only needed to say one word…


For in that one word contained all the knowledge his children needed to understand what to do. For through that one word, they could feel his anger, his desires, his rage, but most importantly his hunger! As they raced off, leaving only Layla, and Mirielye with one royal guard, Breder used the tips of his tail to smash the flame turret, now that he was done with the dramatics.

As all of the "sisters' ran in unison to reach their target, the runners were naturally faster and through leaping against tree to tree they managed to jump onto the moving cart!

As his children jumped the cart, Breder asks Vice

{Vice! I'm way too slow! Can you use the rest of the minerals I got off the ship to increase my speed by also reducing some of my outer plating at the same time?}

[Beep… Yes, though you will lose lots of defense capabilities, But I see you desire speed right now above all else! The upgrade will shape your muscle to better fit running, at the cost of physical power. But I advise you to keep the plating around your vitals...] replied Vice

{Deal! Just get me to move faster!} said Breder as he was the slowest amongst the children before him

Mr. Black POV

As Black drove his cart through the forest, nervously trying to get away, he felt the sudden bumps and weight of the cart become heavier! Hearing the scratching and hissing he knew they had managed to jump onboard his cart! Trying to shake them off, he did sharp turns, drove upside down, in some vein hope that he could free himself of them! Only to be shaken, as tails whipped through the floors, the roof, and the sides of the cart!

While dodging tails and claws, Black looked out his window to his right to see one of the monsters looking right at him! Scared, he pulled out his pistol with his free hand and opened fire out the window! But his handgun was just too weak to completely throw off the monster! Seeing no other alternative, he drove his cart close to a tree, smashing the monster against it! Freeing the cart from her grasp!

While he shot one off the cart, a tail burst through the roof above him cutting through his shoulder! While injured but not giving up he willed his injured arm to shoot above the driver's seat! Hearing screams, he made multiple sharp turns, throwing off the injured monster that sat above him!

With that one gone he forgot about the one below him! But luckily for him the creature did get to impale him with her tail, for her tail instead impaled one of the electric wheels keeping his old rusty cart in the air! However, she was unable to handle the sudden shock to her system the second her tail impaled the electric wheel! This caused her to immediately lose her grip and fall into the forest below!

But she managed to blow it completely offline! Now smoking and dragging, Mr. Black screamed:

[No! NO! No! etc] in a panic

While smashing buttons, through bleeding arms, and sweaty pits he saw the tree line coming into focus! With hope just before his eyes, the roof above him tore open! Seeing the monster looking down at him from above, ready and willing to grab him, Black was about to shoot it, when he remembered what happened when he shot the last one! If that acidic blood of theirs landed at him right now he would surely die! But what could he do?

Thinking quickly, he remembered that his gun didn't only fire bullets but one other unique feature! It could proceed flames! Sure, it was a gimmick he had installed to light his cigars and the cartage had to be reloaded after one use, but right now it was something that could potentially save his life!

As the monster reached in to pull him out of the driver seat, Black shoved the pistol into the creature's mouth and let it go! Seeing the creature screeching and holding its face from the sudden pain, Black turned the whole cart upside down, immediately throwing off the Xeno from the cart!

Thinking he had escaped the worst of it he was at the very edge of the forest when he suddenly lost another power wheel! Confused, he checks his mirrors to see Elphe standing on a tree wiping the acid from her mouth! Now tilting upwards, Black cart was on its last legs just as he passed the tree line! Happily thinking, they would retreat, Black let his guard down for a second only to get the fright of his life! For the "metal one" jumps down onto the hood of the vehicle facing Black!

Seeing Breder punch the windshield wide open with a single punch, Black starts firing his gun right at his chest! As his thinner plates absorbed the bullets, though still painful, Breder ignored it. Through a bleeding chest he pulled Black out of the vehicle and tossed him onto the grass below! As Breder jumped off the cart to go after Black, the cart spun out of control and crashed into the open grassy field, as it exploded the dusty winds danced the fire around.

As dark clouds formed in the sky, Breder held Black by the throat! Black, not wanting to die by this monster's hands, raised his gun to blow his own head, when Breder grabbed and crushed both his hand and the gun at the same time with his claws. Screaming at the pain, while looking at his crushed hand, he cursed at Breder as he was pulled towards his face!

While Breder enjoyed the sounds of the man's screams, he gave him another shock! A shock he didn't think possible, that shock was the fact that he could talk!

{Though there is much I would like to say, I will get to the point! You killed one of my daughters! So, it's only fair you use your life as her replacement!} Breder said to the horror of Black

Black stared horror stricken at the sudden appearance of a hand-like creature that was holding onto Breder's wrist. While seeing the creature inch close Black was going to say something when Breder increased his grip around his throat choking him and spoke

{I don't care what you have to say… I only want you to satisfy this one single desire}

With the man subdued, Breder turned to leave back to the cave, when he noticed something falling out of Black jacket! picking it up, he knew exactly what it was, he put it next to his mouth and made one of the loudest screeching roars he could! Then he swiftly crushed it with his hand! With that done, he impulsively stopped walking to turn and looked into the sky!

Pirate captain very short POV

While hearing, Mr. Black screams followed soon after by Breder roar. The men and women on the captain bridge were as quiet as a mouse! Until:

[Captain! I can't believe what I'm seeing! Did that creature really capture Sir Black!] said Vycent

[Calm down! He is still alive… for now anyway, after all his life-light is still on.] replied the captain

[Sir I think the star monster is staring at us!] said Vycent in shock

[umm..., so it is…fascinating!] said the captain

[Sir… what do you think, is it's plotting? Is this some kind of warning?] said Vycent

[Meh…who knows but…who cares! What it can do to us all the way down there…] the captain begins to laugh for a few minutes then says [It's not like it can fly!]

[HA! So true captain I was worried for nothing but… Do we send a rescue party for Mr. Black?] asked Vycent

[Yes… call Mr. White! If Black dies, then we will lose a valuable member! OH! And till him he can take the little fairy dragon with him!]

Breder POV

{Alright guys you did great out there, now heal your injuries, but as you heal... You four report to me, what you have found in your search!} said Breder almost demanding

{I see theirs and an underwater cave, behind a waterfall, but it is guarded by a big crocodile type creature with its children… interesting and you?} said Breder

{umm… a hidden cave beneath a big willow tree… not bad… might have to kill the entire tribe of tree imps but not bad… and you?} said Breder

{umm... So, the only thing you found was a hidden city in the forest filled with pointy ear creatures, I assume you mean Elfs but ok, then you found a city with short humans that had mechanical wonders and fast-moving boxes, to what I assume you mean trains… ok noted! And you?}

{Ok now we are getting somewhere! A ruined temple city hidden deep in the caverns in the mountain to the north! Sure, it filled to the brim with goblins and trolls with the occasional bug monster coupled with fire storms with unknown origin… great can't wait to find out what other secrets lay within those mountains' borders! OH, Layla you don't suppose there is a lava swimming shark! Or talking fire cat people!} said Breder in total excitement

[I don't know about all that, but the cat people do exist… but they're not one to take lightly... I heard the armor they use is even more advanced than that of the dwarfs.] replied Layla

{I can hardly wait; I always wanted a ruined temple theme base… this is going to be fun!} said Breder