Once upon a time, the tranquil balance of a world was disrupted by the arrival of dragons, who merged their reality with the mainstream. Before this occurrence, humans thrived in the southern deserts, shielded by mountains from orcish raiders that roamed the central plains. Elves resided in the heart of the continent, erecting their city around the mythical Yggdrasil tree, while mermaids populated the continent's largest lake. The western forests and wastelands were home to beast folk, and the frigid northern expanse was the realm of giants. Each race had ruled their respective domains for millennia until the dragons' arrival.
Under the Dragon God's command, the dragons subjugated other races. The giants were the most resistant, their robust forms immune to dragon fire and their enormous axes capable of slaying dragons.
In response, the Dragon God wielded one of the six artifacts believed to belong to the God of Creation. This artifact cursed the giants, transforming them into everything they were not. Enslaved and reduced to dwarves, they fell under the dragons' rule.
Each race succumbed to the dragons' tyranny, leading to the dragons' quest to collect all the God of Creation's artifacts. Due to the artifact that subjugated the giants, the dragons found their movements restricted and assigned the dwarves to gather the remaining artifacts.
However, an unexpected human uprising disrupted this plan. A commoner, having killed his king and stolen an artifact, achieved the unthinkable: he slew a dragon and withstood its fiery breath. News of this victory reverberated across the world.
The dwarves and orcs launched an assault on the human rebellion, only to be obliterated by a bright light before they even crossed the mountain range into the desert. Frightened, the surviving dwarves and orcs fled, leaving the Dragon God no choice but to mobilize his dragon army.
Believing themselves invincible in the sky, the dragons were stunned when the humans unleashed pillars of light that shot through the air at astonishing speed. Any dragon hit by these light pillars fell from the sky.
The Dragon God, realizing this weapon had its limits, ordered the dragons to surge forward at full speed. To his horror, he found the human rebel leader, his hair now white and his face burnt yet beautiful, rushing towards them with a sword in hand. This sword was an artifact—one of the six belonging to the God of Creation.
As the rebel ascended skyward on floating swords, he began slashing at dragons. The Dragon God, unharmed by the rebel's swords, transformed into his humanoid form and retaliated. Though initially outmatched, the rebel rallied his swords and unleashed an all-out assault on the Dragon God, sending him flying and numbing his hands.
Recognizing the rebel's power, the Dragon God took to the skies again, raining down hellfire. Yet the rebel, to the Dragon God's astonishment, remained unscathed. He appeared to teleport through the flames, his smile both charming and terrifying. The Dragon God poured everything into one final, powerful strike.
A hand and a head fell—the hand belonging to the rebel and the head to the Dragon God.